Russian Federation1893 Posts
Ha! are you playing the second game as we speak?
that is so cool
By the way, if the first game was a rush, it was a retarded rush, no offense. It was like a two-zealot rush against a wall-in or something. I mean what was that Knight planning to do? Then of course he decided to lift the barracks just as your archon arrived...
nvm. i thought those were links to replays ._.
Russian Federation1893 Posts
On May 14 2009 10:03 qrs wrote: Ha! are you playing the second game as we speak? No, that's the last game. I have to work now total score is 2.5 : 1.5 btw
the second link went to a live game
Russian Federation1893 Posts
On May 14 2009 10:11 qrs wrote: the second link went to a live game oh.. sorry y0
anyone want to play right now?
im watching the the live game for about 5minutes now. i dont even know how to play chess but it looks so interesting.
On May 14 2009 10:13 qrs wrote: anyone want to play right now? Sure, dunno exactly how instantchess.com works though
Russian Federation1893 Posts
:D A guy from reps.ru said this map is imba - blacks always pwnz xD
On May 14 2009 10:22 Incognitodies wrote:Sure, dunno exactly how instantchess.com works though you're probably not around anymore, but if you are, just go there and put in your name. Then we can start a game.
YES. I fucking love instantchess. I'm shit at chess, though.
Also, PGN of his game for the lazy:
[White "Hard2Crack"] [Black "Rus_Brain"] [Event "InstantChess"] [WhiteElo "1838"] [BlackElo "1997"] [Result "0-1"] [ICCause "0"] [ICEcause "1"]
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.a3 Ne4 4.g3 d5 5.f3 Nd6 6.cxd5 exd5 7.Nc3 Nf5 8.g4 Qh4+ 9.Kd2 Nxd4 10.Nxd5 Qg5+ 11.Ne3 Qa5+ 12.Kd3 Be6 13.Kxd4 Nc6+ 14.Ke4 f5+ 15.gxf5 Qe5+ 16.Kd3 Bxf5+ 17.Nxf5 Rd8+ 18.Kc2 Qc5+ 19.Kb1 Rxd1 20.Ka2 Rxf1 21.Be3 Qc4+ 0-1
Unfortunately, whoever put the list of phrases in the chat menu forgot to put anything useful there, like, "Aha! The tables are turning, friend."
or "Put that in your pipe and smoke it, you galoot!"
Ouch. Moved his f and g pawn in the opening. After 11. Ne3, rybka's evaluation drops to -4.
All they have are simple phrases that have to be used as double entendres. For instance, "Good move," for when your opponent makes a particularly bad one, or "How are you?" if you obtain an advantage and wish to rub it in.
On May 14 2009 11:07 qrs wrote: Unfortunately, whoever put the list of phrases in the chat menu forgot to put anything useful there, like, "Aha! The tables are turning, friend."
If you pay for a membership, you get to talk. It's fun to play free-play players and taunt talk to them.