Singapore66072 Posts
Battle Royal, full of Zergs' love (?) [Fomos = Reporter Kim Gyung Hyun] 4 in 5 matches played are ZvZs.
Battle Royal was influenced by the movie of the same name, with early back-and-forth fights, and battles occurring outside the center during mid-game. In the beginning, the center route is connected, but once the assimilators are destroyed, like Troy, the rush route will be cut off. Late in the game, the players will have to expand out of the center region, hence promoting battles to occur out of the center region.
The new map 'Battle Royal' is receiving a lot of love (?) from the Zergs.
This is a new map added to the map pool for the Shinhan Bank Proleague Round 4. It is a two-player map designed with a concept of starting off with a lot of early rushes and battles. Although the bases are connected via a short route, once the assimilators are destroyed, battles will be forced to occur outside the center region.
If one looks through the entries released by KeSPA on the 9th, excluding ace matches, there are 5 matches occurring on Battle Royal. But the fact that 4 of the 5 matches are ZvZ mirrors is raising eyebrows amongst people.
Excluding the match between WeMade FOX's Roro and KTF's Tempest, the rest of the matches played are ZvZ mirrors. It seems that progamers have determined that the map is zerg favored.
On Battle Royal, you can first attack with ground units. But once you destroy the assimilators, it becomes a semi-island map. If one wants to get out of the center region, they will need to destroy a neutral building. It is because of this unique design of the map that the matches occurring on this map were expected to involve aggressive early fights, and big battles occurring outside the center region as the game progresses.
But this concept does not apply to ZvZ at all. Because of mutalisks' air-battles, the concept that the map is based on becomes totally obsolete. It seems that most of the progamers have determined that the map is zerg favored.
One progaming team staff mentioned that when the map was first announced, there was a lot of talk amongst the progamers that 'the map is going to be fun'. But upon further play, due to the short distance between the mains, the overlords could easily scout Terran and Protoss' builds, hence determining that it is very difficult for Terran and Protoss players to play on the map.
If one looks at the map slowly, many mechanics are bringing out the concepts that the map is based on. But the air-to-air distance between the mains are much closer than the ground-to-ground distance between the mains, and due to the design of the center, it has a similar concept to Raid Assault 2. Raid Assault 2 too had a long ground-to-ground distance, but very short air-to-air distance, which ended up with a large number of ZvZ matches.
For now, it is a map that is being strongly loved by the Zergs. But we still do not know. It had only been a week since the maps were released, and the progamers would not have had a lot of time to practice.
Will Battle Royal be able to constantly gather such great amount of love from the Zergs? Like Raid Assault 2's case, a map with too much ZvZs occurring do not last long, and Battle Royal's start does not seem good. The only oddball, KTF's Tempest, can be said to be the 'key' to saving this map from ending up with the same fate as Raid Assault 2.
Shinhan Bank Proleague Round 4 Matches on Battle Royal: 11th April: GGPlay (Woongjin Stars) <Battle Royale> Juni (Samsung Khan) 12th April: RorO (WeMade FOX) <Battle Royale> Tempest (KTF MagicNs) 13th April: HyuN (MBCGame Hero) <Battle Royale> Thezerg (SKTelecom T1) 14th April: HoGiL (Hite Sparkyz) <Battle Royale> oDin (Samsung Khan) 15th April: RorO (WeMade FOX) <Battle Royale> Calm (STX Soul)
