This is a heated issue, but please keep the debate civil. Personal insult is not 'discussion' and will be moderated. -Pg 36 |
On August 16 2013 18:23 SamuelGreen wrote: Here are all the comments from TB so far, which should clarify some for people that dont seem to know a lot about the situation. I really think its worth reading before you throw shit at him:
This is not how a thread in a forum works. Don't do that.
shit TB pull it together you're an eff'in geordie not some fairy from Kent
Firstly, to clear up some of the thoughts flying about TaKe's 'threat' to sue. Firstly, the basis of private law, be it Germany, the US or Antarctica, is that if you can prove that someone did something to hurt your interests, you have a case. However, in this case, it is obvious that TaKe was simply furious because a) Axiom cancelled, and b) despite his decent attempt at damage control, it spiraled into a shit storm which might very well tarnish his image with Acer, but even so, the notion of him taking legal action is absolutely silly. It is obvious that he simply said it in a moment of rage - something he should not have done, as understandable as it is to be uber pissed off at this stage after so much work and effort.
TB's 'attack dog' approach is childish and misguided. Calling TaKe dishonest, incompetent and trying to save face is not only extremely rude and out of line, it is also hypocritical, because the reason why Genna posted the chat logs in the first place was for her to save face. Yes, TaKe's staff should have sent that email, but the 1,500$ per team was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE by March - the fact that you didn't know about it, and didn't bother clarifying, is more of a mistake on your part. It is not your job to read TL threads, but it is your job as team manager to know this information, and if you don't know it, make sure to ask about it. The assumption that in the absence of an email stating otherwise, that TaKe would enter into thousands of euros of expenses to fly your team from Korea to Germany and back, whilst paying for the team's food and hotels and transportation, is negligent. But it's ok, everyone makes mistakes. A few people from the community were annoyed and disappointed by it, but I do believe there was an overreaction on Axiom's side at this point. There were no crucifixions and angry mobs, just some people stating their disappointment - that's not hate. People who are in the limelight should make sure that they have somewhat of a thick skin, otherwise, yes, you will be facing a shitload of stress and pressure.
It's a pity you didn't think of solving this privately before going to war with TaKe. I hope both parties can man up and issue a public apology.
Genna leaving Axiom is a huge hit to the team, I hope what this really means is that she no longer will be at the forefront, she'll just manage from the background. She's an amazing person with admirable passion, and I wish her all the luck in whatever she's doing.
And Please TB, stop treating people in here like idiots. I'm sure that managing an eSports team is stressful, but you're not the only people in the world facing stress, depression and insurmountable odds at the workplace. Not everyone here is a prepubescent kid with no responsibilities in life and whose career highlight is stacking products at a supermarket. eSports is not the only business where despite all your efforts, you get the rage of thousands of people barreling towards you, or the disdain of an ungrateful boss who gets rich off the sweat of your back. You should be thankful that most threats in the eSports industry, legal or otherwise, are, in the 99.9999999% of the cases, just empty talk. I'm sure there are people here who work in more sensitive, and volatile industries, so stop insulting people in here, and treating them as though no one here knows what living in a (non-literal) hell means. It's insulting.
All the best for the future, Genna. You'll be missed. :-\
Somebody got mad.. I mean, wtf, why not let Acer get actually mad if they think it's so serious, instead of getting mad on their behalf in advance. Seriously, learn to read people. How could it make Acer look bad? This is actually a great example of what is wrong with esports - everybody gives too much fucks about image and brand perception.
On August 16 2013 18:39 mikkmagro wrote: Firstly, to clear up some of the thoughts flying about TaKe's 'threat' to sue. Firstly, the basis of private law, be it Germany, the US or Antarctica, is that if you can prove that someone did something to hurt your interests, you have a case. However, in this case, it is obvious that TaKe was simply furious because a) Axiom cancelled, and b) despite his decent attempt at damage control, it spiraled into a shit storm which might very well tarnish his image with Acer, but even so, the notion of him taking legal action is absolutely silly. It is obvious that he simply said it in a moment of rage - something he should not have done, as understandable as it is to be uber pissed off at this stage after so much work and effort.
TB's 'attack dog' approach is childish and misguided. Calling TaKe dishonest, incompetent and trying to save face is not only extremely rude and out of line, it is also hypocritical, because the reason why Genna posted the chat logs in the first place was for her to save face. Yes, TaKe's staff should have sent that email, but the 1,500$ per team was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE by March - the fact that you didn't know about it, and didn't bother clarifying, is more of a mistake on your part. It is not your job to read TL threads, but it is your job as team manager to know this information, and if you don't know it, make sure to ask about it. The assumption that in the absence of an email stating otherwise, that TaKe would enter into thousands of euros of expenses to fly your team from Korea to Germany and back, whilst paying for the team's food and hotels and transportation, is negligent. But it's ok, everyone makes mistakes. A few people from the community were annoyed and disappointed by it, but I do believe there was an overreaction on Axiom's side at this point. There were no crucifixions and angry mobs, just some people stating their disappointment - that's not hate. People who are in the limelight should make sure that they have somewhat of a thick skin, otherwise, yes, you will be facing a shitload of stress and pressure.
It's a pity you didn't think of solving this privately before going to war with TaKe. I hope both parties can man up and issue a public apology.
Genna leaving Axiom is a huge hit to the team, I hope what this really means is that she no longer will be at the forefront, she'll just manage from the background. She's an amazing person with admirable passion, and I wish her all the luck in whatever she's doing.
