Singapore66072 Posts
On April 26 2009 01:24 jeddus wrote: There won't be a next generation because sc II will kill esports!!!!!!!!!!
(just kidding, just kidding) There are more progamers interested in playing SC2 professionally than you think
Omfg.. this thread was such an epic read. And epic EPIC troll from Chill. My god. Thank you pony express for pointing me to this.
God damn Latent... -_-. You are so... lol.
EDIT: I mean seriously, Latent is a troll right? I cannot get over it. lollll
who is this latent guy? Please no bansy I love this guy. hahah I read the Pony Express Issue 72 and maan this thread really did deliver. <3 Pony Express
Re: the original question: I think there is a lot of untapped potential among the younger progamers, even amateurs. Heck, even today's ICCup newbies could be tomorrow's champions: it just depends how much latent talent there is.
MBC just picked up revival[scm]. I expect him to get big fast. Another 400 apmzerg with a excellent hive/management play.
by.hero,effort,baby,skyhigh all seems like safe bets.
Interesting thread. Amazing PM troll.
My take:
There has definitely been an increase in the skill level of players (and will be for time to come obviously). But I'd say the shifts in who is the 'best' at any given time in the future will have had as much to do with shifts in the meta-game and the way specific players approach specific match ups if not more than any marked increases in pure skill. Innovators tend to do well because they are unsettling.
The situation is not unlike professional tennis, which is hundreds of years old. Three years ago you couldn't look back at Sampras and say he only dominated because of lack of competition the likes of Federer... and that skill in tennis had plateaued with Fed's brilliance. Because then along comes a Nadal, the meta-game shifts and people are forced into new ways of approaching how to play the game. In other words, you'd be nuts to argue that Federer isn't a better player than Sampras... but also nuts to deny that Nadal plays the type of game that simply blunts Federer's (and a large number of other players) weapons which contributes heavily to his success.
CA10824 Posts
why haven't i checked up on this thread after page 3 or 4 LOL
Just spent two hours reading this thread. Why do I do that? Damn TL.net
On April 28 2009 21:07 LosingID8 wrote: why haven't i checked up on this thread after page 3 or 4 LOL
<3 this thread! Chill's PM rocked haha
But we should keep the discussion in a civilized level 
To stay on topic: I think we have more than one bonjwa, if that is possible :p Jaedong and Bisu. Dunno how much Fantasy or SkyHigh will deliver, since I havent seen much of them. NaDa stayed on top for like 14 months, maybe Jaedong will too?
Wow epic troll back on page 12... whoever decided to make the forum text Arial was a freaking visionary.
Leta. Great Terran player. Sucks he got disqualified in his match vs Kal. Kinda BS imo lol...
posting in epic thread. Chill's PM was priceless. Thankyou pony express.
Having skimmed posts from pg7 onwards, forgive me if this argument has already been made, but claiming that progress has "capped" is fundamentally flawed at a basic logic level. Saying that something has reached it's peak implies that you know the past and the future, and can pinpoint the peak with that knowledge. But it is impossible to know the future, so therefore you cannot pass that judgment.
lol if it wasn't for the amount of arrogance in people's posts, TL would have a lot less entertaining troll threads.
Offtopic: Being a lowly failskill starcraft hobbyist, I recognized that fantasy was good, but I didn't notice at all how he is making the game more fluid and altering the metagame. Could anyone of the expert mods do an in depth English commentary on one of his games? I'm sure it would be really helpful for newbs like me, especially since i doubt the sc2gg crowd would be able to achieve/deliver this anytime soon.
Wow, thank you pony express for directing me to this post.
I don't understand why posters (latent, and others) are so intent on using analogies to prove their points in this thread. Analogies are awful tools for proving your points in this context. This is a godamn starcraft forum, everyone on this site has enough knowledge about the game that arguments shouldn't have to be watered down by ridiculous comparisons.
On April 29 2009 11:36 Railxp wrote:Offtopic: Being a lowly failskill starcraft hobbyist, I recognized that fantasy was good, but I didn't notice at all how he is making the game more fluid and altering the metagame. Could anyone of the expert mods do an in depth English commentary on one of his games? I'm sure it would be really helpful for newbs like me, especially since i doubt the sc2gg crowd would be able to achieve/deliver this anytime soon.
It's hard to realize stuff like that while making a commentary on a fresh match. Usually making new tidbits of strategy and metagames can be observed if you go through of a series of recent games on that matchup, it's hard to do so on a single game.
On April 25 2009 07:59 Chill wrote: Everyone, including C newbies, knows the timing for 12 Pool vs Overpool vs 9 Pool. It's common sense that a later Pool gives you later Zerglings and a faster second Hatchery. Everyone know this. So unless you have intimate proof of a situation where Jaedong's timing is tighter than anyone else (which you haven't come close to demonstrating even theoretcially), I will just dismiss that point.
Timing implies some sort of forward thinking. I can't restate this enough until you address it. It's a buildup to when you have the best chance to win a battle. From your example, GGPlay killed a scout and then countered. Even if he attacked at the perfect time, that still doesn't imply timing, because his decision was made for him by Jaedong's mistake.
Again, timing is realizing something is coming, and shifting yourself to attack when you have made yourself strongest relative to your opponent. Show me how this occured in that ZvZ, or any ZvZ for that matter, above and beyond the concepts applied at C-level.
I think the one time in a JD zvz I can think of (in recent memory) where timing difference came into a big part (And indeed is probably the only thing you didn't mention) was Air Armor upgrade against effort. His attack was timed almost perfectly with his upgrade to the absolute deficit of Effort's.
Aside from that, latent is convincingly full of shit with his "zvz timing" arguments. JD's real advantage in zvz has and always will be his micro. That he argues shit like "GGplay's timing blah blah" when it was literally just more zerglings and all the other backwards ass stuff, I would wage money that he wouldn't be able to spot out the few actual timing differences that happen in peculiar zvzs, or any matchups for that matter.
Tosses of the future: movie, horang2
but really, sc2 will probably kill sc before they get good
hope sc2 is a good spectator esport
On May 01 2009 07:46 Pyrrhuloxia wrote: hope sc2 is a good spectator esport
Seriously, so much hinges on this. Crossing fingers here...
I like how all these guys are still older than Flash.
Curse his early rising.