I do live threads good!
Grx from eSTRO vs KT's 0910 PL Opening Day Thread
Lets be reaL here. Violet is on fire going 7-3 in his last10. Action is still new and while he may be the next big zerg thing on eSTRO] he just isnt playing that well .. yet
Finally, Flying gets a non S-class player. Go watch Flyings game vs EffOrt on HBR. Oh. My. GOD. this kid is going to engineer the future of PvZ. + Show Spoiler +
really is doing really (lol pun) well. But then again flash is in god-mode. I dont think really has it in him to stop him
Oh my god. remember their last game on Outsider? I hope UP brings something AS creative to the table again. I dont think i will be dissapointed.
Flash will take it in ACE without a doubt
Really - TvP streak 10 wins!! Already 2nd highest of all time. 2 wins from Flash's 12.
Flash - TvT streak ## wins (lost count)
UpMagiC - Flash Killer
i'm looking forward to the upmagic vs luxury rematch
hopefully upmagic's crazy strat wins him the game this time
yes, you do do good live report threads just don't disappear when the games start ^.^
Violet has good PvZ, Hoejja is playing his only good matchup and Flash is playing. I'm going to be completely biased and say 3-0 KT.
damnit risingdragoon... where's all the hype and enthusiasm??
NICE OP! I am not very confident that this match will live up to OP's standard.
Even if this goes to an ace, KT should have this.
estro's gonna get fingerboomed
Somehow I have the feeling that Really will beat Flash.
But then I think about it and go nahhhhhhh
United States4796 Posts
Liking the card symbols. Beautiful thread. Go KT!
Sick OP. Rematch of the century indeed!
But you predict that Up vs Flash is the ace match, but you didn't predict the victors of any set...?
As long as Gosi[Flying] beat hoejja, I am happy.
Voilet, Flash and Luxury to win ofc
Oh man if UpMagiC > Lux and Flash, I will die of glee
3-2 KT
Haha, great OP
I hope Really pulls out a win against Flash tonight!
5930 Posts
If someone is beating Flash, it has to be Upmagic.
epic OP 3:1 KT with Violet, Flash, Lux winning. Up is entertaining but I just can't put a bet on him, kind of unpredictable.
Violet vs Really ACE Match!
Oh my, this is going to be one hell of a game. Surprisingly, odds are favourable for eSTRO to bring it to the ace, but then, most likely Flash will happen. Like the Royal Stove. Please be badass enough to do it.
I'm pretty excited to see what GosI[Flying] can put on the table, and I think he'll be sent on the ace match to do some weird stuff. There's also a small posibility of not seeing Flash in the ace game (yeah, right).
I believe this series will go to ACE and it will be Flash vs UpMagic.
I voted for upmagic
UpMagic is basically Flash if he was stoned all the time: Still pretty good, and very creative.
Really's macro style basically makes him Flash beta, and he hasn't really proved much besides that he's pretty damn good at TvP. He's not beating Flash's streak.
Awesome pics SimonB. I agree with the comparison too :D. Imagine if he was on a team like SKT and had boxer/oov to work with!
i'm amazed at how estro has improved even though kt has all their players play their best match up (flash as well not that it will matter ) estro can win this not probable but possible hoping for it to reach the ace match and wont be dissapointed if estro wins this go underdog go estro
Really looking forward to an UpMaGiC/FlaSh ace match. The TvT's they have played in the past have shook the fucking earth itself.
On January 10 2010 10:06 On_Slaught wrote: Awesome pics SimonB. I agree with the comparison too :D. Imagine if he was on a team like SKT and had boxer/oov to work with! Not my pic, but thanks anyway!
Possibly good games in this one. Hopefully Flash will keep his TvT streak going and KT will take the match.
Upmagic vs Flash would be epic. But I won't be surprised if KT sends Violet for the ace.
On January 10 2010 10:14 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Really looking forward to an UpMaGiC/FlaSh ace match. The TvT's they have played in the past have shook the fucking earth itself. What was the registered magnitude?
KT sweep before Lux imo. Hoejja Flying is giong to be fun.
Singapore66072 Posts
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Singapore66072 Posts
School starts tomorrow 
I'll have to follow all games now on youtube D:
have u suddenly switched allegiances kona? you've always been an SKT fan, but ur streaming KT matches?
and considering KT and SKT ALWAYS have proleague matches at the same time, it begs to question.. "are you now a KT fan?"
Singapore66072 Posts
I just watch whatever seems more exciting, I was thinking about which to stream for a while before deciding on this one.
Besides, I can't get a good MBC stream
Thank you Konadora for everything you've done here(Translations, streams and etc.)! Are you going to comeback after you finish your schooling?
so are the cards suppose to represent something?
It's now or never to break Flash's TvT streak, what with him having to practice for both a Bo5 TvZ and a Bo5 TvP in a week's time. I doubt he's practiced much TvT considering MSL/OSL.
I just wish it was UpMagic facing him. A couple weeks ago in Upmagic's winner's interview:
- Flash is on a 21-game winning streak in TvT. ▲ When he was on a 15-game winning streak I was still confident. But every Terran ace player lost to him. He plays well even when he loses the build order battle. A part of me wishes to break his streak. Winning against Flash in a spectacular fashion is a small dream of mine. In reality it seems a little difficult, however (laughs). People at the eStro house say that I can win versus Flash. I hope to raise my skill level a bit and face off against Flash once.
risingdragoon you are so very modest
lol mr.yong's manner pylon on OGN
Hey, is there still a vlc link available for ogn and mbc? If anyone has those links on hand, I'd really appreciate if they could pass them along ^^
lol flash drinking pocari sweat
Why does the better series have no stream .
You're missing a few things from the thread, you dont have a pl banner, the "Shinhan Bank Proleague 09-10 Round 2 Week 6 (OGN)" showing its on ogn and the tlpdized names of the players and the mapa The thing you have as the banner is meant for the bottom of the thread
On January 10 2010 13:04 Scaramanga wrote: You're missing a few things from the thread, you dont have a pl banner, the "Shinhan Bank Proleague 09-10 Round 2 Week 6 (OGN)" showing its on ogn and the tlpdized names of the players and the mapa The thing you have as the banner is meant for the bottom of the thread
The OP looks great, what's the big deal? :/ Yeah I guess the tlpd would be nice but eh.
On January 10 2010 13:06 Musoeun wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 13:04 Scaramanga wrote: You're missing a few things from the thread, you dont have a pl banner, the "Shinhan Bank Proleague 09-10 Round 2 Week 6 (OGN)" showing its on ogn and the tlpdized names of the players and the mapa The thing you have as the banner is meant for the bottom of the thread The OP looks great, what's the big deal? :/ Yeah I guess the tlpd would be nice but eh. Last few lines, you cant brag how awsome your thread is if its missing shit -_-
2stargate from violet 5hatch spire from action
Ol's go boom, sairs doing alot of dmg
Is there any source available that doesn't come from ferron?
Singapore66072 Posts
since the effort vs Gosi[Flying] game, i had became a fan of Gosi[Flying]...... so go Gosi[Flying]!!!!!!
On January 10 2010 13:15 MountainDewJunkie wrote: Is there any source available that doesn't come from ferron? http://c.zeroboy.net/konadora/
was posted by konadora earlier in the thread
Well, he never specified his source, really, but, uh thanks.
is it just me or is the stream lagging?
Singapore66072 Posts
Action barely holds his nat with hydras. Miss-timing a burrow really hurt.
DTs destroy the 11 base. Ouch.
Hot shit... dts get dropped at the undefended expo
Singapore66072 Posts
wow saves hatch at 11 main
Dts only now getting cleaned up... raping a ton of drones there
Oh dt's just dont take out the hatch, wth
violet missing storms >_<
wow, what a fail. stormdrops casting 4 storms in total for breathtaking 4 drones. gj violet
Singapore66072 Posts
Singapore66072 Posts
2 lurkers take out 2 probes, fail there
gets a few probes only though
lol, violet finally got off some decent storms
but now great storms. massacring hydras, action retreats.
Violets gonna rape this army in about 10 secs
ugh Violet losing all his HTs
violet ain't playing too good eh
Singapore66072 Posts
Action playing decently here, BUT HE'S FORGETTING THE FACT THAT VIOLET IS ON 4 GAS
Action isolating violets fourth
action needs another base
On January 10 2010 13:21 Scaramanga wrote: Violets gonna rape this army in about 10 secs Am i missing something? just switched over from other series and Violets in full retreat
action drops 3, takes it out.
Singapore66072 Posts
violet checks for hidden expansions with 2 zlots at 7
action drops violet's expansion at 3
3 is going down
Beautiful drop by action takes out a shitload of cannons and probes
4 base vs 4 base...
Whoa, nevermind Violet loses 3oclock
Now its even, lol, hes getting muta way to late
Singapore66072 Posts
muta switch? omg fail storms again.
several missed storms by violet
mutalisks snipes all high templars
On January 10 2010 13:21 nozaro33 wrote: this is just rape man
goodbye templars. mass hydras are going to rape,,,
United States10264 Posts
3846193482364 hydras get stormed, violet DT drops action's main.
dt drop at 1
violet defends the attack at natural successfully
lots of hydras wear down Violets forces... this is looking grim
All the drones in the main are dead for action
man it's still hard to tell whos really ahead
ahah dt gets the spire... but tons of lurkers morphing...
well if violet survives hes in really good shape with Action's main dead. 4 LURKER EGGS GET POPPED
violet storms 4 lurker eggs
action has to cancel morph
Singapore66072 Posts
man this guy is so good
Action is so damn sloppy... and yet much better than Hyvaa. Poor Hyvaa.
more storms, this time on lurker eggs, somehow violet's still alive. lurker drop at 6, probes run for cover
it's effectively 3vs2 base right now
Lurker drop in the back of violets third is making mining somewhat painful
5930 Posts
Christ's sake Protoss, use reavers to take on hydralurker not templars.
United States10264 Posts
A bit late on this screencap, but I winced when I saw it.
In other news, dual lurks at 6 stopping mining, and Violet can't do anything about it because he's cut off from that base.
Oh wait he somehow got 2 zlots over there..
violet still is in deep shit. if his nat falls, he´s done.
violet is completely contained
one lurker is still wreaking havoc at 6 oclock expansion
Action has a pretty strong contain set up... but he still needs to expand imo
yeah violet isn't going to win wonder why he played so sloppily today
MVP storming into the third... Violet looking desperate
United States10264 Posts
The lurk finally gets cleaned up..
So screwed.
hydras destroys expansion at 6
violet still contained with no mining bases
lol gg within 2 minutes violet has no resources lefft
United States10264 Posts
ugh Violet not mining anymore
simultaneous attack on violets 3rd and nat, the 3rd goes down, he is contained on 2 base. ... and calls gg
bah violet, that was painful to watch.
GG, better luck next time violet....
GG from Violet!! eSTRO leads for now
gg oh wow unbelieveable violet beat by some estro zerg
violet apparently ran out of storms, finally gg's.
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Violet couldn't simply handle all that Action.
On January 10 2010 13:28 lazz wrote: Action is kinda good Eh, kinda.
action didnt expo after all that time? he got so lucky with all those storms missing
Man, pretty bad game from Violet. I was begging him to drop just two zealots at Action's fourth to finish off the hatchery.
Singapore66072 Posts
Damn, Action is so good :3
I can't believe violet lost that one -.-
good thing I put so much faith into him to put him into my fpl team...
the way violet lost that game was bisu-esque i guess theyre similar even when they fail
not gonna lie, Action played amazingly well
Violet's storming in that game was kind of eh in some spots...
Good for Action though.
United States11390 Posts
Action so sexy.
Game never lacked action either.
If we assume Flash wins his game, we are worst guaranteed UPmagic vs Luxur ywhich should be fun.
Sweet game. Violet needed reavers though.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
Thanks for the points action
next, southpaw zerg fighting!!
GosI[flying] has a chance to prove himself here. He's been going against alot of S-class players lately so hopefully he can show he has some promise
Singapore66072 Posts
EVER OSLs are always so epic <3
On January 10 2010 13:26 Mystlord wrote:A bit late on this screencap, but I winced when I saw it. In other news, dual lurks at 6 stopping mining, and Violet can't do anything about it because he's cut off from that base. Oh wait he somehow got 2 zlots over there.. + Show Spoiler +
Hey guys, does ogn still have a working mms link?
If so could someone pass that along?
lol wtf was that commercial
yeah at least we get lux vs upmagi and an increased probability of EPIC stoned north korean flash vs unstoppable south korean flash
On January 10 2010 13:28 Scaramanga wrote: action didnt expo after all that time? he got so lucky with all those storms missing Whatever you need to tell yourself.
Violet couldn't even win with even bases, dts killing 2 dozen drones, and a slew of high templar. For shame.
That game had some of the best and some of the worst storms I've seen in a while. Or at least since this morning.
Sexy ZvP from Action.Flying go get him!
Singapore66072 Posts
On January 10 2010 13:31 theirishbecker wrote: Hey guys, does ogn still have a working mms link?
If so could someone pass that along? no
5930 Posts
On January 10 2010 13:29 Musoeun wrote: Sweet game. Violet needed reavers though.
Seriously, every single PvZ during the early to midgame has been spam hydralisks over and over. Yet the players seem to consistently show their love for high templars, which use an attack that can be dodged, comes from a fragile unit, and needs energy to cast. Seriously, I swear a part of the reason Movie does so well against the current age of zerg players is because he uses reavers often.
