Can we stop saying SC2=Esports as a general term?
I enjoy SC2 (not the extent of BW), and I hope over time it develops into a better more refined game. But I could give two shits about the other "Esports" games like CoD, Halo, the Fighting games, etc, and I don't see why I or anybody else is required to support them. SC, be it BW, 2, or 69 can grow fine on it's own.
Carry on though. Hinanawi has hit the nail on the head for 99% of my opinions
It's easier to predict what an opponent is doing in BW simply because of things like larvae inject, mules and chrono boost in sc2. In BW you can predict aproximately what your opponents economy and production rate is going to be based on how many bases he is on. So even if you don't scout what buildings he has and such you can still cut more corners than you would be able to in sc2. In sc2 base count really only means increased gas. You can do really any all in opening off of 1 base. Make any combination of units you want. In brood war some unit combos are simply not possible to do off of 1 base. The production and mineral income off of 1 base in bw is MUCH smaller than in sc2. I thin this is the biggest failure of sc2 so far.
On January 30 2012 05:42 fabiano wrote: I highly doubt you would just be quiet about it. When you see something great being replaced for something less than acceptable the common reaction is to complain.
There's no way to tell for sure what would be your reaction until the event actually happens, though.
You seem to assume that BW is the first game to see a decline in popularity and a threat of being replaced by a new game. 
In other words, I'm fairly sure it has happened already.
It's ok to curse at other games in BW forums to let off steam in my opinion, but I don't see why would anyone want to tell players of another game that their game is crap just out of spite. You are just ruining the experience of other people by doing that without any benefit as far as I can see. Why would you want to do that?
On January 30 2012 06:06 ClutchSC wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 05:28 Hinanawi wrote:On January 30 2012 04:53 ClutchSC wrote: Second of all, I have to address a large majority of the BW community at large. What the fuck is your problem? Yes, BW has a higher skill cap as a game so far. Yes, the rivalries and games are more defined and can be extremely epic. And yes, the user interface of SC2 is very forgiving. But why, oh why do you have to shit all over SC2 constantly. We're all working towards developing eSports, but whenever I peruse through the BW section, all I see is hating on the SC2 scene; this just shouldn't happen. All that this achieves is the total alienation of a massive fanbase that BW players should be trying to appeal to. This is my request to a vast majority of the BW community; GROW THE FUCK UP. Grow up, so we can make eSports even bigger; SC2 has become the flagship of eSports and as much as you don't want to accept that, you have to. Once the BW community does accept that, we can all move forwards. Who knows, if the SC2 community gets into BW enough, there could even be MLG events that include it but this can only take once the BW community learns to drop the elitist attitude. I can only speak for myself, but I suspect many BW fans feel the same way: We don't give a shit about 'eSports'. We give a shit about competitive Brood War. 'X is hurting ESPORTS' started off as a joke, but I think some of you actually believe this. You actually believe that I'm supposed to support competitive SC2, LoL, Halo, and CoD just because they're video games and therefore 'esports'. You might say "but a lot of people don't take competitive video games seriously, so that's why we all need to band together!", and that would make sense...IF SC2 WAS A GOOD GAME, which it isn't. Games like that only serve to lower the opinion of competitive video games as a whole. So there's the whole cult saying if you say that a game is terrible it's 'hurting eSports' and is taboo. I'm sorry, but I didn't purchase a ticket on this cruise, and if SC2 is really the 'flagship' at the moment then I'd watch out for icebergs and make sure you have enough lifeboats ready on the S.S.ESPORTS. The point you make is a somewhat fair one; however I have to disagree with the point you make about competitive video games. First of all, if you give a shit about competitive BW, you should support competitive eSports. The only way your beloved BW will grow is by tapping into the massive fanbase which has sprung up around SC2. I would disagree with your statement that SC2 isn't a good game, but that is subjective. However, you follow up your subjective statement, with a ridiculous one; saying that games that aren't BW lower the opinion of competitive video games is totally unfounded and ridiculous. All this opinion does is create a vision of elitist BW players which will prevent SC2 fans from taking part in the BW community and watching replays. And if you are looking at this objectively, the BW community has much more growth to experience from working alongside the SC2 community than vice-versa. So all I ask, is that BW players follow the OP's example, and drop the fucking elitist attitude, because yes, I'm going to drop the cliche. BW Elitists are killing eSports. Conversely, "the only way your beloved SC2 will grow" is by cannibalizing the massive infrastructure that has sprung up around BW. You want our godlike players to transfer over in the hopes that they'll make your game more watchable. You want our central organization so that your scene can finally be more professional. You want our sponsors so that your players can earn salaries and have better facilities. You want our channel to pick up SC2 so that it'll be more accessible and legitimate. You want our fangirls so that you can dispel the cultural perception of two nerds having a sissyfight with a mouse and keyboard.