Source: Fomos.kr
+ Show Spoiler [Original Korean Article] +신규맵 '배틀로얄', 저그들 사랑 독차지 2009년 04월 09일 17시 21분 [포모스=김경현 기자]에결 제외 총 5경기 중 저저전 4경기 성사 새 전장 '배틀로얄'이 저그 선수들의 뜨거운 사랑(?)을 받고 있다. 배틀로얄은 신한은행 프로리그 08-09 4라운드에 새롭게 투입됐다. 대혼전이라는 뜻처럼 초반부터 치열한 싸움을 유도하는 독특한 컨셉의 2인용 맵이다. 초반에는 중앙 전장이 지상으로 연결되어 있으나 어시밀레이터 입구가 파괴되면 최단 러시 루트는 사라지며 주 전장이 외곽 쪽으로 유도되는 특징을 가지고 있다. 9일, 한국e스포츠협회를 통해 발표된 신한은행 프로리그 08-09 4라운드 1주차 엔트리를 살펴보면 에이스결정전을 제외하고 배틀로얄에서 5경기가 펼쳐질 예정이다. 하지만 이 5경기 중에 4경기가 저저전으로 결정되어 눈길을 끌고 있다. 위메이드 vs KTF에서 신노열과 프로토스 박재영이 맞붙는 것 외에는 모두 저저전이다. 이는 일단 프로게임단들이 배틀로얄에서 저그가 유리하다는 평가를 내렸다는 뜻이기도 하다. 배틀로얄은 초반에는 지상 경로로 서로의 진영을 공격할 수 있다. 하지만 어시밀레이터 입구를 파괴하면 본진과 앞마당 지역을 섬 형태가 된다. 바깥쪽으로 진출하려면 또 하나의 중립 건물을 파괴하면 된다. 이 같은 구조 때문에 초반에는 중앙 지역에서 치열한 싸움을 하다가, 중후반에는 주요 전장이 외곽 지역으로 옮겨질 것으로 예상된다. 하지만 저저전에서는 이러한 기획 의도가 전혀 드러나지 않는다. 뮤탈리스크 위주의 공중전이 펼쳐지기 때문에 '컨셉맵' 배틀로얄의 특성이 살아나지 못하는 것. 일단, 상당수의 프로게임단은 배틀로얄에서 저그가 유리하다는 판단을 내린 것 같다. 한 프로게임단 관계자에 따르면 처음 배틀로얄을 받았을 때 선수들 사이에서 '재미있을 것 같다'는 평가가 나왔다고 한다. 하지만 경기를 치를수록 진영 간의 거리가 가깝고, 오버로드로 빠르게 상대의 체제를 확인할 수 있기 때문에 테란, 프로토스 선수들의 힘들다는 평가를 내렸다고. 맵을 천천히 살펴보면 다양한 장치들이 배틀로얄의 컨셉을 잘 살려주고 있다. 그러나 지상거리보다 공중 거리가 가깝고 중앙 지역에 진영들이 밀집되어 있는 형태는 전체적으로 레이드어썰트2와 비슷하기도 하다. 레이드어썰트2는 먼 지상거리에 비해 공중거리가 가까운 점 때문에 뮤탈리스크 사용이 용이했고, 이로 인해 저저전 비율이 상당히 높았다. 일단 신규맵 배틀로얄은 프로리그 4라운드 1주차에서 저그에게 사랑받는 맵이 되었다. 그러나 아직은 모른다. 이제 겨우 1주차이고 프로게임단들이 신규맵을 연습할 시간도 많지 않았다. 과연 배틀로얄은 꾸준히 저그에게만 사랑을 받을 수 있을까? 레이드어썰트2의 경우처럼 저저전에 너무 집중된 맵은 오래 살아남기 힘들다. 배틀로얄이 가야할 길은 초반부터 험난해 보인다. 유일하게 출전한 프로토스 박재영은 자의반, 타의반으로 배틀로얄의 '키(key)' 플레이어가 되고 말았다. ▶ 프로리그 4라운드 1주차 배틀로얄 경기 일정 4월 11일 김준영(웅진) vs 유준희(삼성전자) 4월 12일 신노열(위메이드) vs 박재영(KTF, 프로토스) 4월 13일 고석현(MBC게임) vs 정영철(SK텔레콤) 4월 14일 김상욱(온게임넷) vs 주영달(삼성전자) 4월 15일 신노열(위메이드) vs 김윤환Z(STX) jupiter@fomos.co.kr 모바일로 보는 스타크래프트 1253+NATE/ⓝ/ez-i Enjoy e-Sports & http://www.fomos.kr 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지
Singapore66072 Posts
Decided to translate this since it proved to be an insightful and interesting read.
Is Battle Royal bound for doom? I played a few TvPs and TvZ's on this map, very fun map to play, but very tough. Had to adjust builds several times =.="
Thanks for translation. I hope it doesn't get Raid Assaulted, it looks like a map with lots of potential for creativity.
Singapore66072 Posts
On April 10 2009 09:45 Crunchums wrote: Thanks for translation. I hope it doesn't get Raid Assaulted, it looks like a map with lots of potential for creativity. Yeah, I had to go 3-Starport Valkyrie/wraith/dropship + mnm against this zerg after I destroyed his assimilators, ended up with a crazy air-to-air battle which I won with like 10 science vessels versus his 150-ish food mutalisk army lol. Lots of fun games.
United States20661 Posts
Let's hope Tempest wins then.
United States37500 Posts
United States12607 Posts
Between you and Smix, BW is flooded with great translations...it's awesome!
I'm not really sure why this map made it into the PL map pool. It has a really interesting concept, but two seconds' look at that ultra-short rush route and you can tell that it's just going to result in ZvZs. I wonder if Hwaseung paid off KeSPA to let this one in? Having this in the map pool is essentially the same as putting OZ up 1-0 and having JD play only in the ace (if necessary).
I could see this being hell if zerg went 9pool. thats a really short rush distance. same with 10/15 gate pvt
On April 10 2009 09:54 arb wrote: I could see this being hell if zerg went 9pool. thats a really short rush distance. same with 10/15 gate pvt
9 Pool -> 8 lings using the last 2 to kill assimilators -> Mass Zerg Expo.
You'll see...
You'll all see!