Action's lurker harass, so amazing.
just tuned in. is it the start of game 2 atm?
shit i havent watched sc in awhile no idea wht these maps are like
United States10264 Posts
On January 10 2010 13:30 Sadistx wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 13:26 Mystlord wrote:A bit late on this screencap, but I winced when I saw it. In other news, dual lurks at 6 stopping mining, and Violet can't do anything about it because he's cut off from that base. Oh wait he somehow got 2 zlots over there.. + Show Spoiler + LOL wait. I didn't see the temp get sniped O_O
On January 10 2010 13:33 sung_moon wrote: just tuned in. is it the start of game 2 atm?
shit i havent watched sc in awhile no idea wht these maps are like 1st game just finished, 2nd will start shortly.
violet certainly failed hard right there. good harass and even bases at one point and still lose. wtf.
Alright HoeJJa, here's your chance to prove that you don't belong on the B-team.
wow triple storm in the same fucking place. at least make archons if you're going to waste your templar
On January 10 2010 13:34 Lucktar wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 13:33 sung_moon wrote: just tuned in. is it the start of game 2 atm?
shit i havent watched sc in awhile no idea wht these maps are like 1st game just finished, 2nd will start shortly.
ah thanks lets go hojjea
Hoejja always looks so nervous before a game.
Hoejja looks nervous all the time.
flying baller toss
show us something
action's got his evil baby face on
Flying makes citadel at his wall.
5930 Posts
Can dragoons get through that wall...
On January 10 2010 13:31 MountainDewJunkie wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 13:28 Scaramanga wrote: action didnt expo after all that time? he got so lucky with all those storms missing Whatever you need to tell yourself. Violet couldn't even win with even bases, dts killing 2 dozen drones, and a slew of high templar. For shame. Ok if the 4 storms did a bit more than taking out 4 drones then violet would have been in an expodentially better situation and probably would have been able to defend. The reason action won is because he delayed violets 3rd with the burrow lings and as a responce violet took his 4th earlier and put alot of empisis on harras, the harras didnt do much and action decided that it would be a good idea not to expand, macro and attack, it was a good idea I'm not saying that action got luckey or played badly, im saying that he didnt play AMAZINGLY like some of you are saying, and it wasn't a massive advantage to violet being on 4 bases in that situation
Flying pokes in with some speedlots, but Hoejja has a good simcity at nat and 3rd.
United States10264 Posts
Standard play from both, Hoejja has a good wall at both expos.
Quite a few scourge for Hoejja.
Taking his third gas now, and there's no Hydra production so..
edit: woops thought that was the main for a sec =P
Just noticed the excellent OP. Craaaazy graphics
Lol just walks past into main, but empty
ok, not such a good simcity at the 3rd, flying manages to run some lots by and kill the drone that was going to build the 4th hatch. Also, DT drop inc.
United States10264 Posts
Flying running 4 Lots past the wall to stop Hoejja's fourth from coming up!
Good play by him actually.
Flying loading 2 DTs into a shuttle. This could be bad for Flying...
Singapore66072 Posts
United States10264 Posts
reaver out for Flying, and he kills the spire. Now he's going for the lair, HE BARELY GETS IT
Singapore66072 Posts
United States10264 Posts
Well Hoejja loses his main to 2 DTs. Ouch.
hoejja doing a great job at failing...
Wowow, Hoejja's fucked. he doesn't even have ovie speed.
5930 Posts
Hoejja is so screwed. Reavers are going to rip apart his hydralisk army.
Philadelphia, PA10406 Posts
On January 10 2010 13:49 Mystlord wrote:+ Show Spoiler +DTS ARE IN HOEJJA'S MAIN!
GosI[Flying]'s PvZ sure is revolutionary.
Bye HoeJJa, back to Dream League with you. Let KT roll with two Protosses instead of two Zergs now.
Speed lot reaver push at the natural, but nice hydra flank kills a reaver and then the shuttle with the other reaver.
o wow at leats he got the shuttle+dual reavers
Storm is out, Hoejja tries to snipe some HT's but fails at that too. Flying's 3rd is up, Hoejja still hasn't managed to get that 4th.
trades 8 hydras for an archon, not good idea there. still has slow lords that are dying to sairs
ugh KT looking bad today..
United States10264 Posts
Hoejja not going to be able to do anything about Flying's third.
Hoejja still hasn't taken his fourth. Therefore, Hoejja is going to lose real soon.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
just tuned in, doesnt look good for hoejja
if hoejja doesn't get another base in 4 minutes it's gonna be gg for him
GosI going for a storm drop!!
United States473 Posts
shoulda stormed the hydras instead...
On January 10 2010 13:51 tree.hugger wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 13:49 Mystlord wrote:+ Show Spoiler +DTS ARE IN HOEJJA'S MAIN!
REAVER AT THE NAT STOPS HOEJJA FROM BUSTING IT DOWN! GosI[Flying]'s PvZ sure is revolutionary. I wish my dark templar could snipe overlords.
3 zealot and 1 ht drop at hoejja's main, not very successful
United States10264 Posts
SPEED SHUTTLE FOR FLYING WITH 3 ZEALOTS AND A TEMP! Hydras see it and get everything. 2 Drone kill temp...
8 zeal drop in hoejjas main lol
Ahh... fuck that drop sucked ass. the zealots and templar just dropped into an army of hydras
Really only a matter of time.
8 zealots dropped into hoejja's main
didn't do much damage
Philadelphia, PA10406 Posts
lol, elevators 8 zealots into Hoejja's main, proceeds to wreak some havoc. Hoejja does stuff at Flying's front with some hydras, FINALLY starts his 4th.
And then Flying storms all his drones.
Hoejja now taking a fourth... Speed shuttles continue to harass
United States10264 Posts
8 Zealots for Flying in Hoejja's main!
storm drop at hoejja's natural, maybe 7 drones died
Hong Kong20321 Posts
goslflying constantly shuttle harassing hoejja lol L
shuttles gettign nsiped everywhere lol
2 shuttles go down for flying
MORE SHUTTLE CARNAGE. Flying moving to kill the 3rd.
Gah... fail drop gets taken out only after a single zealot gets dropped
looks like Hoejja failing at ZerO style ZvP lol
needs to learn what a scourge is
Hong Kong20321 Posts
come on hoejja show us some clutch obs sniping
flies shuttle into hydras, then gets another idle one sniped >< comon flying
Why isnt flying just attacking, his army is 2x bigger than hoejjas and can replenish 2x as fast
massive ground army for flying
flying going for the final blow
Hong Kong20321 Posts
shit thats a huige P ball takign down 3... no way its gonna live
GosI has a massive army pounding on the front of Hoejjas door... and the zerg doesnt have much to stop it with
hoejja finally goes for hive tech
flying attacks 3 oclock
hoejja's expansion is going down, flying's army is way too big
Flying smashes the 3rd, Hoejja fails at flanking, and apparently misplaced his U key. This is over.
lurkers are running instead of burrowing. Flank fails miserably, hatcheries die
Haha drones gave up mining??
United States10264 Posts
Flying now taking his fourth.
Hoejja loses like 8 Hydras for nothing..
Hive going up for Hoejja, fourth going up for Hoejja.
0-0-3 for Flying!
can't kill pure goons lol
Hong Kong20321 Posts
horrible horrible game by Hoejja
Hoejja's third and fourth getting taken out... he's gonna need a miracle to come back now
Hoejja gg's! FLYINGG. eSTRO 2-0!!!
gg from Hoejja... nice show but flying was better
Alright flash its your turn.
Traded him for a reason, this kid is so fucking good.
United States10264 Posts
For some reason I have such an urge to flip the players... So weird.
Hoejja GGs!
Flying was a little sloppy after the DT drop, but the game waas never out of his hands.
Wow if KT loses this I will be very pissed...
return of KTFlash? or maybe estro is playing too good right now.
omg now i don't know how to cheer for upmagic hope he loses so he plays flash? hope he wins so that estro wins?
If we're not going to see UpMagic vs Luxury, I'll be so pissed.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Don't get why Flying just didn't march his army across the map and rape everything. Instead he played half the game as if he was losing, heavy harass play.
Flying so gosu and sexy.
estro will ride the momentum and destroy flash's streak
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Some little hiccups here and there but damn, that was rock solid play.
GG! I guess the slave practice policy in estro is finally paying off. 
If Really breaks Flash's streak...
To think that Flash has to prepare for TvT, TvZ and TvP in one week...lol
Great effort from Flying and Action, lets see if Upmagic can bring it home in the 4th!
Flying playing with style as usual!
Time for really to end flash' TvT streak ^__^
Really finish this off!!!
Lol, Hoejja losing the lair with ovie speed basically screwed him over.
If Really beat Flash omg I don't even.
5930 Posts
The slowmo replay of the overlords moving towards the dark templars was awesome.
Singapore66072 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:00 meegrean wrote: return of KTFlash? or maybe estro is playing too good right now. It's eSTRO playing brilliantly this season.
They are like, a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT team from the 08-09 season.
I love them so much.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
if kt gest 3-0ed by estro itll be the end of the wordl
On January 10 2010 14:02 alffla wrote: if kt gest 3-0ed by estro itll be the end of the wordl flash's tvt is next what are you smoking mang
estro's new blood
The pressures on for Flash.. good thing this is like his godly matchup
I want Flash's streak to end
but i want Up v Lux
On January 10 2010 14:02 Itachii wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:02 alffla wrote: if kt gest 3-0ed by estro itll be the end of the wordl flash's tvt is next what are you smoking mang I BELIEVE
Hong Kong20321 Posts
rfol uber hype for OSL hahahaha
KT's two star players have to save the day looks like.
Man, eSTRO is fucking killer this season. Action/Gosi/UpMaGiC/Really is really a line-up most teams can't compete with. I hope to see them representing in the individual leagues soon.
When you're down 0-2, the one thing you want to have to rely on is Flash's TvT.
United States10264 Posts
I realized that I made an inaccuracy earlier. I said Ace Match, but I realized that it's Luxury playing against Upmagic. In other words, Estro wins! (I hope)
lol how do you not expect any sort of drop in your main from that starting positions. god hoejja. zvp is the only mu you are supposed to be good at.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
waoh the OSL is gonna be at the Seoul OLYMPIC HALL? isn't that super epic lol
On January 10 2010 14:02 alffla wrote: if kt gest 3-0ed by estro itll be the end of the wordl I hope KT gets 3-0'd be eSTRO.
if flash loses then KT would have been beaten at all their best MUs
violet's pvz, hoejja's zvp, flash's tvt
hoho man
On January 10 2010 14:03 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Man, eSTRO is fucking killer this season. Action/Gosi/UpMaGiC/Really is really a line-up most teams can't compete with. I hope to see them representing in the individual leagues soon.
Honestly action and gosi are posting really good results for being such rookies. A... REALLY good sign. Get it. yeahhhhhh
Player 1 (eSTRO) Lives Left: 3
Looking bad for KT since we all know how fail Luxury can be
Looking at Really's past three TvTs, I doubt he can pull it off.
I foresee 3-1 Estro. Upmagic will bring it home with ghosts.
Man, KT loses only to CJ and Estro...lolz
Seiya is pretty good, but he's basically a diet Flash. Flash, in all likelihood, will molest him. However, a victory by Seiya isn't out of the question.
On January 10 2010 14:06 Flushot wrote: Looking at Really's past three TvTs, I doubt he can pull it off. Looking at Flash's past thr... uhh.. go Really!
Singapore66072 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:05 Hinanawi wrote: Player 1 (eSTRO) Lives Left: 3
**************WARNING************ lol
On January 10 2010 14:05 .risingdragoon wrote: if flash loses then KT would have been beaten at all their best MUs
violet's pvz, hoejja's zvp, flash's tvt
hoho man
Violet's best matchup is pvp.
u gotta skate8152 Posts
If no one get's a BO dissadvantage this is gonna be a really close game, I call it! :D
On January 10 2010 14:08 Neighbor wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:05 .risingdragoon wrote: if flash loses then KT would have been beaten at all their best MUs
violet's pvz, hoejja's zvp, flash's tvt
hoho man Violet's best matchup is pvp. As long as it's not on Outsider
Singapore66072 Posts
EVER sure is pumping a lot of money into this finals.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
oh even though i dont undesratnad a word of what they're saying, this OSL champions interview thing is so cool and touching <3
On January 10 2010 14:08 Neighbor wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:05 .risingdragoon wrote: if flash loses then KT would have been beaten at all their best MUs
violet's pvz, hoejja's zvp, flash's tvt
hoho man Violet's best matchup is pvp.
not if you actually watch his games
On January 10 2010 14:03 NovaTheFeared wrote: When you're down 0-2, the one thing you want to have to rely on is Flash's TvT.
Yes, but what you *don't* want to rely on is a choker in a must-win situation.
I might as well preemptively say "fucking Luxury" and get it over with.
On January 10 2010 14:05 Hinanawi wrote: Player 1 (eSTRO) Lives Left: 3
Good post, but you should have said Enemy Bonjwa Approaching.
On January 10 2010 14:11 Fzero wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:05 Hinanawi wrote: Player 1 (eSTRO) Lives Left: 3
**************WARNING************ Good post, but you should have said Enemy Bonjwa Approaching. Gotta wait till he finishes the leagues.
Singapore66072 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:10 alffla wrote: oh even though i dont undesratnad a word of what they're saying, this OSL champions interview thing is so cool and touching <3
they're talking about their feelings as they played on the EVER finals stages and how epic it was for them.