I can see how you could make the mistake that "competitive gaming" is a unifying cause that we should all get behind and support. Look, most of us here are not members of the Church of ESPORTS. We grew up around a game that already made it and set the bar, and we followed it because of its own merits and players and storylines. We didn't sign up to be venture capitalists trying to bring up every other fledgling scene just so that they could reach the same pinnacle. We don't really care if the Korean BW scene grows. We just want it to stop contracting at this point. Moreover, while growth might be nice for the foreigner scene, we've always been content with its subordinate relationship with Korea. Asking us to proselytize so that other games we're not completely interested in can reach the same success is a little bit much.
Lastly, I made this post a long time ago and I still stand behind it:
On September 30 2010 03:43 Bwenjarin Raffrack wrote:The problem I have with the new SC2 crowd that make light of Brood War is that they have no idea what it has really accomplished, or what ESPORTS really is. I think what we need to do is clarify once and for all what BW fans mean by ESPORTS. ESPORTS isn't about having tournaments or whose (prize pool) is bigger. ESPORTS is playing video games competitively on television. ESPORTS is being government-sanctioned and culturally-approved. ESPORTS is filling stadiums with thousands of people. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is a three-year-old girl being your biggest fan. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is growing up to be just like your hero. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is a shitty TV drama being made about your lifestyle. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is fangirls praying for you in the audience. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is celebrating your victory after the big game. + Show Spoiler + ESPORTS is having major pimp cred when you win. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is being sexy for your fans. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is being a rock star. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is idolizing and arguing about your favorite players even when you don't understand a word they say. + Show Spoiler +Is SC2 a successful ESPORT already? Is it going to supplant BW as the ESPORT? Do you think we'll have ESPORTS in the West? Do you think ESPORTS in Korea is irrelevant? Be sure you know what you're talking about before you answer. The unprecedented level of cultural penetration achieved in Korea compared to anywhere else on the planet is the closest you'll get, realistically, and what you should wish ESPORTS to mean in the West as well. After all, some things are ESPORTS, and some things are just "competitive gaming."
On January 30 2012 06:37 ffreakk wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 06:08 ClutchSC wrote:On January 30 2012 05:48 BisuDagger wrote:On January 30 2012 05:36 KenNage wrote: i feel the same way Hinanawi does, i dont give a crap about esports, i only care about bw I am a die hard sc:bw fan, but I actually do want eSports to succeed. And it's not so bw is played forever. I honestly hope SC2's end result can turn into the epic game BW made SC vanilla. I love watching competitive video games because it's such an intense mentality that so many people are missing out on by not watching the pros play. I want to go to MLG and be in love with the side events because the competitiveness of the game has escalated in the other genres too. There is such a future for competitive gaming and it would be awesome to see it grow into fruition. And on a personal note, if bw doesn't last for the next decade I really hope SC2 evolves into the game I know it can be. When I watched DRG vs MMA finals I actually was cheering like I do for BW. I'm following the SC2 scene now because I want to be personal with the players by the time the game does succeed and I know it will. Nothing will hurt eSports. Just love the game. Love others who love their game. And encourage each other to continue the love for the game they are interested in. We are all brothers of a great community and united we can bring this to the rest of the world. This is exactly the type of BW community member that I wish the entire community would follow the example of. I don't s'pose you expect people to reply "Your wish is my command"? We didn't waltz into your SC2 section and sh*t all over it, so you ll be hard-pressed to find justifications for your coming here with words like "What the fuck is your problem?" or "Grow the fuck up!". We (not all, but a good number) don't share your "eSport" ideal, and also happen to think that your favourite game is trash. We were also decent enough to only discuss that in our own secluded area where you people usually don't frequent. We also don't appreciate you people waltzing in here, insulting us, then have the balls to think that they can tell us what we should think or do.
I don't think that you realize how many people actually follow both scenes and feel offended the comments you mentioned. If you think SC2 is thrash, that's ok, it's your opinion, but there's no need to act like you are part of a hermetically closed-off community, because you aren't.