Thank you very much! Hopefully this article can be revisited after the first few weeks and we can see if Zergs still own this map.
The rush distances look so short on that map, no wonder so much Zergs are being sent out. But that's just based on appearance. Hopefully, the map won't be as imbalanced. God knows we need another Raid Assault.
Having the minerals at the nat jammed up that close to the wall is going to make it difficult to defend muta harass as well.
I honestly can't see how Protoss could stop a zergs early rush. FE is out of the question I think since you wouldn't be able to get cannons up in time. I guess you could do something like 7 pylon 7 gate at the assims but that puts you behind economically vs a 9 pool and it still leaves you assims vulnerable. I think it'd be a bit more balanced if they either pulled the assims back some toward the natural so an FE with probe block would be possible and made the choke that goes into the main possible for a 1 depot/barracks wall for terran. I think if there are ever any PvTs here it's going to end up being exactly like troy. 2 gate goon, kill assims then expo/defend drops.
that's not the biggest issue because the destination nat mins and medusa main mineral placements are similar to this and it's managable.
IdrA said it was terran favored in TvZ. Guess he was wrong, unfortunately. But it should balance out, since island maps are not in the zergs favor.
Singapore66072 Posts
On April 10 2009 11:38 Pioneer wrote: I honestly can't see how Protoss could stop a zergs early rush. FE is out of the question I think since you wouldn't be able to get cannons up in time. I guess you could do something like 7 pylon 7 gate at the assims but that puts you behind economically vs a 9 pool and it still leaves you assims vulnerable. I think it'd be a bit more balanced if they either pulled the assims back some toward the natural so an FE with probe block would be possible and made the choke that goes into the main possible for a 1 depot/barracks wall for terran. I think if there are ever any PvTs here it's going to end up being exactly like troy. 2 gate goon, kill assims then expo/defend drops.
that's not the biggest issue because the destination nat mins and medusa main mineral placements are similar to this and it's managable.
A rectangular piece of land below and on top of the four assimilators cannot be built on, so basically even if you do go 7 pylon 7 gate, you won't be able to wall off completely. I went BBS at the assimilators, and still couldn't wall.
On April 10 2009 11:44 konadora wrote:Show nested quote +On April 10 2009 11:38 Pioneer wrote: I honestly can't see how Protoss could stop a zergs early rush. FE is out of the question I think since you wouldn't be able to get cannons up in time. I guess you could do something like 7 pylon 7 gate at the assims but that puts you behind economically vs a 9 pool and it still leaves you assims vulnerable. I think it'd be a bit more balanced if they either pulled the assims back some toward the natural so an FE with probe block would be possible and made the choke that goes into the main possible for a 1 depot/barracks wall for terran. I think if there are ever any PvTs here it's going to end up being exactly like troy. 2 gate goon, kill assims then expo/defend drops.
that's not the biggest issue because the destination nat mins and medusa main mineral placements are similar to this and it's managable. A rectangular piece of land below and on top of the four assimilators cannot be built on, so basically even if you do go 7 pylon 7 gate, you won't be able to wall off completely. I went BBS at the assimilators, and still couldn't wall. I didn't mean walling with it. You would use the the zealot to block the space between the assim with a probe or 2.
similar to how you would go 1 gate tech on troy pvz.
Duh it's zerg favored, Raid Assault II anyone?
I hate zerg favored maps. The victories always feel so cheap...
Singapore66072 Posts
On April 10 2009 11:47 Pioneer wrote:Show nested quote +On April 10 2009 11:44 konadora wrote:On April 10 2009 11:38 Pioneer wrote: I honestly can't see how Protoss could stop a zergs early rush. FE is out of the question I think since you wouldn't be able to get cannons up in time. I guess you could do something like 7 pylon 7 gate at the assims but that puts you behind economically vs a 9 pool and it still leaves you assims vulnerable. I think it'd be a bit more balanced if they either pulled the assims back some toward the natural so an FE with probe block would be possible and made the choke that goes into the main possible for a 1 depot/barracks wall for terran. I think if there are ever any PvTs here it's going to end up being exactly like troy. 2 gate goon, kill assims then expo/defend drops.
that's not the biggest issue because the destination nat mins and medusa main mineral placements are similar to this and it's managable. A rectangular piece of land below and on top of the four assimilators cannot be built on, so basically even if you do go 7 pylon 7 gate, you won't be able to wall off completely. I went BBS at the assimilators, and still couldn't wall. I didn't mean walling with it. You would use the the zealot to block the space between the assim with a probe or 2. similar to how you would go 1 gate tech on troy pvz. And watch JulyZerg drone-drill you lol
On April 10 2009 12:53 Ozarugold wrote: I hate zerg favored maps. The victories always feel so cheap...
Yeah as zerg players we get used to always being cheated and having to work twice as hard for everything, this is just not right lol.