Commentators were also talking about July's ridiculous comeback against GoodFriend with insane (at that point of time) muta micro and how they still can't forget it.
this would really be a bad time for streak to break
On January 10 2010 14:10 konadora wrote: EVER sure is pumping a lot of money into this finals.
Orly? Care to expand on that?
51342 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:04 alffla wrote: waoh the OSL is gonna be at the Seoul OLYMPIC HALL? isn't that super epic lol
well at least they booked a good venue for the occasion. ogn exec's booked a smaller venue for the incruit finals because they thought it would be a fantasy-best final and apparently inter-team finals don't attract crowds. boy they were wrong.
last two times they used olympic park were shinhan s3 with savior/nada and sky 2002 with boxer/reach, so they definitely know flash in a final = awesome.
I have a feeling Flash is gonna cheese
Singapore66072 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:12 dukethegold wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:10 konadora wrote: EVER sure is pumping a lot of money into this finals. Orly? care to expand on that?  5 minute promotion video for the finals
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Really is so much better looking than Flash, ha! :D lol
FlaSh is going to rape hard.
On January 10 2010 14:12 Kyuukyuu wrote: this would really be a bad time for streak to break This would be the perfect time; people might speculate movie has a chance.
flash's eye twitch!!!!!
it's a terminator
someone cut him apart and check
Eye twitching rape incoming
Omg epic Flash eye-twitch part 2!
Hong Kong20321 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:12 GTR wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:04 alffla wrote: waoh the OSL is gonna be at the Seoul OLYMPIC HALL? isn't that super epic lol well at least they booked a good venue for the occasion. ogn exec's booked a smaller venue for the incruit finals because they thought it would be a fantasy-best final and apparently inter-team finals don't attract crowds. boy they were wrong. last two times they used olympic park were shinhan s3 with savior/nada and sky 2002 with boxer/reach, so they definitely know flash in a final = awesome.
oh looooool sick hahah
Flash gotta practice for TvT, TvP, and TvZ in the same week.
If Really wanna make history, he better do it now.
5930 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:13 KizZBG wrote: Really is so much better looking than Flash, ha! :D lol
His hair is so hypnotic.
Anyway, we got a twitch from Flash which can't be good for Really.
(Is this the first TvT on Match Point?)
Hong Kong20321 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:15 Vasoline73 wrote: Eye twitching rape incoming
hahahahah omg
eye twitch rape.
say that out loud, it sounds so fucking ridiculous rofl
only TL members would understand
"I'm gonna rape this guy so hard hehehe."
lol nice supply hop by really
lol really jumps the wall epic
Singapore66072 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:12 GTR wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:04 alffla wrote: waoh the OSL is gonna be at the Seoul OLYMPIC HALL? isn't that super epic lol well at least they booked a good venue for the occasion. ogn exec's booked a smaller venue for the incruit finals because they thought it would be a fantasy-best final and apparently inter-team finals don't attract crowds. boy they were wrong. last two times they used olympic park were shinhan s3 with savior/nada and sky 2002 with boxer/reach, so they definitely know flash in a final = awesome. idk if it's just me, but sAviOr vs Nada finals seemed to have a lot less people than I expected. Maybe just the camera angle.
United States10264 Posts
Really taking his nat faster than Flash.
u gotta skate8152 Posts
holy shit how pro was that from Really hahaha
Nice scouting by Really
is stream laggy for anyone else?
Come on really land it !
Aww was expecting rax to block some mining time
5930 Posts
Really's barracks burns down.
Singapore66072 Posts
Oh wow awesome snipes by really that was sexy
Singapore66072 Posts
Really showing off his dota skills by last hitting a goliath
Really ahead here pretty far still
OGN's maintenance man on vacation?
man their feed is lagguuuuuuu
Stream is so bad . Gl Flash doesnt look great
United States10264 Posts
Man Really is killing flash so far but still a lot of game left
things looking bad for Flash... c'mon you can DO IT
Hong Kong20321 Posts
oh man, this looks terrible for Flash. He's so behind, he's about to be overrun. I guess it had to happen eventually.
If really beats flash the really hype is going to get really out of control in a flash
Really is so good when he's on his game, hot damn
Singapore66072 Posts
with Really's mechanics, Flash is going to have a really hard time making a comeback
United States10264 Posts
looking bad for flash, really's 3rd has been up for a long time
Wow Really.....eStro stepping up!
Really very ahead... Wow Really really is playing really well
Oh god flash is getting torn apart by drops, flash trying to do some harars of his own but really has wicked sick mine placement and is denying everything 1 base ahead, more scvs and army, this games reallys
cmon really beat flash that he can go on a slump lose OSL Final and MSL Semi-Finals.
Holy SHIT really is outplaying Flash hardcore at every facet of the game this is so amazing to watch
NIce drop harasses from REALLY. GOGOGO
You might say Really is playing... very well? ... Wait a sec...
looks like Really gonna really put an end to Flash's vT win streak!!
United States10264 Posts
Really doing a LOT of awesome harassment here. Flash mining up bottom right.
Now really has 3 dropships moving towards Flash's main...
Flash finally putting a turret up.
Really doing such good harass.
Why can't he play this good every game? ;-;
Hong Kong20321 Posts
hoyl shit realyl is wnign flash in tvt
United States23455 Posts
Ugh, understandable, though.
Practicing for MSL Semifinals/OSL Finals/Proleague, with all three races involved, and you would have to think he was practicing TvT least of all.
really good game. i'm glad it wasn't over in a flash.
Don't think really's harrassments are doing that much, he's throwing away a lot of units
they're betting against you flash but you can do it
Singapore66072 Posts
over for Flash
United States10264 Posts
Commentators: WWAAAAAAAH! OOh!
51342 Posts
really's doing the push
this is the end of flash
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Singapore66072 Posts
flash is fucked
Easy to outplay someone when there's no real pressure of losing . Really played great tho. Bummer for KT
OMG someone take a shot of the mini map for TL please!
Ouch, Flash's 22 TvT streak is over. Well played by Really.
51342 Posts
flash seriously has to pull a boxer and really a joyo for flash win this game.
Singapore66072 Posts
so i got really on my anti just becouse of him playing vs flash
REALLY TOO GOOD, getting 5th
Ah well, Flash said himself that streaks are meant to be broken But it's understandable that He's most likely focusing mostly on MSL and OSL while Really probably practiced very hard for this game..
REALLY setting up 5th and sixth base
lol Nal_Ra is sooo disappointed in the outcome
Hong Kong20321 Posts
wow lol Really
Really.................... @_____@
flash buys more time with shuttle vision
but macro is engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On January 10 2010 14:28 Itachii wrote:so i got really on my anti just becouse of him playing vs flash 
United States10264 Posts
Flash loses his mineral only, down to 3 tanks, and still more units coming for Really.
Really taking top LEFT!
Lol Flash giving a big sigh.
Really content for the moment with owning literally 85% of the map
Yes Lose Flash and the streak will be over! and never overcome oov winning streak PL.
REally has like the whole map lol
i'm just sad that violet lost
Really is really really good. Wow O_O
Flash is only hanging on because its TvT.
Haha this is awesome... Flash's neverending streak is about to be stopped by none other than Really...
holy fuck, that's a lot of red on the minimap.
this is like othello
it's almost all red and no blue left
look bad for flash
really has total map control
really denies the cc floating towards 11
Wow Really, its like 6 base vs 2
United States10264 Posts
Flash going to try and harass 12, but there's just too many reinforcements from Really for Flash to do anything.
Really now has such a large econ advantage.
Wow Estro 3-0 incoming???
Even more surprising, Flash lost????
Edit: Lol I wonder how much Elo Flash is going to drop by.
Singapore66072 Posts
5930 Posts
Ahaha Match Point really is Flash's achilles heal.
Philadelphia, PA10406 Posts
Hong Kong20321 Posts
I'd analyze this but WHY? fuck YES. Awesome, dont get me wrong I love flash but It's great when you look at whos playing, make a liquibet thinking its a long shot to ace like everyone else did. And it's just a stomp.
LOL Really snipes his own dropship and Flash GGs, that was so unbelievably one-sided
GG wow.... Really gosu!!!
eSTRO wins 3-0!! Hell yeah =D
Flash drinking what appears to be bear semen.
Well, that was surprising. Seiya played very well.
flash got raped like a noob in tvt. SO HAPPY TO SEE THAT!
Wow, amazing playing from the eSTRO team!!
It just goes to show how good Flash is when the only chance Terrans have vs him is when he is practicing for two finals.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Lmfao 3-0'd by eSTRO. Really's really cranked up his play as of late. Really spectacular results in PL.
ggs nice job really
eh any other time id be disappointed but nowadays its ok for flash to take a loss in PL
u gotta skate8152 Posts
-7 just from last game, and i thought that i've got a good day  dammit.
Looks like Flash started practicing for Movie and Kwanro too soon? ^^
What kind of steroids is Estro on holy shit.
I guess you need to lose sometimes... even Flash
On January 10 2010 14:30 29 fps wrote: world is going to end
Nah, Flash is going to redeem himself by winning both the MSL and OSL!!
flash seems more human now
United States473 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:31 J1.au wrote: It just goes to show how good Flash is when the only chance Terrans have vs him is when he is practicing for two finals.
If only it were FBH that beat Flash..
WTF man, no ceremony? No anything? FBH would have danced for 2 minutes straight.
On January 10 2010 14:31 FantomX wrote: How long was the streak? 22 tvt wins i think
So, Flash's beastly streak finally ends. He doesn't look to be that shaken up about it, which is good. When ZerO had his ZvP streak broken, he started slumping in it. When Flash lost a TvZ to HyuN, he dealt with it and just made his TvZ stronger.
Hopefully this will be a lesson to Flash rather than a dent in his confidence.
I'm just glad Flash has next PL match off...
On January 10 2010 14:31 MountainDewJunkie wrote: Looks like Flash started practicing for Movie and Kwanro too soon? ^^
Would you practice for a TvT in a proleague round that your team has clearly won? Or for the OSL finals and the MSL Semi-finals that are back to back?
On January 10 2010 14:31 FantomX wrote: How long was the streak? 22.
On January 10 2010 14:31 dukethegold wrote: OMFG!!!!!!
WTF man, no ceremony? No anything? FBH would have danced for 2 minutes straight. No, Firebathero would have just lost.
THAT WAS SICK i always knew really was the next really good stable terran
That game was actually very one-sided.
The sad part about this is now we don't get to see Upmagic vs Luxury .
now i hope movie can win the osl finals
Flash got outplayed, that takes skill to do.
Korea (South)3086 Posts
Mad props to Really, he played fuckin' excellent, and that's coming from a Flash fan.
However, you gotta cut Flash some slack, he has 2 Starleague semi/finals in two different matchups, I can't see when he would have time to practice for TvT's. While really must've practiced the entire time so he could snipe Flash.
How many games was the streak?
if i'm movie i'm calling Really right now with offers of unlimited free food to practice with him
On January 10 2010 14:33 ejac wrote: How many games was the streak? 22, I think.
On January 10 2010 14:31 FOX-skY wrote: wtf unbelievable :D
Not really the only game that was remotely all that surprising was the flash game and hey, really has the skills man. Hell yeah.
oh who am i kidding amazingballs. its great
On January 10 2010 14:31 Jackal03 wrote: flash seems more human now
Because he lost his first TvT in 23 games?
Meh, he doesn't seem all hurt about it. Even when the guy is slumping his TvT has always been top notch. You have to lose sometimes and Really played damn good.
That game was pure joy to watch, Really played one of the best TvT's I've ever seen. He exploited every weakness Flash gave him and was completely merciless.
if Really can beat Flash there's no reason that Movie, a superior player and a TOSS, wouldn't be able to imitate that!!
E-Stro the house of ballers and pimps!
Damn can't see Upmagic T.T
On January 10 2010 14:31 dl2agon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:31 J1.au wrote: It just goes to show how good Flash is when the only chance Terrans have vs him is when he is practicing for two finals. Excuses If only it were FBH that beat Flash..
This just states the facts that pure godly mechanics and starsense won't pull through a solid well prepared player.. eh well, at least it isn't really that heartbreaking (Anyone remember the time Flash almost reversed all killed Estro only to be stopped by Upmagic? Then getting eliminated out of the OSL that same night)
I'm just waiting for all the blogs about Flash slumping...
Very impressive showing by Really!
I'm not too worried about it, Flash's schedule is insane lately. As long as he's been boosting his TvZ/TvP for individual leagues instead, it's all good.
Still, wow, nice work by estro 3-0ing KT.
On January 10 2010 14:32 whathappened wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:31 MountainDewJunkie wrote: Looks like Flash started practicing for Movie and Kwanro too soon? ^^ Would you practice for a TvT in a proleague round that your team has clearly won? Ooops.
i'm sad i traded really a long time ago, i shoud've believed more in him
Golaith drop has to be one of the worst ideas in the long, sad, history of bad ideas... low DPS, die easily, no splash vs workers.... wtf was flash thinking
Amazing play by Estro on all matchups. Their roster has definiately improved from last year. We'll probably see the Action/Flying/Really combo a lot more from them.
On January 10 2010 14:34 DoX.) wrote: Damn can't see Upmagic T.T and Lux.. T_T
why is everyone surprised? flash probably didnt practice (or just practiced a little) for this game and really is a pretty damn good player.
anyway, so disappointed in violet. he totally chocked.
edit: also lux wouldve lost anyway.