On January 30 2012 05:54 ClutchSC wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 05:14 fabiano wrote:On January 30 2012 04:53 ClutchSC wrote: Second of all, I have to address a large majority of the BW community at large. What the fuck is your problem? Yes, BW has a higher skill cap as a game so far. Yes, the rivalries and games are more defined and can be extremely epic. And yes, the user interface of SC2 is very forgiving. But why, oh why do you have to shit all over SC2 constantly. We're all working towards developing eSports, but whenever I peruse through the BW section, all I see is hating on the SC2 scene; this just shouldn't happen. All that this achieves is the total alienation of a massive fanbase that BW players should be trying to appeal to. This is my request to a vast majority of the BW community; GROW THE FUCK UP. Grow up, so we can make eSports even bigger; SC2 has become the flagship of eSports and as much as you don't want to accept that, you have to. Once the BW community does accept that, we can all move forwards. Who knows, if the SC2 community gets into BW enough, there could even be MLG events that include it but this can only take once the BW community learns to drop the elitist attitude. Imagine WC4 was released and everybody you knew switched over to the newer game. Imagine the forum you used to so lovely participate in was flooded by newcomers saying that MVP and all other top SC2 players should switch to WC4 because SC2 is an old game and is not user friendly and is too hard to play. Imagine all the SC2 foreign tournaments disappearing into thin air. Now the only pro game tournament is GSL, and Gom still has not released any date when the next one will happen, not even guarantees there will be one after the last. Imagine Day[9] daylies on SC2 were gone, now he's doing WC4 daylies. Imagine TL now has changed its focus to WC4, and although they still keep good work with SC2, the vast majority of the users only talk about WC4. From TSL 42 on, now no more SC2, but WC4. Imagine that out of all SC2 teams, half of them disbanded, some focusing on WC4. And worst of all, imagine that WC4 is so much worse than SC2 in almost every single aspect from your point of view, after playing it and not enjoying almost anything in it. How would you feel? Your argument is completely invalid. First of all, the proposed WC4 scene would not replace the fans from SC2, simply add to the number of individuals in the eSports community which would only be a good thing. Also, if we were to put this to scale, your theoretical WC4 would have to have a fanbase of probably over 20 million people, an arbitrary number, but if we scale the numbers, that isn't a ridiculous number. This would mean that there would be a definitive option for televised eSports, which would be fucking awesome. Which would mean there would be space for SC2 on television as well, even if not as large relative to your proposed WC4. So if you ask how I would feel, it would be a little bit like heaven. Second of all, the comparison of BW to SC2 is much different than comparing SC2 to a potential WC4; while they are both eSports, they would be completely different games, whereas BW and SC2 share many aspects. I don't understand your refusal to just accept the point he is making and, even worse, act like it's impossible since he is trying to make you understand what happened to TL/BW these past few years. If you would honestly be stoked if a shitty game become really popular and usurped the position of a game you feel is far superior then...???
On January 30 2012 06:06 ClutchSC wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 05:28 Hinanawi wrote:On January 30 2012 04:53 ClutchSC wrote: Second of all, I have to address a large majority of the BW community at large. What the fuck is your problem? Yes, BW has a higher skill cap as a game so far. Yes, the rivalries and games are more defined and can be extremely epic. And yes, the user interface of SC2 is very forgiving. But why, oh why do you have to shit all over SC2 constantly. We're all working towards developing eSports, but whenever I peruse through the BW section, all I see is hating on the SC2 scene; this just shouldn't happen. All that this achieves is the total alienation of a massive fanbase that BW players should be trying to appeal to. This is my request to a vast majority of the BW community; GROW THE FUCK UP. Grow up, so we can make eSports even bigger; SC2 has become the flagship of eSports and as much as you don't want to accept that, you have to. Once the BW community does accept that, we can all move forwards. Who knows, if the SC2 community gets into BW enough, there could even be MLG events that include it but this can only take once the BW community learns to drop the elitist attitude. I can only speak for myself, but I suspect many BW fans feel the same way: We don't give a shit about 'eSports'. We give a shit about competitive Brood War. 