I used to really not like Flash for similar reasons, because he played a safe game instead of the aggressive gameplay of the players I originally enjoyed like July and Jaedong. But Flash absolutely plays for the advantage, and when he's not being overworked, he looks amazing doing it. There are a few players in proleague that don't produce good games, but Flash is not one of them.
It's true there's a limited number of 'real' innovations in the game, but that's the purpose of the metagame - there are builds that will fall out of style, only to be "rediscovered" in the wake of other changes. It's been over a decade now, and the metagame has continued to change and adapt every time something new has come up. There's no crippling imbalance in the pro scene right now, and the only thing that even comes close to it is reciprocated (PvZ "imba" and TvP "imba").
I also notice you have a strong anti-zerg slant by the tone of your posting. The improvement of Zerg mechanics is in large part a side-effect of players realizing that they could profitably train in the mirror matchup and having the improved unit control split out to other races. Terrans are undergoing something similar right now, but more related to the fluidity of TvT, and Protoss is resurging after the strong anti vZ imbalance that was present recently. The "six dragons", Movie, Pure and Violet all look strong right now, with a few others not too far behind.
To me, right now the pro-scene has its problems, but the average game quality is as at least high as it's ever been, preferences in matchups ignored. Even the players you call "bad", the ones on the tier of CuteAngel, Horang2 and (recently) Yarnc still manage to produce entertaining games, and players like HyuN are capable of breaking out and taking games from the "cream of the crop". The only true duds are players like Canata, who seek out long games and do nothing interesting with them. I think you're overly worked up about a game that continues to produce entertaining spectator games almost years after its release, and will continue to do so for the forseeable future.
to me what you're saying is pretty much like: i hate chess now, i miss the days when people would sacrifice their queens for a rook or smth, kasparov never does that he's boring.... i enjoy the game because someone like flash has to take into account a million factors that boxer or the other old-schoolers never dreamed of to win a game, and thus is much better at it. i agree with morrow the only way someone could love a game and not enjoy it's evolution of gameplay is if he doesn't really understand it
I don't agree with you. I understand your point of view, but where i disagree most is the hope for starcraft2 saving e-sports for some reason.
That is exactly the reason why e-sport, aside from korea with starcraft, will ever be anything more than just a gimmic. At some point, you have to take it seriously. There simply is nothing in this world that comes close to the basis we have with korean starcraft. "Hate" it all you want but no other game, be it past or present has ever been able to carry such a heavy fundament. You may dislike it because it is old and players operate in tiny narrow windows, that is ok, but people like you look for the unexplored and new and that is the reason why e-sport all over the world is kiddy shit in the first place!
For me players like flash, bisu and jaedong are geniuses in their own fields and it is remarkable how some of these players are able to hold up the flag after years of massive competition. We are in the age of titans and i'm glad we were able to even reach it. Because every day is proof that e-sport can exist and evolve trough so many times and reigns.
I don't even care what they do with starcraft2...seriously. If it wasnt for the koreans and broodwar, sc2 would be just another rts...
I can tell you don't really understand starcraft very well yet. I know because I used to think the same things you just posted. But I thought them back when Oov dominated. I did not like him for being cold, mechanical, blablabla.. basically the same stuff you just said about flash. I was even saying the same things about entertaining and creative players. Hopefully you'll learn in time. The day flash becomes 'weak' you'll see what I mean.
I never understood how some people always ragged on Flash for being a boring, mechanical macrobot while praising some veteran players for being interesting and innovating when Flash is one of the most innovative players today. You don't have to be completely off-beat like Upmagic, Zero, Calm, or Horang2 to be innovative. Flash is one of the people that lead the trends of the game, and you can't be a trend leader if you aren't innovative.
the game is in the process of getting figured out?
lol, same as any other game, only in Starcraft you can grasp the evolution as a casual fan unlike other sports as football, where the evolution is more gradual and thus hidden. I prefer watching Starcraft over any other sport other than tennis maybe.
To me the games are still back and forth, still exciting and as the level of play goes up the wtf-factor increases as well. For example when Stats took out a burrowed Luker with Archon splash damage today. it's been done before, but to me it's still awesome to pull this off in a game where so much is on the line.
Flash might not be the most interesting player, but he has entertained his fans for a very long time. Think about his early wins against Bisu, Savior, and Stork. Those were all great games, and they weren't won purely by excellent mechanical play.
At the time iloveoov dominated the game I hated him for eliminating all my favorite players, but his downfall was all the much sweeter. Just wait until Flash's time comes, because it will sooner or later.
I wonder why the OP watches Starcraft or sports in general. As far as I'm concerned, a big part of enjoying sports comes from excellence. Players pulling off feats that feel impossible in a given circumstance. Players exhibiting deep understanding of the game, appearing to outthink their opposition by two steps or more. Players executing game plans to perfection. Players like Flash or Jaedong. IMHO Flash is the most entertaining player today and one of the history greats based on the level of excellence he consistently displays.
This guy has a crusade against Flash. I see so many posts written by him that are very much trying to convince people Flash is bad for eSports. While you may be right to a certain extent (players are becoming more and more homogenized).
There is certainly more to it then you think. It requires a deep knowledge of the game then what normally would be required to watch Boxer pull off cool micro tricks. Timing attacks, excellent macro, star sense. These things are rather intangible to new people watching and they may not understand it all that well. But one things for sure, anyone who dominates in anything gets attention. Even if a player like Boxer had remained dominant to this day. There's no telling what would happen to the popularity of eSports. Would it have declined still? Increased? No one knows. Since it's on the decline people are looking for a reason.
I remember when Tasteless cast GOM and he and SDM were discussing Flash, the guy was as usual doing his defensive opener and you could just tell by the way they spoke that they were trying not to say he was boring. I think they ended up saying something along the lines of "he’s consistent"
Guess who Tasteless mentioned as his favourite non Protoss player
When Flash cheeses with a planned out, well timed build, everyone denounces him as a cheesy noob with no skill. When Flash dominates with macro, everyone denounces him as a boring macro-style player who dominates without any pizazz.
i can see where the op is coming from but i think more of the blame for the current playing style should be put on those robot korean b-teamers, flash is somewhat interesting in comparison(at least in his tvz, his vt and vp are still unwatchable for me)