I'm almost glad Flash lost
Definitely didn't look like he prepared much for this match, which is good because the correct amount of preparation would have been ZERO
On January 10 2010 14:32 prototype. wrote:22 tvt wins i think
At least he got the 20 that he was shooting for
I hope no one bumps the PumA transfers to whateverteam thread.
10387 Posts
Holy shit, how did Flash lose?
uhh i guess artosis was right.
i'm just disapointed by violet
On January 10 2010 14:34 MountainDewJunkie wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:32 whathappened wrote:On January 10 2010 14:31 MountainDewJunkie wrote: Looks like Flash started practicing for Movie and Kwanro too soon? ^^ Would you practice for a TvT in a proleague round that your team has clearly won? Ooops.
round. not match
new estro not-Shin trio!
ye guys
flash didnt prepare at all
this is the first time his played terran... versus another terran... on match point... in starcraft.... broodwars...
On January 10 2010 14:32 Jackal03 wrote: now i hope movie can win the osl finals
You better hope Flash takes it easy on Movie, but 0% of that happening because it's the OSL Finals. You better believe Flash will dissect Movie in every way possible.
On January 10 2010 14:35 iLoveKT wrote: why is everyone surprised? flash probably didnt practice (or just practiced a little) for this game and really is a pretty damn good player.
anyway, so disappointed in violet. he totally chocked.
edit: also lux wouldve lost anyway.
violet was helping flash practice for movie. hence he was playing pvt all the while.
On January 10 2010 14:32 MountainDewJunkie wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:31 dukethegold wrote: OMFG!!!!!!
WTF man, no ceremony? No anything? FBH would have danced for 2 minutes straight. No, Firebathero would have just lost.
I respectfully disagree.
FBH's last three games against Flash all ended with losses, but he played like a champ. If he played against Flash tonight, when Flash had two extremely important TvP and TvZ to practice for, I have doubt in my mind, sir, that FBH would have legit chance to break Flash's streak right here and now and he would have danced beautifully, like the late Micheal Jackson on steroids.
On January 10 2010 14:35 iLoveKT wrote: why is everyone surprised? flash probably didnt practice (or just practiced a little) for this game and really is a pretty damn good player.
anyway, so disappointed in violet. he totally chocked.
I feel the exactly the same way.. Violet was doing great in the early game and then just choked midgame... isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
Hong Kong20321 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:36 writer22816 wrote:lmao
now that "WHO IS gONNA TAKE FLASH DOWN IN TVT" thread is gonna get bumped in the next 10 minutes lol
On January 10 2010 14:31 Jackal03 wrote: flash seems more human now Oh yeah this changes everything Is that a CJ tag in your corner?...
On January 10 2010 14:36 ArvickHero wrote: Holy shit, how did Flash lose?
Good preparation by Really, probably very little preparation by Flash
Really had a great game plan from start to finish. Maybe if it was Moon Glaive it would have been ok, but Flash has never played a televised TvT on Match Point and probably was a lot less familiar with it for this matchup.
Singapore66072 Posts
haha Flying didn't expect those two dts to destroy the lair (never happened in practice)
lol the E-Stro guys getting interviewed, they're like /yawn after they beat the number 1 team in proleagues like they were some C- newbies...
Flash is washed up imho. There's a reason Barracks is playing next match...
On January 10 2010 14:36 writer22816 wrote:lmao HAHaheahahahah
Last 10 matches Flash had won all TvT games.
Very unusual for him to lose tonight...though I did feel like he was not playing like his usual self. Something felt off about his play style.
Wow flash got outplayed and looked terrible in that match. I mean seiya played extremely well but he rolled flash so easily.
Singapore66072 Posts
Flying crediting his coaching staff for the simcity and builds
Flying saying his team's Protoss lineup result isn't that good yet, so he will work harder to get their winrate to above 50%
There's going to be a ton of threads today
I'm glad Flash doesn't have to play their next KT SPL game. Really hope tKT can win and prove their ability to hold their ground when Flash isn't playing
Well its about to fall into arguing and shit so for everyone that watched good game! see you next estro
On January 10 2010 14:38 Vasoline73 wrote: Flash is washed up imho. There's a reason Barracks is playing next match... Their coach is psychic?! O.O
On January 10 2010 14:38 idortlol wrote: Last 10 matches Flash had won all TvT games.
Very unusual for him to lose tonight...though I did feel like he was not playing like his usual self. Something felt off about his play style.
Mentally he's preparing for the MSL and OSL.
On January 10 2010 14:38 idortlol wrote: Last 10 matches Flash had won all TvT games.
Very unusual for him to lose tonight...though I did feel like he was not playing like his usual self. Something felt off about his play style.
statistically even the bes tof the progamers.. hover around 70% win %
so technically speaking.. after 7 wins.. he was due for a loss
10387 Posts
Wow, Action's gotten fatter since his debut.. next Julyzerg haha
On January 10 2010 14:36 fearus wrote: ye guys
flash didnt prepare at all
this is the first time his played terran... versus another terran... on match point... in starcraft.... broodwars...
You're an idiot if you don't think that having TV experience is relevant.
TV experience is directly correlated to the amount of preparation a player has put in on a matchup and on a specific map.
Everybody's a pro here, and even Flash couldn't overcome Really's superior preparation and game plan off of raw skill.
Singapore66072 Posts
Action saying he was rather taken aback after seeing two stargates
Commentators asked if he was "angry" towards the end, which they derived off the movement of the hydras/lurkers haha
Aand sound goes off :p
guy... stop acting like the sky is falling, flash just lost a game of TvT, he's only human after all!
On January 10 2010 14:38 psion0011 wrote: Wow flash got outplayed and looked terrible in that match. I mean seiya played extremely well but he rolled flash so easily.
Flash's micro was actually fantastic that match. He snipes every mine possible before they go off and comes out even in most of the actual battles. Really just played that much better.
5930 Posts
What's Flash's record on Match Point now? Seriously, is it even a positive record?
so crazy, at last the streak is over
On January 10 2010 14:39 fearus wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:38 idortlol wrote: Last 10 matches Flash had won all TvT games.
Very unusual for him to lose tonight...though I did feel like he was not playing like his usual self. Something felt off about his play style. statistically even the bes tof the progamers.. hover around 70% win % so technically speaking.. after 7 wins.. he was due for a loss
The statistical ignorance of this post makes me cringe
On January 10 2010 14:42 darktreb wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:39 fearus wrote:On January 10 2010 14:38 idortlol wrote: Last 10 matches Flash had won all TvT games.
Very unusual for him to lose tonight...though I did feel like he was not playing like his usual self. Something felt off about his play style. statistically even the bes tof the progamers.. hover around 70% win % so technically speaking.. after 7 wins.. he was due for a loss The statistical ignorance of this post makes me cringe lol
just wondering what is the longest winning streak in single matchup?
On January 10 2010 14:42 Savant wrote: just wondering what is the longest winning streak in single matchup?
that one that just ended.
kk.... now Really will get 23 wins in TvT... gogo! : )
On January 10 2010 14:39 fearus wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:38 idortlol wrote: Last 10 matches Flash had won all TvT games.
Very unusual for him to lose tonight...though I did feel like he was not playing like his usual self. Something felt off about his play style. statistically even the bes tof the progamers.. hover around 70% win % so technically speaking.. after 7 wins.. he was due for a loss
looks like someone has never taken a statistics course
5930 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:43 Xiphos wrote: Iloveoov's 27 TvZ?
Apparently its 27-3.
On January 10 2010 14:43 Xiphos wrote: Iloveoov's 27 TvZ? for the 23901874091278478210th time its not 27-0.
each game is an independant event, however flash had to prepare for like 231940 games the past week and next week so he did have a high chance of losing
On January 10 2010 14:36 fearus wrote: ye guys
flash didnt prepare at all
this is the first time his played terran... versus another terran... on match point... in starcraft.... broodwars... lolololol at broodwars.
On January 10 2010 14:38 idortlol wrote: Last 10 matches Flash had won all TvT games.
Very unusual for him to lose tonight...though I did feel like he was not playing like his usual self. Something felt off about his play style. I always love how when Flash loses, it's because something was wrong. God forbid the other player just played better for once.
On January 10 2010 14:44 cunninglinguists wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:39 fearus wrote:On January 10 2010 14:38 idortlol wrote: Last 10 matches Flash had won all TvT games.
Very unusual for him to lose tonight...though I did feel like he was not playing like his usual self. Something felt off about his play style. statistically even the bes tof the progamers.. hover around 70% win % so technically speaking.. after 7 wins.. he was due for a loss hahahahahahahaha looks like someone has never taken a statistics course
or math LOL
UpMagiC didn't even get to 1-0, not to mention 2-0
I'm sad 
And happy but sad
Hong Kong20321 Posts
On January 10 2010 14:49 .risingdragoon wrote:UpMagiC didn't even get to 1-0, not to mention 2-0 I'm sad  And happy  but sad 
are you really a KT fan o _O haha
Match Point has turned out to be flash's achille's heel. Oh well, his record won't be broken within the lifespan of broodwar. Now if only he can nab those 2 titles....
I'm very proud of really and not very sad about Flash. This will give really a nice confidence booster that he desperately needs. I would very much like to see him as a starleague regular and confidence is what he needs atm. Flash on the other hand was due for a loss and this gave it to him. Now he can continue raping the leagues.
Game 2 and 3 were terrible, i wouldn't recommend them in the thread unless their estro fans, and even then
hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared
On January 10 2010 14:49 .risingdragoon wrote:UpMagiC didn't even get to 1-0, not to mention 2-0 I'm sad  And happy  but sad 
you, sir, need to change your team icon -_-
On January 10 2010 14:54 psion0011 wrote: hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared
how much do you think flash prepared for this game?
Flash's TvT is the longest single matchup streak ever. Iloveoov is 18-0 I think according to KESPA in TvZ.
Please no one even try to say Flash is slumping or anything like that or I will slap the shit out of you.
Psion0011, use your brain, there is literally no reason for Flash to practice for this game.
On January 10 2010 14:54 psion0011 wrote: hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared We're not your typical internet forum where idiots reign supreme.
Too bad for kwanro, there's only 1 Match Point in his game with flash. Only if he has JD vs Kal's map pool.
On January 10 2010 14:56 Etopen wrote: Too bad for kwanro, there's only 1 Match Point in his game with flash. Only if he has JD vs Kal's map pool.
Kwanro thumbs downed Match Point o_O
Canada1957 Posts
So.......................this is why Artosis says Really is one of the best Terran players in the world. I will never doubt that nerd ever again.
This is actually the first time this season that Flash has lost a game that mattered. His other losses were either cleaned up by him in the Ace match, or individual losses in a Bo3/Bo5 that he won anyway.
But let's be honest Luxury wasn't going to be clutch, lol.
Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won.
On January 10 2010 14:56 huameng wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:56 Etopen wrote: Too bad for kwanro, there's only 1 Match Point in his game with flash. Only if he has JD vs Kal's map pool. Kwanro thumbs downed Match Point o_O Really? Too bad for him if he losses, only got himself to blame.
On January 10 2010 14:54 psion0011 wrote: hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared
I love it when somebody decides to ignore all common sense and decide that "excuses" for a loss are just made up BS that have no foundation in logic whatsoever.
Nobody is saying Really didn't outplay Flash. Common sense tells us though:
1. Flash didn't play up to his usual standard 2. Flash had plenty of very good reasons not to prepare for this match 3. Flash has never played a televised TvT on Match Point and thus was probably less familiar with the matchup on this map than usual, combined with #2 this gave Really a good opportunity to snipe the win
i was already shocked when is saw flash before their game. he looked soooo tired and was rubbing his eyes.. it looked like back in the days of KT-child_labour-Flash.
he has tvp and tvz to prepare, i guess he simply couldnt practice enough for tvt on matchpoint, a matchup he has never played on this map before.
its ok flash, now take some time off and focus solely on osl and msl.
and ofc im glad KT lost some. they got a huge lead anyway, so its not too much of a blow to them.
On January 10 2010 14:58 darktreb wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:54 psion0011 wrote: hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared I love it when somebody decides to ignore all common sense and decide that "excuses" for a loss are just made up BS that have no foundation in logic whatsoever. Nobody is saying Really didn't outplay Flash. Common sense tells us though: 1. Flash didn't play up to his usual standard 2. Flash had plenty of very good reasons not to prepare for this match 3. Flash has never played a televised TvT on Match Point and thus was probably less familiar with the matchup on this map than usual, combined with #2 this gave Really a good opportunity to snipe the win Hmmm, how didn't Flash play up to his usual standard? What mistakes did he make? (I missed the first part of the game).
On January 10 2010 14:57 On_Slaught wrote: Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won. But there is a reason why that section is in spoilers. And people could go to the thread in Featured anyways.
On January 10 2010 14:57 On_Slaught wrote: Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won. Yeah, this.
Just say like "This was a really good game, watch it!"
People will be pissed in the morning if you spoil haha<3
that huge eye-twitching at the start kinda scared me. Flash, get some rest so you can rape kwanro more energetically
On January 10 2010 14:58 darktreb wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:54 psion0011 wrote: hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared I love it when somebody decides to ignore all common sense and decide that "excuses" for a loss are just made up BS that have no foundation in logic whatsoever. Nobody is saying Really didn't outplay Flash. Common sense tells us though: 1. Flash didn't play up to his usual standard 2. Flash had plenty of very good reasons not to prepare for this match 3. Flash has never played a televised TvT on Match Point and thus was probably less familiar with the matchup on this map than usual, combined with #2 this gave Really a good opportunity to snipe the win That's called making excuses.
