United States4146 Posts
pic from his site which reminds me I need to start writing more..
Apparently they repeated the contest this year: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/contests/holiday06/rules-cookie.xml Maybe he wins this time but win or lose I am cheering for the ginger bread man.
He is at it again, more organized this time. Let me quote him..
This year I made even MORE StarCraft cookies!!! I'm participating in Blizzard cookie making contest and I want to win, of course. But this time I asked for a professional photographer to take pictures of my cookies. Pictures of cookies from previous Christmas can be found there as well, so you can compare them (if I got better or worse ). Enjoy. Merry Christmas and happy new year! http://sc.gosugamers.net/thread.php?id=67108
His new set: http://delo.dcs.fmph.uniba.sk/~fendek/medovniky3d.html
o_Oa Merry x-mass to you too bud! I hope you never get into body modification or flesh carvings..
awesome, bc/siege cookie combo ;]
Here are some answers to your questions: Did they taste good? - You bet!!! I'ts the traditional slovak gingerbread recepie which I inherited from my grandma. Contains the best spices and home-made honey. I made 3D cookies this year too (there is a link on my page). You can see them here http://delo.dcs.fmph.uniba.sk/~fendek/medovniky3d.htmlAnd I thought about selling these cookies over the internet 0.5$ - 1$ each. I have a machine that can seal the cookie (air-tight) and can be transported, but I don't know if the posting service won't ruine them. However If there is someone who would like to buy them, I'm willing to make fresh cookies for him. What's the prizes? World of Warcraft: Burning crusade is the first prize. But MMORPG just isn't my style. The prizes aren't much interest to me I'm doing it for fun and for the challange.
Those 2 sentences made me love the guy. ^^; Thanks for the post Entropy.
United States565 Posts
Now we know the horrible truth of what happens to probes & drones that deliver their minerally goodness to their respective base. For too long we have not known what that their beeps and gargles have been cries for help. A house, made of gingerbread, can only mean one thing. They are eaten by the wicked witch.
On December 26 2006 06:51 testpat wrote: Now we know the horrible truth of what happens to probes & drones that deliver their minerally goodness to their respective base. For too long we have not known what that their beeps and gargles have been cries for help. A house, made of gingerbread, can only mean one thing. They are eaten by the wicked witch.
what the...hahahah
Belgium6759 Posts
United States4146 Posts
If you follow the links to his homepage gallery you can find this pic... point is.. I wouldn't dis his cookies..
is awesome32269 Posts
United States4146 Posts
That table is full of none starcraft cookies too..
the epitomy of dorkiness.....
but i must say i kinda like it ;x
Lol, those guys look crazier than their cookies.