! [G] Zerg Mechanics Thread - Page 5
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Germany139 Posts
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Romania651 Posts
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Germany139 Posts
And there is 1 thing i want to add to ovie scouting which not everyone does maybe. Lets take Luna for example u starting at 11. Now if u play against protoss i would recommend that u send your ovie to the 3 location , because this location has the closest expo to your location, so if the protoss goes for fe or proxy gates u will see it faster. So in general u send your ovie to the position which expo is closest to u. Against terran its the other way around. Starting at 11 again u should send your ovie to the 7 positon. This way u can easily scout his gas/gastiming which gives u a good clue of what strat hes going for even though u cant get a drone in his base anymore. Hope this is helpful for anyone. | ||
USA29055 Posts
On January 31 2007 17:08 zulu_nation8 wrote: yes but if you 9 drone scout your hatch/pool will both be late so thus your zerglings also. 9 drone scout is good vs opponents you don't know who are likely to cheese or on big maps like arcadia. Honestly it doesn't matter when you scout with zerg as long as its not too early or too late, the minerals you lose matters so little. If you lose to a bunker rush it's because you microed badly not because you scouted too early. Kinda.. It does matter when you scout and "being to early" is impossible because what the hell is "to early" ? 5 drone scouting? I agree. But seeing the enemy before they begin teching isnt a bad thing. This allows you to harrass working units (be it a SCV which can pay for the scout itself) or probes which can end up messing a FE up or even killing a worker. In addition, losing to a bunker rush can have nothing to do with micro, If you dont scout and they boxer bunker rush with like 6 scv's you will die because you most likely dont have the 8 or so drones it takes to thwart this because you didnt scout. If you scout you can catch this and use the necessary drone force in compliment with your now 4 saved larvae for lings. Scouting is critical. The debate on hatch timing and such is true, you do delay by seconds the amount of hatches/lings. This however is mute when you consider the difference between being able to make 4 extra drones because you see them going FE (no threat / need for lings) aand them proxy gating in which you would need to cancel your hatch potentially. Both scenarios are examples where seconds faster lings dont matter and actually lose the game for you. I could name more. Point is, its always good to know what the opponent is doing, it will cost you seconds but that is fine as it could mean the difference between a win and a thumping. | ||
7004 Posts
I think they're theoretically great vs terran and slowing down carriers for hydras to snipe with after a combination of plague and swarm. I also saw That one zerg try to toy around with Nazgul (By.cozyI think?) By going mass queens, didn't work out but he held a good fight with it :/ | ||
USA29055 Posts
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Last Romantic
United States20661 Posts
edit: also, what is the best response to cannon rush behind minerals like on RH3 or luna or w/e? try to slip a drone behind? because he dies 1v1 vs the probe. make sunkens? but he can manually target. you need a LOT of lings to kill if the pyl covers the cannon. | ||
Japan2239 Posts
Voila, never lose to that stupid cannon rush again. | ||
USA29055 Posts
On February 01 2007 22:54 Last Romantic wrote: Say you're going on with your normal 12 hatch 11 pool type build and you scout double proxy gateways, or triple proxy gateways - what is the response? Do you cancel, or do you spam creep colonies like a madman? edit: also, what is the best response to cannon rush behind minerals like on RH3 or luna or w/e? try to slip a drone behind? because he dies 1v1 vs the probe. make sunkens? but he can manually target. you need a LOT of lings to kill if the pyl covers the cannon. If its a big map like arcadia or perhaps Luna and you feel the timing is "ok" for you, try and micro with lings/few drones and make 1-2 sunks. If you are not confident in this cancel hatch and either gas faster in main + sunk or 2 hatch in main and fix on NOT allowing a contain. I usually cancel hatch and expo somewhere else while teching in main or 2 hatching in main. I also typically proxy hatch proxy gaters to give em a taste of their own medicine. On maps like Blitz X, RH3 and such where cannon rushes are almost always tried you go 12 pool to expo. Or if its a average map but you suspect something keep an ovie near the nat hatch watching for lingering probes. If they block in cannons with a pylon you can do 1 of 2 things. A. bring a shit ton of drones and kill the pylon. Or B. cancel hatch and expo at another nat or something. I think B is safer but A can work too. | ||
United States41982 Posts
On maps like gaia with high gas, are arbs and sairs a viable tech change PvZ. And if so, when and why should I attempt this? Thankooo Kwark :D | ||
USA29055 Posts
On February 02 2007 04:42 Kwark wrote: Dear INc On maps like gaia with high gas, are arbs and sairs a viable tech change PvZ. And if so, when and why should I attempt this? Thankooo Kwark :D Sairs are always a viable tech where the expo has gas. Arbiters are a nice addition in very late game. I think both of these techs are viable, I wouldnt make some kind of strange early arbiter / sair tech on any map really PvZ but going sairs (to any degree you want) is fine on Gaia and making Arbiters for the end game can actually be very spicey if you mind the scourges :D | ||
Germany139 Posts
How do u handle a protoss with 2 bases which masses goons and breaks your lurk contain. I find myself very helpless against this. Maybe i can hold off till i get hive, but mass goons kill my ultas anyways and mass lings get slaugthered by storm. Which is the best choice? Should i try to prolong the containment but have a weak eco or should i try not to infest too much into it so i can mass units afterwards? I kinda always get run over by mass goons ![]() | ||
Japan2239 Posts
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China26351 Posts
On February 02 2007 16:02 trickser wrote: Dear inc How do u handle a protoss with 2 bases which masses goons and breaks your lurk contain. I find myself very helpless against this. Maybe i can hold off till i get hive, but mass goons kill my ultas anyways and mass lings get slaugthered by storm. Which is the best choice? Should i try to prolong the containment but have a weak eco or should i try not to infest too much into it so i can mass units afterwards? I kinda always get run over by mass goons ![]() replay | ||
United States12796 Posts
don't be a douche :p My advise if it's acceptible is MORE LINGS DAMMIT! | ||
Germany139 Posts
Replay http://www.battlereports.com/viewreplays.php?replaynum=32017 | ||
Last Romantic
United States20661 Posts
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United States12796 Posts
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United States9452 Posts
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USA29055 Posts
On February 03 2007 21:26 Last Romantic wrote: iNc: I noticed a lot of good ZvTers [junwi, cool[fou]] build a hatchery at Terran's expo instead of close to own base. In what cases is this useful? [Like in this game on Peaks, where Junwi was top right, he put his 3rd base at bottom right expo] T's typically expand or even scout to their secondary nat base far later than they would predict a zerg to do the same. This means the zerg has a far greater chance of expanding without need of defense (early to mid). Had they expanded in predictable places like a natural expansion (for the starting spot) or another main they would typically have to make defenses ie lurkers on ramp or sunkens. Expanding to a opponent nat is also nice because if you defend it it is essentially stealing late game options from them. If the game develops and it becomes a resource game you now have a chunk of their "territory." | ||
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