'X is hurting ESPORTS' started off as a joke, but I think some of you actually believe this. You actually believe that I'm supposed to support competitive SC2, LoL, Halo, and CoD just because they're video games and therefore 'esports'. You might say "but a lot of people don't take competitive video games seriously, so that's why we all need to band together!", and that would make sense...IF SC2 WAS A GOOD GAME, which it isn't. Games like that only serve to lower the opinion of competitive video games as a whole. So there's the whole cult saying if you say that a game is terrible it's 'hurting eSports' and is taboo. I'm sorry, but I didn't purchase a ticket on this cruise, and if SC2 is really the 'flagship' at the moment then I'd watch out for icebergs and make sure you have enough lifeboats ready on the S.S.ESPORTS. The point you make is a somewhat fair one; however I have to disagree with the point you make about competitive video games. First of all, if you give a shit about competitive BW, you should support competitive eSports. The only way your beloved BW will grow is by tapping into the massive fanbase which has sprung up around SC2. I would disagree with your statement that SC2 isn't a good game, but that is subjective. However, you follow up your subjective statement, with a ridiculous one; saying that games that aren't BW lower the opinion of competitive video games is totally unfounded and ridiculous. All this opinion does is create a vision of elitist BW players which will prevent SC2 fans from taking part in the BW community and watching replays. And if you are looking at this objectively, the BW community has much more growth to experience from working alongside the SC2 community than vice-versa. So all I ask, is that BW players follow the OP's example, and drop the fucking elitist attitude, because yes, I'm going to drop the cliche. BW Elitists are killing eSports. Lol people don't like SC2, why does that make it an elitist attitude? I don't play Red Alert games either..more elitism? We've all played SC2 and didn't like it. Being elitist would be dismissing it out of hand, not being disappointed that the game you've been looking forward to several years. Its a fine game on its own and if it was called warcraft in space no one would give a shit, but it's a huge letdown for most of us who have followed BW for a long time. Also, there are quite a few people that come into the BW forums asking how to get into BW and on ICCUP, but thanks for the advice..
On January 30 2012 06:08 ClutchSC wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 05:48 BisuDagger wrote:On January 30 2012 05:36 KenNage wrote: i feel the same way Hinanawi does, i dont give a crap about esports, i only care about bw I am a die hard sc:bw fan, but I actually do want eSports to succeed. And it's not so bw is played forever. I honestly hope SC2's end result can turn into the epic game BW made SC vanilla. I love watching competitive video games because it's such an intense mentality that so many people are missing out on by not watching the pros play. I want to go to MLG and be in love with the side events because the competitiveness of the game has escalated in the other genres too. There is such a future for competitive gaming and it would be awesome to see it grow into fruition. And on a personal note, if bw doesn't last for the next decade I really hope SC2 evolves into the game I know it can be. When I watched DRG vs MMA finals I actually was cheering like I do for BW. I'm following the SC2 scene now because I want to be personal with the players by the time the game does succeed and I know it will. Nothing will hurt eSports. Just love the game. Love others who love their game. And encourage each other to continue the love for the game they are interested in. We are all brothers of a great community and united we can bring this to the rest of the world. This is exactly the type of BW community member that I wish the entire community would follow the example of. What, the kind that likes SC2? We get it, SC2 guys love their game, and we love ours. We've been loving it for over a decade. Any attachment, feelings of excitement and memorable games/times you've had and that which makes you want others to understand how awesome your game is....are things that BW has had 10000x over.
I think you guys are more stubborn than the pros themselves. In_Dove is playing SC2 and has fun because it's different. Who says people like Flash hated the game, if they really tried it? SC2 players can learn from playing BW and vice versa.
I don't think that you realize how many people actually follow both scenes and feel offended the comments you mentioned. If you think SC2 is thrash, that's ok, it's your opinion, but there's no need to act like you are part of a hermetically closed-off community, because you aren't.
Agreed. Some people are making those of us who want to tell newcomers about BW look very bad.
