Yes yes yes I agree it's your blog and you can say whatever you want. I figured you would tolerate a similar degree of randomness in the reply, but apparently you had a problem with it, and I thought I might point out that my post wasn't as worthless as I thought you perceived it to be (relative to your own post).
More related to the OP: I've so far seen about 5 girls who play games seriously, and none of them were bitchy or whiny. They were very good teammates, but then again I don't choose teammates who aren't. Other than being female, they were not particularly special in any aspect, good or bad.
On the other hand, I've seen many females who will play games casually. I've seen no correlation between them and "bitchiness." Meh.
My god. That third video is annoying.
I'd rather watch a combat-exfirstpersonvod,
United Kingdom5399 Posts
I love playing video games, but I don't really discuss it unless I'm with other people who are gamers. I'd never video blog about it on Youtube - doing that screams attention ho regardless of the subject matter (with certain exceptions like blogging your music etc.)
Melbourne5338 Posts
On August 08 2008 18:18 thedeadhaji wrote: utada hikaru is decent at tetris.
i liked watching that video
my sister's one of those girls that gets marriage proposals online. I figure video game playing guys are just desperate shits, and how the girls react is what you'd expect. It's disgusting, but I blame loser guys more than game playing girls.
I don't know why it is. I think it's just that most girls I meet are so timid and defeatist when it comes to any sort of refined skill, that I find it to be really admirable and attractive if a girl has the dedication and skill to excel at something I really respect.
I'm not sexist in anyway, but most the girls I meet fall into the common stereotypes of clumsy and dispassionate. For a girl to have the commitment and aspiration to succeed in competitive gaming, that's hot to me.
Attention whores who post youtube videos, jiggle their tits and cosplay their way to E-fame... Yeah, they piss me off too.
But that third video was actually fucking hilarious. She made me laugh quite a bit.
The funny thing is, it's been proven that women's brains are physically wired to facilitate multitasking. They should all be auto-gosu at SC:BW...
Aotearoa39261 Posts
The moment my gf starts playing starcraft is the day i quit Games are my escape from her, its Plexa-time not bitch-time yo!
It doesn't bother me one bit if they just play games because they actually enjoy it, that shouldn't bother anyone, but it does bother me when it's so obvious that they're playing games just to get attention, that just screams desperate and pathetic.
i couldn't agree more. gamer girls are trash
3861 Posts
On August 08 2008 18:08 semioldguy wrote: I actually find girls who are really into playing video games less attractive (and nothing to do with looks). just don't really want a gamer girl.
i.... i thought we had... something... special.... /sob
United States22883 Posts
Gamer grrlz are attention whores?! Shocking!
I hope the Frag Dolls get run over by a bus.
The second girl is HAWT. But she sounds so rehearsed it sounds retarded. Oh and she plays Magic the Gathering... >_>
Hey now, don't put everyone and everything under the label of one category. People are different as are individual experiences. Though I do think a mirror would suffice in most cases where people posts vids of themselves on youtube doing mundane things. At least do something noteworthy =P
Also, all of the gamer girls I've known have tended to be really weird people. I haven't met any girl who interacts wit people normally and it's like "btw, I'm a gamer"
It's always like "Can you tend to the incense while I set up Final fantasy?"
United States24576 Posts
Lol @ all the "I'm not sexist but..." in this thread.
On August 08 2008 17:24 Mickey wrote:Piss me off. It's not that I'm sexist or anything, but I feel like they like the WHOLE ATTENTION. You know what I mean. Tons of Youtubers groveling over their every word, offering to marry them, and basically treat them like queens. I don't get all the hype. I wouldn't really care if my girlfriend likes video games. She does like video games, but I'm not obsessively happy about it. It's more than a plus than a necessity. I really don't know why I'm writing this, but like I said they annoy me. + Show Spoiler +
I understand your point, but I think you can convey it a bit better. The title is "Girls who play videogames" and the first thing you say is "piss me off." Then you say you are aren't sexist.
Let's compare that to another case. "Black people who play videogames piss me off." Is that racist? "Fat people who play videogames piss me off."
Unless you are confident that just about 100% of gamer girls are exactly as you describe, then it's a sexist comment. But it's pretty clear what you mean so I don't think anyone will get too offended.
I like that you spend most of the OP complaining about the people who create this ridiculous situation (the guys who get excited over girls on the internet) because that really is worth discussing... but just be clear that the only girls that give you a problem are the ones who intentionally attention whore. My sister is a gamer and actually took a game from me in tekken once, and yet she's never done any of this stupid stuff you've been criticizing! I think it's a smaller percentage than most people realize.
Girls playing video games isn't really an issue with me either. It could be a plus I guess but depending on their personality it could also be a major turnoff. If she is just an attention whore trying to get desperate guys to fawn over her because she finds something particularly attractive about the subculture then who wants that? I think that while having a girlfriend that plays video games can allot you to spend more time with each other because of common interests it could also develop a parasitic relationship if that is ALL you have in common. The same could be said for singers/actors/athletes who become interested in each other because of profession but then find out they have nothing in common.
Attention whores tend to bother me as well.
I would not ever marry a gaming girl unless she is really hot
Noone likes attention whores, male of female. Although I hate the drooling faggots who treat them like gods even more, that's just sad.
I know some girls who occassionally play games and aren't attention whores at all though, it's just that you never notice them while you notice the attention whores, so not really fair to judge all "gaming girls" like that.
Anyway just about everyone who spends a lot of time on the internet is somewhat crazy in my experience.