On January 10 2010 15:01 DrainX wrote:
Wow, quick reaction timing.
flash played as well as he normally would, really just outplayed him in pretty much every way
+ Show Spoiler +
On January 10 2010 14:59 AlTheCake wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:57 On_Slaught wrote: Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won. Yeah, this. Just say like "This was a really good game, watch it!" People will be pissed in the morning if you spoil haha<3 Aight, I'll do it this one time.
But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble.
Well, occasionally players who are better overall get outplayed. I don't think anyone really believes this game is grounds to say that Seiya is a better terran than Flash or even that he is better at TvT, but rather that Seiya outplayed Flash during this game and totally deserved to win.
On January 10 2010 14:58 darktreb wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:54 psion0011 wrote: hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared I love it when somebody decides to ignore all common sense and decide that "excuses" for a loss are just made up BS that have no foundation in logic whatsoever. Nobody is saying Really didn't outplay Flash. Common sense tells us though: 1. Flash didn't play up to his usual standard 2. Flash had plenty of very good reasons not to prepare for this match 3. Flash has never played a televised TvT on Match Point and thus was probably less familiar with the matchup on this map than usual, combined with #2 this gave Really a good opportunity to snipe the win Haha I love how you go ahead and make up a list of excuses in response to me claiming people make up excuses, thanks for proving my point!
wtf!? Estro 3-0'd KT? lmfao
On January 10 2010 15:02 .risingdragoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:59 AlTheCake wrote:On January 10 2010 14:57 On_Slaught wrote: Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won. Yeah, this. Just say like "This was a really good game, watch it!" People will be pissed in the morning if you spoil haha<3 Aight, I'll do it this one time. But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble.
No, do it always. People see what games are recommended so they can skip watching the boring ones. They still don't want to know the result. Results should only be implied/given away in the "results" spoiler section : /
Pretty much, unless you believe that Crazy-Hydra is a better Zerg than Jaedong because he outplayed him once.
On January 10 2010 15:02 .risingdragoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:59 AlTheCake wrote:On January 10 2010 14:57 On_Slaught wrote: Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won. Yeah, this. Just say like "This was a really good game, watch it!" People will be pissed in the morning if you spoil haha<3 Aight, I'll do it this one time. But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. Thanks for understanding.
On January 10 2010 15:03 psion0011 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:58 darktreb wrote:On January 10 2010 14:54 psion0011 wrote: hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared I love it when somebody decides to ignore all common sense and decide that "excuses" for a loss are just made up BS that have no foundation in logic whatsoever. Nobody is saying Really didn't outplay Flash. Common sense tells us though: 1. Flash didn't play up to his usual standard 2. Flash had plenty of very good reasons not to prepare for this match 3. Flash has never played a televised TvT on Match Point and thus was probably less familiar with the matchup on this map than usual, combined with #2 this gave Really a good opportunity to snipe the win Haha I love how you go ahead and make up a list of excuses in response to me claiming people make up excuses, thanks for proving my point! Erm, I'm not a Flash fan, but you're annoying. I will tell you why: "even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared" That's not true. Because people have things called cognitive abilities and analysis skills. Which you do not have. Using such cognitive abilities, we can come to the conclusion that Flash had little reason to devote his practice time for this match. Go ahead and claim ignorance, ignoring the circumstances with your unsupported opinion.
So ends the warm-up streak. The 30-win streak begins after osl. FLASH HWAITING
On January 10 2010 15:04 Avidkeystamper wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:03 psion0011 wrote:On January 10 2010 14:58 darktreb wrote:On January 10 2010 14:54 psion0011 wrote: hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared I love it when somebody decides to ignore all common sense and decide that "excuses" for a loss are just made up BS that have no foundation in logic whatsoever. Nobody is saying Really didn't outplay Flash. Common sense tells us though: 1. Flash didn't play up to his usual standard 2. Flash had plenty of very good reasons not to prepare for this match 3. Flash has never played a televised TvT on Match Point and thus was probably less familiar with the matchup on this map than usual, combined with #2 this gave Really a good opportunity to snipe the win Haha I love how you go ahead and make up a list of excuses in response to me claiming people make up excuses, thanks for proving my point! Erm, I'm not a Flash fan, but you're annoying. I will tell you why: "even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared" That's not true. Because people have things called cognitive abilities and analysis skills. Which you do not have. Yes and those make you psychic or something? rofl
On January 10 2010 15:06 psion0011 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:04 Avidkeystamper wrote:On January 10 2010 15:03 psion0011 wrote:On January 10 2010 14:58 darktreb wrote:On January 10 2010 14:54 psion0011 wrote: hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared I love it when somebody decides to ignore all common sense and decide that "excuses" for a loss are just made up BS that have no foundation in logic whatsoever. Nobody is saying Really didn't outplay Flash. Common sense tells us though: 1. Flash didn't play up to his usual standard 2. Flash had plenty of very good reasons not to prepare for this match 3. Flash has never played a televised TvT on Match Point and thus was probably less familiar with the matchup on this map than usual, combined with #2 this gave Really a good opportunity to snipe the win Haha I love how you go ahead and make up a list of excuses in response to me claiming people make up excuses, thanks for proving my point! Erm, I'm not a Flash fan, but you're annoying. I will tell you why: "even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared" That's not true. Because people have things called cognitive abilities and analysis skills. Which you do not have. Yes and those make you psychic or something? rofl  No, it makes me sensible.
Yeah, those are all good reasons as to why Flash may have lost. I don't think anyone is trying to steal credit from Seiya here, no need to be so condescending.
5930 Posts
I don't know why people are surprised by eStro winning against KT 3-0. Last season stuff like this would be surprising, but this season all of the average to awful teams save for Airforce Ace are actually playing very, very well.
Hell even Wemade, who doesn't have anyone good at all, is capable of brining any team to the ace match (of course they send Roro out and then lose it).
On January 10 2010 15:04 Avidkeystamper wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:03 psion0011 wrote:On January 10 2010 14:58 darktreb wrote:On January 10 2010 14:54 psion0011 wrote: hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared I love it when somebody decides to ignore all common sense and decide that "excuses" for a loss are just made up BS that have no foundation in logic whatsoever. Nobody is saying Really didn't outplay Flash. Common sense tells us though: 1. Flash didn't play up to his usual standard 2. Flash had plenty of very good reasons not to prepare for this match 3. Flash has never played a televised TvT on Match Point and thus was probably less familiar with the matchup on this map than usual, combined with #2 this gave Really a good opportunity to snipe the win Haha I love how you go ahead and make up a list of excuses in response to me claiming people make up excuses, thanks for proving my point! Erm, I'm not a Flash fan, but you're annoying. I will tell you why: "even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared" That's not true. Because people have things called cognitive abilities and analysis skills. Which you do not have. Using such cognitive abilities, we can come to the conclusion that Flash had little reason to devote his practice time for this match. Go ahead and claim ignorance, ignoring the circumstances with your unsupported opinion. Theoretically true, but you don't know for sure until Flash says it himself.
By the way I don't care if those excuses are based in reality or not, it's just the fact that as soon as flash loses (or bisu or jaedong when they're on fire), cue TEN PAGES OF EXCUSES that makes me laugh
On January 10 2010 15:03 DoctorHelvetica wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:02 .risingdragoon wrote:On January 10 2010 14:59 AlTheCake wrote:On January 10 2010 14:57 On_Slaught wrote: Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won. Yeah, this. Just say like "This was a really good game, watch it!" People will be pissed in the morning if you spoil haha<3 Aight, I'll do it this one time. But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. No, do it always. People see what games are recommended so they can skip watching the boring ones. They still don't want to know the result. Results should only be implied/given away in the "results" spoiler section : / that's some newschool touchy feely shit
recommended is just a suggestion, people are gonna watch their fav players' games regardless
if people come into live report and get spoiled, it's on them.
I'll stop posting rebuttals now, because anyone sensible will see the truth here, and I don't like to talk to insensible people. You can have your opinions, I'll have mine.
On January 10 2010 15:07 cabarkapa wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:04 Avidkeystamper wrote:On January 10 2010 15:03 psion0011 wrote:On January 10 2010 14:58 darktreb wrote:On January 10 2010 14:54 psion0011 wrote: hahah I love this forum, every time somebody's favorite player loses it's making up excuses time! even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared I love it when somebody decides to ignore all common sense and decide that "excuses" for a loss are just made up BS that have no foundation in logic whatsoever. Nobody is saying Really didn't outplay Flash. Common sense tells us though: 1. Flash didn't play up to his usual standard 2. Flash had plenty of very good reasons not to prepare for this match 3. Flash has never played a televised TvT on Match Point and thus was probably less familiar with the matchup on this map than usual, combined with #2 this gave Really a good opportunity to snipe the win Haha I love how you go ahead and make up a list of excuses in response to me claiming people make up excuses, thanks for proving my point! Erm, I'm not a Flash fan, but you're annoying. I will tell you why: "even though they have zero knowledge of how much someone prepared/cared" That's not true. Because people have things called cognitive abilities and analysis skills. Which you do not have. Using such cognitive abilities, we can come to the conclusion that Flash had little reason to devote his practice time for this match. Go ahead and claim ignorance, ignoring the circumstances with your unsupported opinion. Theoretically true, but you don't know for sure until Flash says it himself. Exactly! But apparently avidkeystamper thinks he knows better than flash himself lmao
I never claimed Flash didn't practice, or that I am better qualified than Flash on scheduling.
On January 10 2010 15:09 Avidkeystamper wrote: I never claimed Flash didn't practice. Cue backpedaling, nice. Backpedal maor!
edit: oh shit skt1 match still going on.
On January 10 2010 15:09 psion0011 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:09 Avidkeystamper wrote: I never claimed Flash didn't practice. Cue backpedaling, nice. Backpedal maor! Please quote where I said Flash never practiced. You know, evidence? I think you have failed to realize the nuance between what I'm saying, and what you think I'm saying. I'm presenting the opinion that Flash had little reason to practice, which to you translates as the fact that he didn't practice. Yet it also translates as he shouldn't practice because you said I know better than him. Which is weird, because you're interpreting my words in more than one way.
On January 10 2010 15:09 psion0011 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:09 Avidkeystamper wrote: I never claimed Flash didn't practice. Cue backpedaling, nice. Backpedal maor! edit: oh shit skt1 match still going on. Well the first thing he said was that Flash had little reason to practice.
Oh well, I don't care cause Really won! =D
Baa?21242 Posts
Ah fuck I traded for Action for anti rofl.
On January 10 2010 15:02 .risingdragoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:59 AlTheCake wrote:On January 10 2010 14:57 On_Slaught wrote: Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won. Yeah, this. Just say like "This was a really good game, watch it!" People will be pissed in the morning if you spoil haha<3 Aight, I'll do it this one time. But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. Your joking right? The recommended games is there so people can just watch the games that arn't boring, just because their in a spoiler dosent mean you can ruin the results for them
On January 10 2010 15:13 Scaramanga wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:02 .risingdragoon wrote:On January 10 2010 14:59 AlTheCake wrote:On January 10 2010 14:57 On_Slaught wrote: Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won. Yeah, this. Just say like "This was a really good game, watch it!" People will be pissed in the morning if you spoil haha<3 Aight, I'll do it this one time. But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. Your joking right? The recommended games is there so people can just watch the games that arn't boring, just because their in a spoiler dosent mean you can ruin the results for them don't make stuff up
read above
On January 10 2010 15:28 Weaponx3 wrote: Slump>? anyone. No.
You can't slump by losing 1 game. That's another newschool BS.
On January 10 2010 15:08 .risingdragoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:03 DoctorHelvetica wrote:On January 10 2010 15:02 .risingdragoon wrote:On January 10 2010 14:59 AlTheCake wrote:On January 10 2010 14:57 On_Slaught wrote: Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won. Yeah, this. Just say like "This was a really good game, watch it!" People will be pissed in the morning if you spoil haha<3 Aight, I'll do it this one time. But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. No, do it always. People see what games are recommended so they can skip watching the boring ones. They still don't want to know the result. Results should only be implied/given away in the "results" spoiler section : / that's some newschool touchy feely shit recommended is just a suggestion, people are gonna watch their fav players' games regardless if people come into live report and get spoiled, it's on them.
Then simply put, don't make fucking live report threads. No one wants to be spoiled in the recommended games and no one honestly gives a shit how nice your op's look
You're letting ur pen get to ur damn head youngin
think for a sec
there's no fucking consensus on what's recommended u fo. some people enjoy cheeses, some people enjoy all-ins, rec is a suggestion not to be taken too seriously. and if you only watch what is rec, then it's on you.
and you're telling me to not make op for my fav PL, to not comtribute? what an idiot
On January 10 2010 15:33 .risingdragoon wrote: You're letting ur pen get to ur damn head youngin
think for a sec
I am thinking. I'm thinking about the purpose of the recommended games section and how obnoxious it is to get spoiled. What are you thinking about?
I have been kind of let down by all the spoilers in recommended games sections lately.
risingdragoon and psion both have to be trolling
Yes. I'm telling you not to make live report threads if you put spoilers in the recommended games. At least put the spoiled parts in spoiler tags within the original spoiler or just don't make LR threads. Someone else will make it, not spoil the recd. games, and it will be better for every single person. That's the point of contribution.
I'm saying ur a tool for herding along
I don't rec games 1, 2, and 4 of Flash/Calm, but do people watch?
you infantisize everyone cus you didn't know a time before recommendation
nothing wrong with enjoying cheeses and all-ins, those take specialities to pull off too. but cus they aren't rec they're boring? people shouldn't watch?