On January 30 2012 06:37 ffreakk wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 06:08 ClutchSC wrote:On January 30 2012 05:48 BisuDagger wrote:On January 30 2012 05:36 KenNage wrote: i feel the same way Hinanawi does, i dont give a crap about esports, i only care about bw I am a die hard sc:bw fan, but I actually do want eSports to succeed. And it's not so bw is played forever. I honestly hope SC2's end result can turn into the epic game BW made SC vanilla. I love watching competitive video games because it's such an intense mentality that so many people are missing out on by not watching the pros play. I want to go to MLG and be in love with the side events because the competitiveness of the game has escalated in the other genres too. There is such a future for competitive gaming and it would be awesome to see it grow into fruition. And on a personal note, if bw doesn't last for the next decade I really hope SC2 evolves into the game I know it can be. When I watched DRG vs MMA finals I actually was cheering like I do for BW. I'm following the SC2 scene now because I want to be personal with the players by the time the game does succeed and I know it will. Nothing will hurt eSports. Just love the game. Love others who love their game. And encourage each other to continue the love for the game they are interested in. We are all brothers of a great community and united we can bring this to the rest of the world. This is exactly the type of BW community member that I wish the entire community would follow the example of. I don't s'pose you expect people to reply "Your wish is my command"? We didn't waltz into your SC2 section and sh*t all over it, so you ll be hard-pressed to find justifications for your coming here with words like "What the fuck is your problem?" or "Grow the fuck up!". We (not all, but a good number) don't share your "eSport" ideal, and also happen to think that your favourite game is trash. We were also decent enough to only discuss that in our own secluded area where you people usually don't frequent. We also don't appreciate you people waltzing in here, insulting us, then have the balls to think that they can tell us what we should think or do. Actually that's exactly what some of the tl participants did that caused this. The thread was first made in good intentions yes and a lot of SC2 people posted positive thoughts, until some people came in and said some unnecessary things. And this thread started here.
So true about "Getting wins off of people like White-Ra and Strelok, which would have never happened in SC1"
I don't see how they stand it. I saw White-Ra lose to a top 8 masters player on his stream, who did a very simple 1 base Terran push. Why? Because like the OP said, there is no way to be 100% safe in SC2 at any given time, from everything. I don't see how these old BW pros put up with the inconsistency of SC2.
Given that, yes, after playing sc2 I'm WAY better at SC1... faster and I use my hotkeys better. I would guess mainly because SC2 is a safer learning environment, you get to the "meta game" and 3-4 base wars much easier and, if you play more because it's easier, you improve faster. BW is punishing as hell for anyone who gets on ICCup for the first time for about 3 months.
Good OP
On January 30 2012 06:37 ffreakk wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 06:08 ClutchSC wrote:On January 30 2012 05:48 BisuDagger wrote:On January 30 2012 05:36 KenNage wrote: i feel the same way Hinanawi does, i dont give a crap about esports, i only care about bw I am a die hard sc:bw fan, but I actually do want eSports to succeed. And it's not so bw is played forever. I honestly hope SC2's end result can turn into the epic game BW made SC vanilla. I love watching competitive video games because it's such an intense mentality that so many people are missing out on by not watching the pros play. I want to go to MLG and be in love with the side events because the competitiveness of the game has escalated in the other genres too. There is such a future for competitive gaming and it would be awesome to see it grow into fruition. And on a personal note, if bw doesn't last for the next decade I really hope SC2 evolves into the game I know it can be. When I watched DRG vs MMA finals I actually was cheering like I do for BW. I'm following the SC2 scene now because I want to be personal with the players by the time the game does succeed and I know it will. Nothing will hurt eSports. Just love the game. Love others who love their game. And encourage each other to continue the love for the game they are interested in. We are all brothers of a great community and united we can bring this to the rest of the world. This is exactly the type of BW community member that I wish the entire community would follow the example of. I don't s'pose you expect people to reply "Your wish is my command"? We didn't waltz into your SC2 section and sh*t all over it, so you ll be hard-pressed to find justifications for your coming here with words like "What the fuck is your problem?" or "Grow the fuck up!". We (not all, but a good number) don't share your "eSport" ideal, and also happen to think that your favourite game is trash. We were also decent enough to only discuss that in our own secluded area where you people usually don't frequent. We also don't appreciate you people waltzing in here, insulting us, then have the balls to think that they can tell us what we should think or do. Actually that is exactly what some brood war fans do. There was even a gigantic thread where called "The elephant in the room" made by a tl writer which basically shitted on everything sc2 has atm and calling it a farce. This said thread is getting constantly bumped whenever a recent bw to sc2 player wins a match. Other examples are when bw info gets posted in the sc2 section about a recent switch and we ask "who is that, never heard of it" instead of actually explaining stuff we are called a bunch a ignorant idiots. So please, don't pretend you are on the only side that has to see this crap.
