I spoke with the professor, who OK'd the alteration to the report, so all I need is people willing to spend a couple minutes on a survey! I do need people who are over 18 and in the US, just because some of the questions might not make as much sense otherwise (that is to say, I don't mind you taking the survey otherwise, but your data won't really be useful for my report). And from my blog from last time, I have most of the participants I need. So I thought I'd just ask again to see if I can get the last few – if I don't get ten people, I'll have to scrap the idea and think of something else.
I mentioned this before, but once I've completed the project and written the report, I'll post my findings back here so you guys can read about how TL differed from the others who got polled (if you're interested, of course). So hey, why not take a break from looking up what "razzia" and "modernity" mean, and come take a quick survey?
If you're interested, PM me or comment here!