United States12607 Posts
I guess this lends some legitimacy to the hype surrounding eSTRO Terrans!
Estro has been playing some good games lately. It's nice to see Really getting a big win after so many disappointing losses this season. Streaks are meant to be broken and there is no doubt that Flash will start another one.
On January 10 2010 15:41 .risingdragoon wrote: I'm saying ur a tool for herding along
I don't rec games 1, 2, and 4 of Flash/Calm, but do people watch?
you infantisize everyone cus you didn't know a time before recommendation
nothing wrong with enjoying cheeses and all-ins, those take specialities to pull off too. but cus they aren't rec they're boring? people shouldn't watch? Your just spewing out shit now, what has flash vs calm, how long DrH has been here and cheeses got to do with you spoiling people?
On January 10 2010 15:47 Scaramanga wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:41 .risingdragoon wrote: I'm saying ur a tool for herding along
I don't rec games 1, 2, and 4 of Flash/Calm, but do people watch?
you infantisize everyone cus you didn't know a time before recommendation
nothing wrong with enjoying cheeses and all-ins, those take specialities to pull off too. but cus they aren't rec they're boring? people shouldn't watch? Your just spewing out shit now, what has flash vs calm, how long DrH has been here and cheeses got to do with you spoiling people? I'm not interested in talking to 2 people
games 1, 2, and 4 are the so-called oneside rapes that are frequently NOT recommended
if you don't actually watch games themselves, just watch some rec games and think that they're good and everything else is bad
if you don't wanna spoil yourself, dig into games you wanna watch, use no spoil vod on youtube/tlpd. rec is simply a suggestion and by no means should you get that before you've watched anything
Holy shit risingdragoon is going stark raving mad
On January 10 2010 15:48 .risingdragoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:47 Scaramanga wrote:On January 10 2010 15:41 .risingdragoon wrote: I'm saying ur a tool for herding along
I don't rec games 1, 2, and 4 of Flash/Calm, but do people watch?
you infantisize everyone cus you didn't know a time before recommendation
nothing wrong with enjoying cheeses and all-ins, those take specialities to pull off too. but cus they aren't rec they're boring? people shouldn't watch? Your just spewing out shit now, what has flash vs calm, how long DrH has been here and cheeses got to do with you spoiling people? I'm not interested in talking to 2 people games 1, 2, and 4 are the so-called oneside rapes that are frequently NOT recommended if you don't actually watch games themselves, just watch some rec games and think that they're good and everything else is bad if you don't wanna spoil yourself, dig into games you wanna watch, use no spoil vod on youtube/tlpd I really dont understand what your trying to say, its pretty clear what im saying though DON'T FUCKING SPOIL, its just as bad as someone not updating the results Don't make the thread if you are going to put results in recommedned games its a simple as that
I've had enough of people coming into tourney section and live report threads and crying cus they got spoiled in a place full of spoilers
DON'T COME IN if you're scared of knowing, go straight to watch the games! rec =/= de facto good or fun games, individual tastes vary. do yourself a favor and you'll find more games you'd enjoy.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
risingdragoon whats wrong with you
Hell yes! Way to be estro!
Risingdragoon, your LR thread is actually worse than most and your OP saying otherwise is bs.
Recommended games are supposed to be spoiler free. Just claiming that "well its an area full of spoilers" isn't grounds to be a massive douche.
Everyone knows anything after about page 1 or even mid way through to bottom of page one will be spoilers. They go to the OP to avoid being spoiled as the format should have all the results hidden that they dont have to click on. Recommended games can then be viewed and they can see what games were exceptionally decent to watch.
Its reasons like this that I typically stay out of LR threads that aren't by people who regularly create them.
u gotta skate8152 Posts
you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares?
The good news is Flash won't be playing in the next pro-league game. So this gives Flash plenty of time to rest and prepare for Kwanro and Movie.
this is what happens when you treat someone like an asshole. they treat you with the same level of respect you give them. so if you want him to stop putting spoilers in the recommended games, dont be rude at all.
Really establishing himself as one of the top terrans, which is is good, because the talent-pool for terrans is low compared to protoss and zergs.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
who said nobody cares about what? seriously your posting is just insanely confusing.
it's simple really. make OPs for LR threads if you want. don't put spoilers in recommended games section.
On January 10 2010 16:11 .risingdragoon wrote: you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares?
How about you think of it like this. Your creating a format that causes people to get upset as they get spoiled. That is because they care about still watching the games, but would like to know which were the cream of the crop, or which was will be the best to watch. It aggrivates them as they get spoiled because of it when they shouldn't be.
What your doing would basically be like TL admins using the green bar of their to advertise the winners of the tsl matches and going "well you signed onto TL so its your own fault"
On January 10 2010 16:13 nebffa wrote: this is what happens when you treat someone like an asshole. they treat you with the same level of respect you give them. so if you want him to stop putting spoilers in the recommended games, dont be rude at all. I don't know. It's awfully hazy who started this rude chain. I know people say "it's not important who started it", but I disagree. It can change everything.
On January 10 2010 16:15 BloodyC0bbler wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:11 .risingdragoon wrote: you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares? How about you think of it like this. Your creating a format that causes people to get upset as they get spoiled. That is because they care about still watching the games, but would like to know which were the cream of the crop, or which was will be the best to watch. It aggrivates them as they get spoiled because of it when they shouldn't be. What your doing would basically be like TL admins using the green bar of their to advertise the winners of the tsl matches and going "well you signed onto TL so its your own fault"
wtf this is completely different. that would be obvious, purposeful spoilering. what rising dragoon did is clearly not done with malicious intent. your analogy is not relevant.
On January 10 2010 16:16 domane wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:13 nebffa wrote: this is what happens when you treat someone like an asshole. they treat you with the same level of respect you give them. so if you want him to stop putting spoilers in the recommended games, dont be rude at all. I don't know. It's awfully hazy who started this rude chain. I know people say "it's not important who started it", but I disagree. It can change everything.
yep, of course someone started it. what im saying though, is even if you have started a fight, if you still want to get a good outcome, you cant be rude, otherwise its going to end up in a lose lose situation like has obviously happened now.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
On January 10 2010 16:17 nebffa wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:15 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On January 10 2010 16:11 .risingdragoon wrote: you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares? How about you think of it like this. Your creating a format that causes people to get upset as they get spoiled. That is because they care about still watching the games, but would like to know which were the cream of the crop, or which was will be the best to watch. It aggrivates them as they get spoiled because of it when they shouldn't be. What your doing would basically be like TL admins using the green bar of their to advertise the winners of the tsl matches and going "well you signed onto TL so its your own fault" wtf this is completely different. that would be obvious, purposeful spoilering. what rising dragoon did is clearly not done with malicious intent. your analogy is not relevant.
well even if he didn't maliciously spoil in the rec,. games section, even after people asked him not to, he continued to post shit like this;
Aight, I'll do it this one time.
But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble.
that's some newschool touchy feely shit
recommended is just a suggestion, people are gonna watch their fav players' games regardless
if people come into live report and get spoiled, it's on them.
uhm yeah you decide for yourself who's more on the wrong here.
On January 10 2010 16:17 nebffa wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:15 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On January 10 2010 16:11 .risingdragoon wrote: you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares? How about you think of it like this. Your creating a format that causes people to get upset as they get spoiled. That is because they care about still watching the games, but would like to know which were the cream of the crop, or which was will be the best to watch. It aggrivates them as they get spoiled because of it when they shouldn't be. What your doing would basically be like TL admins using the green bar of their to advertise the winners of the tsl matches and going "well you signed onto TL so its your own fault" wtf this is completely different. that would be obvious, purposeful spoilering. what rising dragoon did is clearly not done with malicious intent. your analogy is not relevant.
Actually it is.
His attitude earlier stated that just coming into the thread was grounds for being spoiled.
as seen here
On January 10 2010 15:41 .risingdragoon wrote:
I'm not interested in talking to 2 people
games 1, 2, and 4 are the so-called oneside rapes that are frequently NOT recommended
if you don't actually watch games themselves, just watch some rec games and think that they're good and everything else is bad
if you don't wanna spoil yourself, dig into games you wanna watch, use no spoil vod on youtube/tlpd
If he wasn't responding in such an abrasive manner, or was at least apologetic, people wouldn't be so angry. He, however, seems to not care and consider it someone elses fault not his if they get spoiled. My analogy is similar due to his attitude.
On January 10 2010 16:17 nebffa wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:15 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On January 10 2010 16:11 .risingdragoon wrote: you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares? How about you think of it like this. Your creating a format that causes people to get upset as they get spoiled. That is because they care about still watching the games, but would like to know which were the cream of the crop, or which was will be the best to watch. It aggrivates them as they get spoiled because of it when they shouldn't be. What your doing would basically be like TL admins using the green bar of their to advertise the winners of the tsl matches and going "well you signed onto TL so its your own fault" wtf this is completely different. that would be obvious, purposeful spoilering. what rising dragoon did is clearly not done with malicious intent. your analogy is not relevant. EDIT: Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:16 domane wrote:On January 10 2010 16:13 nebffa wrote: this is what happens when you treat someone like an asshole. they treat you with the same level of respect you give them. so if you want him to stop putting spoilers in the recommended games, dont be rude at all. I don't know. It's awfully hazy who started this rude chain. I know people say "it's not important who started it", but I disagree. It can change everything. yep, of course someone started it. what im saying though, is even if you have started a fight, if you still want to get a good outcome, you cant be rude, otherwise its going to end up in a lose lose situation like has obviously happened now. Ever since the recommended games section has been in lr threads no one has put spoilers in it, every time someone dose they are told and they happly take them out There was about 4 people that have said to him change it its spoiling and all he responds with is rude posts that dont make sense
On January 10 2010 16:21 alffla wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:17 nebffa wrote:On January 10 2010 16:15 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On January 10 2010 16:11 .risingdragoon wrote: you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares? How about you think of it like this. Your creating a format that causes people to get upset as they get spoiled. That is because they care about still watching the games, but would like to know which were the cream of the crop, or which was will be the best to watch. It aggrivates them as they get spoiled because of it when they shouldn't be. What your doing would basically be like TL admins using the green bar of their to advertise the winners of the tsl matches and going "well you signed onto TL so its your own fault" wtf this is completely different. that would be obvious, purposeful spoilering. what rising dragoon did is clearly not done with malicious intent. your analogy is not relevant. well even if he didn't maliciously spoil in the rec,. games section, even after people asked him not to, he continued to post shit like this; Show nested quote +Aight, I'll do it this one time.
But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. Show nested quote +that's some newschool touchy feely shit
recommended is just a suggestion, people are gonna watch their fav players' games regardless
if people come into live report and get spoiled, it's on them. uhm yeah you decide for yourself who's more on the wrong here.
But it could have ended at:
On January 10 2010 15:02 .risingdragoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:59 AlTheCake wrote:On January 10 2010 14:57 On_Slaught wrote: Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won. Yeah, this. Just say like "This was a really good game, watch it!" People will be pissed in the morning if you spoil haha<3 Aight, I'll do it this one time. But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble.
but some people dragged it out into the shitstorm that ensued.
look, it's spinning and spinning around. I'm gonna drop this. thanks for understanding nebffa
I'm convinced a huge part of the reason that people are this zealous is cus KT got destroyed tonight. And within that mess somehow I'm the only one who liked both teams.
On January 10 2010 16:21 alffla wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:17 nebffa wrote:On January 10 2010 16:15 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On January 10 2010 16:11 .risingdragoon wrote: you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares? How about you think of it like this. Your creating a format that causes people to get upset as they get spoiled. That is because they care about still watching the games, but would like to know which were the cream of the crop, or which was will be the best to watch. It aggrivates them as they get spoiled because of it when they shouldn't be. What your doing would basically be like TL admins using the green bar of their to advertise the winners of the tsl matches and going "well you signed onto TL so its your own fault" wtf this is completely different. that would be obvious, purposeful spoilering. what rising dragoon did is clearly not done with malicious intent. your analogy is not relevant. well even if he didn't maliciously spoil in the rec,. games section, even after people asked him not to, he continued to post shit like this; Show nested quote +Aight, I'll do it this one time.
But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. Show nested quote +that's some newschool touchy feely shit
recommended is just a suggestion, people are gonna watch their fav players' games regardless
if people come into live report and get spoiled, it's on them. uhm yeah you decide for yourself who's more on the wrong here.
you care whos in the wrong. i dont. im saying that if you treat someone with disrespect, theyre not going to want to help you. what do you all do? insult/gang up on/humiliate him. i know that would make ME not do what you want. that is putting it matter-of-factly. honestly? it would make me want to do the opposite just to spite you.
yeah he wasnt being calm about it, but neither was anyone else.
This thread sure has gone off track.
I wonder what the people who wake up in a few hours to check the LR thread will think :D.
On January 10 2010 16:23 .risingdragoon wrote: look, it's spinning and spinning around. I'm gonna drop this. thanks for understanding nebffa
I'm convinced a huge part of the reason that people are this zealous is cus KT got destroyed tonight. And within that mess somehow I'm the only one who liked both teams. I seriously doubt KT's loss had significant impact on this so-called argument.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
On January 10 2010 16:23 cabarkapa wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:21 alffla wrote:On January 10 2010 16:17 nebffa wrote:On January 10 2010 16:15 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On January 10 2010 16:11 .risingdragoon wrote: you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares? How about you think of it like this. Your creating a format that causes people to get upset as they get spoiled. That is because they care about still watching the games, but would like to know which were the cream of the crop, or which was will be the best to watch. It aggrivates them as they get spoiled because of it when they shouldn't be. What your doing would basically be like TL admins using the green bar of their to advertise the winners of the tsl matches and going "well you signed onto TL so its your own fault" wtf this is completely different. that would be obvious, purposeful spoilering. what rising dragoon did is clearly not done with malicious intent. your analogy is not relevant. well even if he didn't maliciously spoil in the rec,. games section, even after people asked him not to, he continued to post shit like this; Aight, I'll do it this one time.
