Making an Online Broodwar Manager Game - Page 40
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Philippines3615 Posts
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United States3714 Posts
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Philippines336 Posts
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United States1072 Posts
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Philippines336 Posts
Nevermind works again xD | ||
Philippines3615 Posts
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United States2552 Posts
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United States2552 Posts
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Malaysia7602 Posts
On November 11 2011 13:56 Rostam wrote: Plenty of teams available, come witness the glory of BIRDMAN. 4 teams only are available . | ||
United States2552 Posts
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United States1338 Posts
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Taiwan326 Posts
![]() 1 more team remaining cuz i took one spot:D | ||
United States3818 Posts
idk what im doing though :-D | ||
Malaysia7602 Posts
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United States2552 Posts
1) Skills - a 6 in one skill would be what I would consider decent as a baseline - a player with an average of 6 over all his stats will probably perform as an average/slightly above average player. I wouldn't bother with buying players that are much lower than this unless they rate exceptionally well in other areas or you just need to fill a roster space. 2) Age - 14 is the minimum age for a player, so generally 14-15 year old players will train quite fast whereas players that are 21-22 or older train very slow. This doesn't mean older players can't be worth buying, just keep in mind that if you buy an older player it should be someone who you feel can contribute to your team immediately. 3) Experience - It takes quite a long time for players to develop experience - the highest amount of experience any player in the game has right now I believe is 11, and I would consider a player with about 6+ experience to be a veteran. Don't buy a player with 2-3 experience expecting him to own everyone. 4) Results - This is the most important thing to look at, I think. Sometimes a player may seem unimpressive in these categories but still post impressive results - for example, this player. Looking at the player's Elo is obviously the best way to measure this. Everyone has a base Elo of 2000. Right now, the "elite players" are generally at 2200+, the "very good" players are at 2100+, etc. But I would advise caution here, as well. The 3.1/3.2 leagues were added quite recently so there have been quite a lot of "new teams" coming and going in these leagues, leading to a large amount of weak 2000 Elo players. So there are some players from these leagues which have higher Elos that might not perform so well if you're in a higher league. For example, to play it safe I wouldn't fork over a huge sum of money for players like these Also, the rookie draft will be after the end of the season which is in only 3 weeks so if you stick around that long you will have an absolutely golden opportunity to improve your team. Edit: I also recommend getting to know all the other teams on the forums so you can be interested in other team's results as well as your own. Compared to someting like sc2manager, this is a much slower paced game. It will take a while for your team to actually get to a decent level. However, the positive side of that is that there's not much time investment required to play it. But for someone like me, I can also spend a bunch of time each week looking all the results of other teams' matches, checking out the ISL matches, playing challenge/PvP matches, and stalking the forums. And if you feel like there isn't enough to do right now, TheOnly92 is still working hard to add new features so post any suggestions you have and undoubtedly your voice shall be heard! | ||
United States1338 Posts
demoting promoting 1.x all that stuff ?! | ||
Malaysia7602 Posts
On November 13 2011 12:14 Archers_bane wrote: I signed up, but I dont understand how the leagues work even after reading the guide O.o demoting promoting 1.x all that stuff ?! Well let's just say that if you are in the number 1 and 2 of your league for example 3.1 , you get promoted to division 2.X and if you are in the last place you get demoted to 3.2 if you are in 3.1 like the example i was given . ^^ | ||
United States2552 Posts
On November 13 2011 12:14 Archers_bane wrote: I signed up, but I dont understand how the leagues work even after reading the guide O.o demoting promoting 1.x all that stuff ?! Basically demoting/promoting only happens at the end of every season (this current season has been going for over 4 months, but future seasons are planned to be significantly shorter). I'm not sure the exact numbers but top few teams get promoted and bottom few get demoted. In terms of the actual league hierarchy, Proleague > 1.x > 2.x > 3.x. But because of the fact that people are leaving and getting replaced with new teams over time, and because it's been so long since promotion/demotion happened, there's not actually a huge difference in the overall difficulty between each league (well, except 3.x is somewhat easier because all the teams there are relatively new, NO OFFENSE GUYS). | ||
United States1338 Posts
If that's the case, I got into 1.1 :S | ||
United States2552 Posts
And you get to face the bonjwa BIRDMAN once before the season ends, so that will be an adventure to look forward to ![]() | ||
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