On January 30 2012 07:29 cursor wrote:So true about "Getting wins off of people like White-Ra and Strelok, which would have never happened in SC1" I don't see how they stand it. I saw White-Ra lose to a top 8 masters player on his stream, who did a very simple 1 base Terran push. Why? Because like the OP said, there is no way to be 100% safe in SC2 at any given time, from everything. I don't see how these old BW pros put up with the inconsistency of SC2. Given that, yes, after playing sc2 I'm WAY better at SC1... faster and I use my hotkeys better. I would guess mainly because SC2 is a safer learning environment, you get to the "meta game" and 3-4 base wars much easier and, if you play more because it's easier, you improve faster. BW is punishing as hell for anyone who gets on ICCup for the first time for about 3 months. Good OP 
Yes because every pro gamer plays ladder games how they play in tournaments....
Didn't Flash and Jaedong both lose to ForGG at an MSL or osl or something silly like that?
On January 30 2012 06:48 Hundisilm wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 05:42 fabiano wrote: I highly doubt you would just be quiet about it. When you see something great being replaced for something less than acceptable the common reaction is to complain.
There's no way to tell for sure what would be your reaction until the event actually happens, though. You seem to assume that BW is the first game to see a decline in popularity and a threat of being replaced by a new game.  In other words, I'm fairly sure it has happened already. It's ok to curse at other games in BW forums to let off steam in my opinion, but I don't see why would anyone want to tell players of another game that their game is crap just out of spite. You are just ruining the experience of other people by doing that without any benefit as far as I can see. Why would you want to do that?
All I want is to SC2 to be as good as BW so that I can enjoy the game with my friends who don't play BW. It seems like you guys think I want the worst to SC2, when I actually want it to be a better game, but the decisions Mr. Browder and co. are taking make me mad.
I do prefer BW infinite times over SC2, but I wholeheartely want SC2 to become a better game. I want us all together enjoy the scenes, but SC2 not only is going the wrong way, but its slowly taking BW out of the scene, and that is what makes me mad the most.
You know what, link me the most awesome SC2 games (please, no paid VODs :/) you think there has been played!
On January 30 2012 07:29 cursor wrote: So true about "Getting wins off of people like White-Ra and Strelok, which would have never happened in SC1"
I don't see how they stand it. I saw White-Ra lose to a top 8 masters player on his stream, who did a very simple 1 base Terran push. Why? Because like the OP said, there is no way to be 100% safe in SC2 at any given time, from everything. I don't see how these old BW pros put up with the inconsistency of SC2. People need to stop saying that. It's not about being 100% safe, it's that BW has much more room for one player to outplay another based on skill. Of course you can spin that and say BW units and AI is terrible and 12 unit selection and no auto mine/multiple building selection and queue buildings make the game unwieldy, but w/e.
On January 30 2012 07:35 mrafaeldie12 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 07:29 cursor wrote:So true about "Getting wins off of people like White-Ra and Strelok, which would have never happened in SC1" I don't see how they stand it. I saw White-Ra lose to a top 8 masters player on his stream, who did a very simple 1 base Terran push. Why? Because like the OP said, there is no way to be 100% safe in SC2 at any given time, from everything. I don't see how these old BW pros put up with the inconsistency of SC2. Given that, yes, after playing sc2 I'm WAY better at SC1... faster and I use my hotkeys better. I would guess mainly because SC2 is a safer learning environment, you get to the "meta game" and 3-4 base wars much easier and, if you play more because it's easier, you improve faster. BW is punishing as hell for anyone who gets on ICCup for the first time for about 3 months. Good OP  Yes because every pro gamer plays ladder games how they play in tournaments.... Didn't Flash and Jaedong both lose to ForGG at an MSL or osl or something silly like that?
something silly like that?
On January 30 2012 07:35 mrafaeldie12 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 07:29 cursor wrote:So true about "Getting wins off of people like White-Ra and Strelok, which would have never happened in SC1" I don't see how they stand it. I saw White-Ra lose to a top 8 masters player on his stream, who did a very simple 1 base Terran push. Why? Because like the OP said, there is no way to be 100% safe in SC2 at any given time, from everything. I don't see how these old BW pros put up with the inconsistency of SC2. Given that, yes, after playing sc2 I'm WAY better at SC1... faster and I use my hotkeys better. I would guess mainly because SC2 is a safer learning environment, you get to the "meta game" and 3-4 base wars much easier and, if you play more because it's easier, you improve faster. BW is punishing as hell for anyone who gets on ICCup for the first time for about 3 months. Good OP  Yes because every pro gamer plays ladder games how they play in tournaments.... Didn't Flash and Jaedong both lose to ForGG at an MSL or osl or something silly like that?