But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. that's some newschool touchy feely shit
recommended is just a suggestion, people are gonna watch their fav players' games regardless
if people come into live report and get spoiled, it's on them. uhm yeah you decide for yourself who's more on the wrong here. But it could have ended at: Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 15:02 .risingdragoon wrote:On January 10 2010 14:59 AlTheCake wrote:On January 10 2010 14:57 On_Slaught wrote: Yo risingdragon...
I'd recommend not putting spoilders in the recommended games tab. A lot of people go there before they look at results and both of ur recommendations clearly state who won. Yeah, this. Just say like "This was a really good game, watch it!" People will be pissed in the morning if you spoil haha<3 Aight, I'll do it this one time. But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. but some people dragged it out into the shitstorm that ensued.
yeah because of that second line
But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble.
that's just a wrong attitude to be taking isn't it? what if he makes another OP in the future and does the same?
On January 10 2010 16:23 .risingdragoon wrote: look, it's spinning and spinning around. I'm gonna drop this. thanks for understanding nebffa
I'm convinced a huge part of the reason that people are this zealous is cus KT got destroyed tonight. And within that mess somehow I'm the only one who liked both teams.
I don't like either teams, so it makes it null and void. I just don't like people who have displayed the attitude you have in LR threads. Yes people are mad at you so I can see why you'd be annoyed, but as I already have tons of issues with LR threads, I really don't want getting spoiled where I shouldn't be added to the list.
On January 10 2010 15:58 .risingdragoon wrote: I've had enough of people coming into tourney section and live report threads and crying cus they got spoiled in a place full of spoilers
DON'T COME IN if you're scared of knowing, go straight to watch the games! rec =/= de facto good or fun games, individual tastes vary. do yourself a favor and you'll find more games you'd enjoy.
Before I watch PL games I go to the threads to see if any of them are worth watching, which doesn't mean I want to know the results of the games.
Why do you think the results in the OP are always in spoilers, and the recommended games in a different one? Because we don't want the games to be spoiled, we just want to know if the game is worth watching. Honestly man I'm surprised that you don't see this.
On January 10 2010 16:23 .risingdragoon wrote: look, it's spinning and spinning around. I'm gonna drop this. thanks for understanding nebffa
I'm convinced a huge part of the reason that people are this zealous is cus KT got destroyed tonight. And within that mess somehow I'm the only one who liked both teams. People arn't zealous people are pissed off that you've clearly done something wrong in the thread according to EVERYONE ELSE and yet you still think your in the right
Hong Kong20321 Posts
On January 10 2010 16:25 nebffa wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:21 alffla wrote:On January 10 2010 16:17 nebffa wrote:On January 10 2010 16:15 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On January 10 2010 16:11 .risingdragoon wrote: you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares? How about you think of it like this. Your creating a format that causes people to get upset as they get spoiled. That is because they care about still watching the games, but would like to know which were the cream of the crop, or which was will be the best to watch. It aggrivates them as they get spoiled because of it when they shouldn't be. What your doing would basically be like TL admins using the green bar of their to advertise the winners of the tsl matches and going "well you signed onto TL so its your own fault" wtf this is completely different. that would be obvious, purposeful spoilering. what rising dragoon did is clearly not done with malicious intent. your analogy is not relevant. well even if he didn't maliciously spoil in the rec,. games section, even after people asked him not to, he continued to post shit like this; Aight, I'll do it this one time.
But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. that's some newschool touchy feely shit
recommended is just a suggestion, people are gonna watch their fav players' games regardless
if people come into live report and get spoiled, it's on them. uhm yeah you decide for yourself who's more on the wrong here. you care whos in the wrong. i dont. im saying that if you treat someone with disrespect, theyre not going to want to help you. what do you all do? insult/gang up on/humiliate him. i know that would make ME not do what you want. that is putting it matter-of-factly. honestly? it would make me want to do the opposite just to spite you. yeah he wasnt being calm about it, but neither was anyone else.
i think it was him not treating us and other members who would have wanted / or actually DID click on the spoilers with respect first.
if he really wants to 'do the opposite just to spite' me then he'll just get banned eventually. that's what the mods are for.
On January 10 2010 16:25 nebffa wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:21 alffla wrote:On January 10 2010 16:17 nebffa wrote:On January 10 2010 16:15 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On January 10 2010 16:11 .risingdragoon wrote: you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares? How about you think of it like this. Your creating a format that causes people to get upset as they get spoiled. That is because they care about still watching the games, but would like to know which were the cream of the crop, or which was will be the best to watch. It aggrivates them as they get spoiled because of it when they shouldn't be. What your doing would basically be like TL admins using the green bar of their to advertise the winners of the tsl matches and going "well you signed onto TL so its your own fault" wtf this is completely different. that would be obvious, purposeful spoilering. what rising dragoon did is clearly not done with malicious intent. your analogy is not relevant. well even if he didn't maliciously spoil in the rec,. games section, even after people asked him not to, he continued to post shit like this; Aight, I'll do it this one time.
But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. that's some newschool touchy feely shit
recommended is just a suggestion, people are gonna watch their fav players' games regardless
if people come into live report and get spoiled, it's on them. uhm yeah you decide for yourself who's more on the wrong here. you care whos in the wrong. i dont. im saying that if you treat someone with disrespect, theyre not going to want to help you. what do you all do? insult/gang up on/humiliate him. i know that would make ME not do what you want. that is putting it matter-of-factly. honestly? it would make me want to do the opposite just to spite you. yeah he wasnt being calm about it, but neither was anyone else. They weren't trying to gang up or humiliate the creator of the OP. You want this "peace", but that kind of accusation is actually not helpful.
It is more that the collective criticism simply overwhelmed .risingdragoon
On January 10 2010 16:25 domane wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:23 .risingdragoon wrote: look, it's spinning and spinning around. I'm gonna drop this. thanks for understanding nebffa
I'm convinced a huge part of the reason that people are this zealous is cus KT got destroyed tonight. And within that mess somehow I'm the only one who liked both teams. I seriously doubt KT's loss had significant impact on this so-called argument. heh, yea, and I'm living on mars
it's like people don't think "+ Show Spoiler +" don't mean spoiler anymore, but some kinda "space saving" tag or something. Then why da hell are rec in spoiler tags? Shouldn't they be in the open?
Hong Kong20321 Posts
On January 10 2010 16:29 .risingdragoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:25 domane wrote:On January 10 2010 16:23 .risingdragoon wrote: look, it's spinning and spinning around. I'm gonna drop this. thanks for understanding nebffa
I'm convinced a huge part of the reason that people are this zealous is cus KT got destroyed tonight. And within that mess somehow I'm the only one who liked both teams. I seriously doubt KT's loss had significant impact on this so-called argument. heh, yea, and I'm living on mars it's like people don't think " + Show Spoiler +" don't mean spoiler anymore, but some kinda "space saving" tag or something. Then why da hell are rec in spoiler tags? Shouldn't they be in the open?
yeah they are actually used to save space too.
I don't see how anybody can be spoiled by this thread?
On January 10 2010 16:31 d(O.o)a wrote: I don't see how anybody can be spoiled by this thread?
It has been edited since the issues have arisen, which was stated earlier in the thread. The issue is his demeanor behind it, as well as saying it would only be this one time.
yeah, if you got an essay to post
you wanna continue this thing?
On January 10 2010 16:32 BloodyC0bbler wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:31 d(O.o)a wrote: I don't see how anybody can be spoiled by this thread? It has been edited since the issues have arisen, which was stated earlier in the thread. The issue is his demeanor behind it, as well as saying it would only be this one time.
It was edited looooooooooong before this whole thing started.
you gonna tell me spoiler tag is not spoiler tag? it's in a tag, maybe you should start not using it cus it still means "spoiler" to most people
On January 10 2010 16:29 .risingdragoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:25 domane wrote:On January 10 2010 16:23 .risingdragoon wrote: look, it's spinning and spinning around. I'm gonna drop this. thanks for understanding nebffa
I'm convinced a huge part of the reason that people are this zealous is cus KT got destroyed tonight. And within that mess somehow I'm the only one who liked both teams. I seriously doubt KT's loss had significant impact on this so-called argument. heh, yea, and I'm living on mars it's like people don't think " + Show Spoiler +" don't mean spoiler anymore, but some kinda "space saving" tag or something. Then why da hell are rec in spoiler tags? Shouldn't they be in the open? Large amounts of information, like a long article or pictures, are often put in spoilers.
Now, one or two lines from recommended games wouldn't be that much by themselves.
However, there are a lot of other parts that make up a proleague OP. Ideal to save space so that the entire OP doesn't take up a quarter of one page.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
On January 10 2010 16:32 .risingdragoon wrote: yeah, if you got an essay to post
you wanna continue this thing?
yeah, you're a dick. don't do this anymore ^___^
On January 10 2010 16:27 alffla wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:25 nebffa wrote:On January 10 2010 16:21 alffla wrote:On January 10 2010 16:17 nebffa wrote:On January 10 2010 16:15 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On January 10 2010 16:11 .risingdragoon wrote: you know what, whatever
this is like the top40s chart and I'm being called stuff cus I'm not for it
and telling me not to make a thread, ok, but not to make a good thread cus nobody cares, wtf?! I do it cus I care about the players and people who like me who enjoy these players. who are you to tell me nobody cares? How about you think of it like this. Your creating a format that causes people to get upset as they get spoiled. That is because they care about still watching the games, but would like to know which were the cream of the crop, or which was will be the best to watch. It aggrivates them as they get spoiled because of it when they shouldn't be. What your doing would basically be like TL admins using the green bar of their to advertise the winners of the tsl matches and going "well you signed onto TL so its your own fault" wtf this is completely different. that would be obvious, purposeful spoilering. what rising dragoon did is clearly not done with malicious intent. your analogy is not relevant. well even if he didn't maliciously spoil in the rec,. games section, even after people asked him not to, he continued to post shit like this; Aight, I'll do it this one time.
But coming into the live report thread and looking under 1 spoiler and NOT expect to be spoiled is just asking for trouble. that's some newschool touchy feely shit
recommended is just a suggestion, people are gonna watch their fav players' games regardless
if people come into live report and get spoiled, it's on them. uhm yeah you decide for yourself who's more on the wrong here. you care whos in the wrong. i dont. im saying that if you treat someone with disrespect, theyre not going to want to help you. what do you all do? insult/gang up on/humiliate him. i know that would make ME not do what you want. that is putting it matter-of-factly. honestly? it would make me want to do the opposite just to spite you. yeah he wasnt being calm about it, but neither was anyone else. i think it was him not treating us and other members who would have wanted / or actually DID click on the spoilers with respect first. if he really wants to 'do the opposite just to spite' me then he'll just get banned eventually. that's what the mods are for.
you should try and understand that it doesnt matter who started the fight. to justify aggression of your own with another persons initial attack is less relevant than the more important question - did your aggression actually get you anywhere?
the answer is no, so youd be misguided going down that road in the first place. to say "he started it" is to cut off the leaves of the weed, but the roots (the underlying cause) which you have not addressed are still in the ground.
On January 10 2010 16:34 alffla wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:32 .risingdragoon wrote: yeah, if you got an essay to post
you wanna continue this thing? yeah, you're a dick. don't do this anymore ^___^ hoho, I love it when people talk crap with a smile like it's suppose to make it better
hey I'm not the dick, I just pointed out your obvious stupidity of clicking something in spoils and complain, given everything
Look all that really matters here is that you don't put spoilers in the recommended section next time. Do you actually intend to do this or not is all I, and the rest of the normal people who read this thread care about.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
On January 10 2010 16:37 .risingdragoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:34 alffla wrote:On January 10 2010 16:32 .risingdragoon wrote: yeah, if you got an essay to post
you wanna continue this thing? yeah, you're a dick. don't do this anymore ^___^ hoho, I love it when people talk crap with a smile like it's suppose to make it better hey I'm not the dick, I just pointed out your obvious stupidity of clicking something in spoils and complain, given everything
your posting sucks and never makes sense ^____^
hope you liked my smile
On January 10 2010 16:37 .risingdragoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:34 alffla wrote:On January 10 2010 16:32 .risingdragoon wrote: yeah, if you got an essay to post
you wanna continue this thing? yeah, you're a dick. don't do this anymore ^___^ hoho, I love it when people talk crap with a smile like it's suppose to make it better hey I'm not the dick, I just pointed out your obvious stupidity of clicking something in spoils and complain, given everything No you are the dick, everyone on tl if they made a live report thread knows not to spoil in recommended games, if you're to stupid to relise that because your putting them in "spoiler" tags then remove the tags
On January 10 2010 16:39 alffla wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:37 .risingdragoon wrote:On January 10 2010 16:34 alffla wrote:On January 10 2010 16:32 .risingdragoon wrote: yeah, if you got an essay to post
you wanna continue this thing? yeah, you're a dick. don't do this anymore ^___^ hoho, I love it when people talk crap with a smile like it's suppose to make it better hey I'm not the dick, I just pointed out your obvious stupidity of clicking something in spoils and complain, given everything your posting sucks and never makes sense ^____^ hope you liked my smile
I liked it, about as much as I think of your insults
Actually, the smiles finish off this thing very well. Less words, the better.
nebffa, now everything is pretty ideal, in terms of how people should react to arguments.
On January 10 2010 16:37 Frits wrote: Look all that really matters here is that you don't put spoilers in the recommended section next time. Do you actually intend to do this or not is all I, and the rest of the normal people who read this thread care about.
You know what, I will. But not cus of any of them.
Yeah, who knew it would be this long waste of time. It all started with clicking on a spoiler tag.
I put Really on my anti team because it saw it was vs Flash and fantasy... totally unexpected results for me T_T Waiting for youtube vid
On January 10 2010 16:48 .risingdragoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 16:37 Frits wrote: Look all that really matters here is that you don't put spoilers in the recommended section next time. Do you actually intend to do this or not is all I, and the rest of the normal people who read this thread care about. You know what, I will. But not cus of any of them. Yeah, who knew it would be this long waste of time. It all started with clicking on a spoiler tag. And finding out that there are spoilers inside. You win.
On January 10 2010 14:47 MountainDewJunkie wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 14:38 idortlol wrote: Last 10 matches Flash had won all TvT games.
Very unusual for him to lose tonight...though I did feel like he was not playing like his usual self. Something felt off about his play style. I always love how when Flash loses, it's because something was wrong. God forbid the other player just played better for once.
I always love how when EVERY good player (Insert names like "Bisu", "Jaedong" or anyone you like) loses, it's beacuse something was wrong. God forbid the other player just played better for once.
I always find it better when the other player plays better, because it's much better than Jaedong playing bad. : ?
Just woke up, and THIS is what happened?
I knew Really was capable of it but I never believed it would actually happen until I saw the results.
Estro is my favorite "underdog" team to root for, go Estro.
Have to watch this series.
Yeah me too. Is jon747 the first place to look for fast vods?
I can't wait to watch the Flash vs Really game, it should be pretty interesting considering how Match Point is relatively resource poor with regards to TvT, at least from what I've seen from Flash's games recently.
On January 10 2010 18:21 GGruss wrote: Yeah me too. Is jon747 the first place to look for fast vods? wfbrood usually has them first. scroll down to the bottom of this page, they're already up: http://www.wfbrood.com/movie/spl/Index.html
I remember watching savior play when he was dominant. I react the same way to flash losing as to savior, like WHut how?? never thought this would happen again. Flash you monster!
I'm just thinking... Matchpoint. Check. Terran opponent. Check he's probably not focusing on anything else than zerg and toss right now considering he's soon in BOTH finals lol.
Lot's of Flash fanboy tears and excuses right now. 
Oh and as for the real reason why he lost: he wasn't wearing his lucky underwear.
On January 10 2010 19:57 tomatriedes wrote:Lot's of Flash fanboy tears right now.  Oh and as for the reason why he lost: he wasn't wearing his lucky underwear. Why would we cry, because he lost one game out of 1765376176471498 ? Not gonna happen, sorry
It's pretty official. Flash is in a slump.
On January 10 2010 20:12 SuperJongMan wrote: It's pretty official. Flash is in a slump.
Haha, I wish.
Yay, finally KT got 3-0ed it was about time! :p
Oh no.. Didnt get to watch this today, but Flash LOST?
KT lost, liquibet lost, but my ranking still remains the same.. Hmm i can see how much hope everyone has on Flash's TvT..
Singapore66072 Posts
On January 10 2010 19:57 tomatriedes wrote:Lot's of Flash fanboy tears and excuses right now.  Their 'excuse' is legitimate though
Flash does have to prepare two Bo5s with a Protoss (in a Finals) and a Zerg (who is so aggressive).
He was most likely counting on either Violet or Hoejja to take their game and for Luxury to take them to ace, followed by Violet finishing off the day.
On January 10 2010 22:35 konadora wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 19:57 tomatriedes wrote:Lot's of Flash fanboy tears and excuses right now.  Their 'excuse' is legitimate though Flash does have to prepare two Bo5s with a Protoss (in a Finals) and a Zerg (who is so aggressive). He was most likely counting on either Violet or Hoejja to take their game and for Luxury to take them to ace, followed by Violet finishing off the day.
Yeah, it's no surprise Flash got his TvT streak broken at this time. It just shows that Flash isnt a super monster who can win without practicing (no one can).
And KT failing is really no surprise.
Same thing happened with Jaedong last season. Calling every explanation fanboy tears without looking at whether or not it's legitimate would be like asserting everybody who disagrees with you is being a troll. Oh, wait.
It's just one loss, get a grip.
Edit: Also I am happy that he lost, it served as a reminder that he's only human, this loss will only make him focus more on MSL and OSL, and that's the only thing that matters.
See. I told you Really was the player that would rip up this year.
Sad Flash's TvT streak got broken though
Lol at those of you who thinks that Flash is human. XD
flash LOST? seriously? looooloollo
Finland1714 Posts
glorious results, Gosl tearing it up and Really managed to stop Flash's TvT streak, go eSTRO!
Damnit Really killed my FPL
Belgium9944 Posts
these kind of reactions when flash actually loses a game...
B-word mkay.
well Flash havent been beatable lately, that you can admit. He had his winning streak
Norway1530 Posts
oh wtf go home estro your not fun!!!
16951 Posts
flash in a slump. there goes double msl and osl victory, gratz to kwanro and kal.
: O RLY?
: YA. Really.
On January 11 2010 03:31 Heimatloser wrote: flash in a slump. there goes double msl and osl victory, gratz to kwanro and kal. I hope this is sarcasm.
On January 11 2010 04:01 AlTheCake wrote:Show nested quote +On January 11 2010 03:31 Heimatloser wrote: flash in a slump. there goes double msl and osl victory, gratz to kwanro and kal. I hope this is sarcasm. |:
He's a KT fan whos sig says Flash is his fav terran. I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes.
Really definitely stepping it up recently. WOOT!
22-1 TvT? Wow Flash sucks. slumping hardcore.
This is a good time to point out that Leta beat Really twice in one day a while ago.
So by extension...
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On January 11 2010 04:49 Zozma wrote: This is a good time to point out that Leta beat Really twice in one day a while ago.
So by extension... No. No such extension should ever be applied. If it were to be, then we'd have contradictions all over the place.
On January 11 2010 05:21 Roffles wrote:Show nested quote +On January 11 2010 04:49 Zozma wrote: This is a good time to point out that Leta beat Really twice in one day a while ago.
So by extension... No. No such extension should ever be applied. If it were to be, then we'd have contradictions all over the place. I think someone's just angry about how hard Leta raped flash in my imagination.
Estro! go go keep winning!
Flash's TvT streak is finally broken. =( Sad. But it's understandable since he has a zerg and protoss in the individual leagues.
On January 10 2010 06:44 BanZu wrote:Somehow I have the feeling that Really will beat Flash. But then I think about it and go nahhhhhhh LOL oops
I clicked on the results, expecting to see a 3-0 from KT, ez pz win. But I look at the results, and it says 3-0 eSTRO, and I think to myself "Lol, OP is such a nub, bolded wrong players." And then I read this thread, and my heart sinks. I could cry right now.
Really just went from pretty underrated to slightly overrated.
People will reference this game (and deservedly so) when talking about him for the next couple of months (or even more if Flash goes out and just wins his next 15 TvTs which is very possible). But all the stars aligned for him to take this win too.
That's the beauty of this game =)
On January 11 2010 08:42 StylishVODs wrote:Show nested quote +On January 11 2010 04:49 Zozma wrote: This is a good time to point out that Leta beat Really twice in one day a while ago.
So by extension... and Really lost to pepe, which means pepe is the new Bonjwa! WOOT Hold up now, pepe lost to Boxer, so Boxer is the new Bonjwa! This system works pretty well imo.
On January 11 2010 08:49 Avidkeystamper wrote:Show nested quote +On January 11 2010 08:42 StylishVODs wrote:On January 11 2010 04:49 Zozma wrote: This is a good time to point out that Leta beat Really twice in one day a while ago.
So by extension... and Really lost to pepe, which means pepe is the new Bonjwa! WOOT Hold up now, pepe lost to Boxer, so Boxer is the new Bonjwa! This system works pretty well imo. And Flash is 1-1 vs Boxer so we have Flash = Flash to prove that this sentence is right!
see, he wasn't so stupid after all!
Nah the buck stops with pepe. he's lost to damn near everyone. AKA everyone > Flash.
On January 11 2010 09:33 StylishVODs wrote: see, he wasn't so stupid after all!
On January 11 2010 05:40 Zozma wrote:Show nested quote +On January 11 2010 05:21 Roffles wrote:On January 11 2010 04:49 Zozma wrote: This is a good time to point out that Leta beat Really twice in one day a while ago.
So by extension... No. No such extension should ever be applied. If it were to be, then we'd have contradictions all over the place. I think someone's just angry about how hard Leta raped flash in my imagination.
On January 10 2010 22:35 konadora wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2010 19:57 tomatriedes wrote:Lot's of Flash fanboy tears and excuses right now.  Their 'excuse' is legitimate though Flash does have to prepare two Bo5s with a Protoss (in a Finals) and a Zerg (who is so aggressive). He was most likely counting on either Violet or Hoejja to take their game and for Luxury to take them to ace, followed by Violet finishing off the day.
I know, I know, I just like ribbing the flash fanboys sometimes. In other news- Flash is a scary, invincible GOD and is going to kill and rape everyone in all of his next MILLION matches. There, feel better?
The reason the loss is surprising is because Flash almost never loses to weak players.
Look at his last 50 games, he's only lost to:
Calm, ZerO, HyuN (okay okay), Stork, and BeSt.
And now... Really.
He's slumping.
United States12546 Posts
On January 12 2010 03:50 purewater wrote:The reason the loss is surprising is because Flash almost never loses to weak players. Look at his last 50 games, he's only lost to: Calm, ZerO, HyuN (okay okay), Stork, and BeSt. And now... Really. He's slumping. Really in PL this season: 16-6 (72%)
maybe he's not that weak...
motbob its ok, just disregard what the troll says lol
ridic. who thought it would be REALLY stopping Flash's TvT i know Really was a solid player but i dunno..
watching him struggle last year has put some sort of disbelief in my mind
On January 12 2010 07:31 DreaM)XeRO wrote: ridic. who thought it would be REALLY stopping Flash's TvT i know Really was a solid player but i dunno..
watching him struggle last year has put some sort of disbelief in my mind
Yeah, I know Really's supposed to be good... but I can only think about Really's bunker rush getting owned by Kwanro, and Daezang getting a 35 kill reaver vs him D: I guess he wins boring and loses with style
On January 12 2010 03:50 purewater wrote:The reason the loss is surprising is because Flash almost never loses to weak players. Look at his last 50 games, he's only lost to: Calm, ZerO, HyuN (okay okay), Stork, and BeSt. And now... Really. He's slumping.
I will take this opportunity to take your good point and erroneous conclusion to show you how an argument should be built.
Flash is the KT workhorse. No one will deny this. He plays in one of the first 3 match usu for KT. Then he usu. goes onto play the Ace match. Right now he is trying to prepare for both the MSL and OSL. This all after an intensive training interim where he developed his beastly TvT and TvZ style of play. All of this points to the fact that Flash is just tired. He needs to reset for a day and then get his mind running SC again. (Even a B team fresh off the bench can beat an exhausted pro-team.)
Why might this be the case? For instance, tomorrow's KT match versus Stars, Flash is no where to be seen. Instead KT has put Barracks in his place. Seriously - Barracks? KT has bigger fish to fry with Flash. It would just be a bad investment to drain Flash some more by putting pressure on his Proleague play rather than trying to get the Rolster logo on both the OSL and MSL finals video, etc, etc. .
What is worse is that MatchPoint can be fairly unforgiving, especially in mirror matchups. That is because you cannot play a renegade like style if someone shuts down your 2nd expo position. Without that 3rd being operational, it is hard/impossible to try to take another expo. Really got ahead with some good vulture harass - then shut down Flash's third and it was GG. That is all I see in that matchup. To go on such a streak as Flash did, and be dominating in the StarLeagues - well that is just insane. That is like a soccer players team winning the FIFA cup, the EuroCup, and his League championship, practically flawlessly, all at the same time.
I'm surprised that people are surprised that Flash dropped a game eventually. Winning 22 games doesn't make you invincible. It gives off an illusion, but the whole time, Flash is just really good, but not unstoppable. Hopefully Flash will be able to prepare for his matchup against Kwanro well enough. I think people will expect Flash to roll Kwanro, but I think it will be an incredibly tough match for him. Kwanro has really great timing and has bonjwa-sAviOr like swarm talent. His matchup against movie should also be something pretty spectacular. This is what people should be looking to. I doubt if this loss will really have any effect on Flash. If anything, it will put matters in perspective.
hell yeah eSTRO! One of my favorite underrated teams. Too bad Flash's winning streak got broken, but at least eSTRO won. Hopefully eSTRO do a repeat performance with SKT1!
God I hate Really. Not because he beat Flash, but because he keeps screwing with my FPL.
Oh noss, streak gone... I know it has to end someday...but still..... feel sad 
Really is really good, he is winning ever since I put him in anti team. Maybe it is because I put him @ anti team that why he is on a roll lately.
It's okay, I will fix it next week!