Contrary to what you might think, player skill level is not static, ForGG was on fire during his MSL run.
I also don't see whats intrinsically wrong with pointing out that SC2 is harder to have consistent results in. I'm sure many Flash haters really disliked the fact that Flash won every-fucking-thing for a year.
On January 30 2012 06:52 Bwenjarin Raffrack wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 06:06 ClutchSC wrote:On January 30 2012 05:28 Hinanawi wrote:On January 30 2012 04:53 ClutchSC wrote: Second of all, I have to address a large majority of the BW community at large. What the fuck is your problem? Yes, BW has a higher skill cap as a game so far. Yes, the rivalries and games are more defined and can be extremely epic. And yes, the user interface of SC2 is very forgiving. But why, oh why do you have to shit all over SC2 constantly. We're all working towards developing eSports, but whenever I peruse through the BW section, all I see is hating on the SC2 scene; this just shouldn't happen. All that this achieves is the total alienation of a massive fanbase that BW players should be trying to appeal to. This is my request to a vast majority of the BW community; GROW THE FUCK UP. Grow up, so we can make eSports even bigger; SC2 has become the flagship of eSports and as much as you don't want to accept that, you have to. Once the BW community does accept that, we can all move forwards. Who knows, if the SC2 community gets into BW enough, there could even be MLG events that include it but this can only take once the BW community learns to drop the elitist attitude. I can only speak for myself, but I suspect many BW fans feel the same way: We don't give a shit about 'eSports'. We give a shit about competitive Brood War. 'X is hurting ESPORTS' started off as a joke, but I think some of you actually believe this. You actually believe that I'm supposed to support competitive SC2, LoL, Halo, and CoD just because they're video games and therefore 'esports'. You might say "but a lot of people don't take competitive video games seriously, so that's why we all need to band together!", and that would make sense...IF SC2 WAS A GOOD GAME, which it isn't. Games like that only serve to lower the opinion of competitive video games as a whole. So there's the whole cult saying if you say that a game is terrible it's 'hurting eSports' and is taboo. I'm sorry, but I didn't purchase a ticket on this cruise, and if SC2 is really the 'flagship' at the moment then I'd watch out for icebergs and make sure you have enough lifeboats ready on the S.S.ESPORTS. The point you make is a somewhat fair one; however I have to disagree with the point you make about competitive video games. First of all, if you give a shit about competitive BW, you should support competitive eSports. The only way your beloved BW will grow is by tapping into the massive fanbase which has sprung up around SC2. I would disagree with your statement that SC2 isn't a good game, but that is subjective. However, you follow up your subjective statement, with a ridiculous one; saying that games that aren't BW lower the opinion of competitive video games is totally unfounded and ridiculous. All this opinion does is create a vision of elitist BW players which will prevent SC2 fans from taking part in the BW community and watching replays. And if you are looking at this objectively, the BW community has much more growth to experience from working alongside the SC2 community than vice-versa. So all I ask, is that BW players follow the OP's example, and drop the fucking elitist attitude, because yes, I'm going to drop the cliche. BW Elitists are killing eSports. Conversely, "the only way your beloved SC2 will grow" is by cannibalizing the massive infrastructure that has sprung up around BW. You want our godlike players to transfer over in the hopes that they'll make your game more watchable. You want our central organization so that your scene can finally be more professional. You want our sponsors so that your players can earn salaries and have better facilities. You want our channel to pick up SC2 so that it'll be more accessible and legitimate. You want our fangirls so that you can dispel the cultural perception of two nerds having a sissyfight with a mouse and keyboard. I can see how you could make the mistake that "competitive gaming" is a unifying cause that we should all get behind and support. Look, most of us here are not members of the Church of ESPORTS. We grew up around a game that already made it and set the bar, and we followed it because of its own merits and players and storylines. We didn't sign up to be venture capitalists trying to bring up every other fledgling scene just so that they could reach the same pinnacle. We don't really care if the Korean BW scene grows. We just want it to stop contracting at this point. Moreover, while growth might be nice for the foreigner scene, we've always been content with its subordinate relationship with Korea. Asking us to proselytize so that other games we're not completely interested in can reach the same success is a little bit much. Lastly, I made this post a long time ago and I still stand behind it: Show nested quote +On September 30 2010 03:43 Bwenjarin Raffrack wrote:The problem I have with the new SC2 crowd that make light of Brood War is that they have no idea what it has really accomplished, or what ESPORTS really is. I think what we need to do is clarify once and for all what BW fans mean by ESPORTS. ESPORTS isn't about having tournaments or whose (prize pool) is bigger. ESPORTS is playing video games competitively on television. ESPORTS is being government-sanctioned and culturally-approved. ESPORTS is filling stadiums with thousands of people. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is a three-year-old girl being your biggest fan. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is growing up to be just like your hero. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is a shitty TV drama being made about your lifestyle. + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tObt6eSNRA ESPORTS is fangirls praying for you in the audience. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is celebrating your victory after the big game. + Show Spoiler + ESPORTS is having major pimp cred when you win. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is being sexy for your fans. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is being a rock star. + Show Spoiler +ESPORTS is idolizing and arguing about your favorite players even when you don't understand a word they say. + Show Spoiler +Is SC2 a successful ESPORT already? Is it going to supplant BW as the ESPORT? Do you think we'll have ESPORTS in the West? Do you think ESPORTS in Korea is irrelevant? Be sure you know what you're talking about before you answer. The unprecedented level of cultural penetration achieved in Korea compared to anywhere else on the planet is the closest you'll get, realistically, and what you should wish ESPORTS to mean in the West as well. After all, some things are ESPORTS, and some things are just "competitive gaming."
+9000 !!! 
On January 30 2012 07:54 fabiano wrote:Show nested quote +On January 30 2012 06:48 Hundisilm wrote:On January 30 2012 05:42 fabiano wrote: I highly doubt you would just be quiet about it. When you see something great being replaced for something less than acceptable the common reaction is to complain.
There's no way to tell for sure what would be your reaction until the event actually happens, though. You seem to assume that BW is the first game to see a decline in popularity and a threat of being replaced by a new game.  In other words, I'm fairly sure it has happened already. It's ok to curse at other games in BW forums to let off steam in my opinion, but I don't see why would anyone want to tell players of another game that their game is crap just out of spite. You are just ruining the experience of other people by doing that without any benefit as far as I can see. Why would you want to do that? All I want is to SC2 to be as good as BW so that I can enjoy the game with my friends who don't play BW. It seems like you guys think I want the worst to SC2, when I actually want it to be a better game, but the decisions Mr. Browder and co. are taking make me mad. I do prefer BW infinite times over SC2, but I wholeheartely want SC2 to become a better game. I want us all together enjoy the scenes, but SC2 not only is going the wrong way, but its slowly taking BW out of the scene, and that is what makes me mad the most. You know what, link me the most awesome SC2 games (please, no paid VODs :/) you think there has been played!
Constructive criticism on the basis of Brood War experience is definitely a good thing. Day9 and some other people have made some really good observations in my opinion and some of the things Blizzard people have spoken about seem to make sense as well.
However this is not what I'm talking about and this is not what I have experienced in the forums at all. Most of it is just people saying SC2 is crap period.
PS. I'm not entirely comfortable with the "you people" part. I'm in no way representing anyone but myself and I'm pretty sure that I have never claimed you specifically want the worst for anything.
PS.PS. I'm not entirely convinced that it is quite fair to have blame the decline of BW entirely on SC2. Computer games generally have a relatively short lifecycle and BW is probably doomed to die out at one point in the next 2 to 10 years. At most SC2 shortens the life cycle by a couple of years I'd guess.
On January 27 2012 19:02 sluggaslamoo wrote: Well the thing is, nearly all BW players have tried SC2 to a certain extent. Not many SC2 players have even seen BW.
Well that is not necessarily true. I'm not arguing, but I would like to see some sort of ratio of sc2 players who have or have not played BW. I mean, BW is cheaper, first of all, but it seems interesting to me. Maybe there is a thread about it somewhere.
great post from someone who understands the game more deeply than i do. Less focus on mechanics = more focus on unit control and tactics
Russian Federation327 Posts
It's easier to predict what an opponent is doing in BW simply because of things like larvae inject, mules and chrono boost in sc2. In BW you can predict aproximately what your opponents economy and production rate is going to be based on how many bases he is on. So even if you don't scout what buildings he has and such you can still cut more corners than you would be able to in sc2. I recommend you to hit at least 1200+ on Fish and then re-read your post. You will be laugh hard, I promise.
Less focus on mechanics = more focus on unit control and tactics Actually it should be: Less focus on mechanics, less focus on unit control, less focus on tactics. SC2 doesn't redistribute, it lowers level in all directions.