And Please TB, stop treating people in here like idiots. I'm sure that managing an eSports team is stressful, but you're not the only people in the world facing stress, depression and insurmountable odds at the workplace. Not everyone here is a prepubescent kid with no responsibilities in life and whose career highlight is stacking products at a supermarket. eSports is not the only business where despite all your efforts, you get the rage of thousands of people barreling towards you, or the disdain of an ungrateful boss who gets rich off the sweat of your back. You should be thankful that most threats in the eSports industry, legal or otherwise, are, in the 99.9999999% of the cases, just empty talk. I'm sure there are people here who work in more sensitive, and volatile industries, so stop insulting people in here, and treating them as though no one here knows what living in a (non-literal) hell means. It's insulting.
thank you for sharing your thoughts. You couldn't have said it better.
On August 16 2013 18:36 spectres wrote: shit TB pull it together you're an eff'in geordie not some fairy from Kent
Quite easy to forget with his fake generic English accent hes a Geordie.
On August 16 2013 18:39 mikkmagro wrote: It's a pity you didn't think of solving this privately before going to war with TaKe. I hope both parties can man up and issue a public apology.
i hope Take remains silent because he really has nothing to do with Gennas retirement, and will only get attacked by TB if he says anything more, he is not even allowed to be angry at a breach of trust...
that sucks
I never write anything on TL, but here everything just look way too stupid.
Would take a thousands of words to explain the story but anyways, why do you quoto a private conversation again when you retire ? You want to "hurt" him ? make him feel bad ? Who are you to do that, seriously. As he said it's simply not allowed.
And as I know all the story, I can tell that your management has simply be terrible. When you don't answer to a shit tons of mail during a shit tons of day, you can't blame or say anything to anyone.
All of it is simply retarded to me, and your reaction aswell. It's like two kids fighting. "but he started first, buuuuuh, he is a very bad bad boy"
That might look a bit naughty but everything is fine =)
Have fun at your next job, hope it will make you happier !
All of it was ofc my own opinion and nobody should take it personnaly
kiss ! ♥
Would take a thousands of words to explain the story but anyways, why do you quoto a private conversation again when you retire ? You want to "hurt" him ? make him feel bad ? Who are you to do that, seriously. As he said it's simply not allowed.
I can see why Take would not want the second log to go public but why the harsh reaction about the first one? It did show him and Acer acting in the best way possible, trying to help fix a problem they had not caused. Secrecy for secrecy's sake?
On August 16 2013 18:39 mikkmagro wrote: Firstly, to clear up some of the thoughts flying about TaKe's 'threat' to sue. Firstly, the basis of private law, be it Germany, the US or Antarctica, is that if you can prove that someone did something to hurt your interests, you have a case. However, in this case, it is obvious that TaKe was simply furious because a) Axiom cancelled, and b) despite his decent attempt at damage control, it spiraled into a shit storm which might very well tarnish his image with Acer, but even so, the notion of him taking legal action is absolutely silly. It is obvious that he simply said it in a moment of rage - something he should not have done, as understandable as it is to be uber pissed off at this stage after so much work and effort.
TB's 'attack dog' approach is childish and misguided. Calling TaKe dishonest, incompetent and trying to save face is not only extremely rude and out of line, it is also hypocritical, because the reason why Genna posted the chat logs in the first place was for her to save face. Yes, TaKe's staff should have sent that email, but the 1,500$ per team was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE by March - the fact that you didn't know about it, and didn't bother clarifying, is more of a mistake on your part. It is not your job to read TL threads, but it is your job as team manager to know this information, and if you don't know it, make sure to ask about it. The assumption that in the absence of an email stating otherwise, that TaKe would enter into thousands of euros of expenses to fly your team from Korea to Germany and back, whilst paying for the team's food and hotels and transportation, is negligent. But it's ok, everyone makes mistakes. A few people from the community were annoyed and disappointed by it, but I do believe there was an overreaction on Axiom's side at this point. There were no crucifixions and angry mobs, just some people stating their disappointment - that's not hate. People who are in the limelight should make sure that they have somewhat of a thick skin, otherwise, yes, you will be facing a shitload of stress and pressure.
It's a pity you didn't think of solving this privately before going to war with TaKe. I hope both parties can man up and issue a public apology.
Genna leaving Axiom is a huge hit to the team, I hope what this really means is that she no longer will be at the forefront, she'll just manage from the background. She's an amazing person with admirable passion, and I wish her all the luck in whatever she's doing.
And Please TB, stop treating people in here like idiots. I'm sure that managing an eSports team is stressful, but you're not the only people in the world facing stress, depression and insurmountable odds at the workplace. Not everyone here is a prepubescent kid with no responsibilities in life and whose career highlight is stacking products at a supermarket. eSports is not the only business where despite all your efforts, you get the rage of thousands of people barreling towards you, or the disdain of an ungrateful boss who gets rich off the sweat of your back. You should be thankful that most threats in the eSports industry, legal or otherwise, are, in the 99.9999999% of the cases, just empty talk. I'm sure there are people here who work in more sensitive, and volatile industries, so stop insulting people in here, and treating them as though no one here knows what living in a (non-literal) hell means. It's insulting.
Well said. Actually, I really, really do not like when professional COMPANIES (which is what a team is) provide clarifications or the posting of chatlogs. Posting this sort of information would annoy me too, because it implies that everything I write in skype can be published - and be honest, in business you can say hard words 'off the record', but you tone-down when you know that half the world can see what you're writing. In any other industry, this would be considered a breach of trust, childish and not professional. Maybe it is because I'm a little older, but I'm really getting ticked-off by professionals engaging in this behaviour. Contrast this with everything that happened between Idra and EG - there was nothing, not a single bad word, reasonable responses on both sides, and Idra (and EG) refusing to trash-talk on each other. If Axiom and Take would have just TALKED to each other beforehand, and put-out a JOINT statement about Axiom not able to go, everything would be fine.
Again, maybe this is a clash between German and English/American culture, but in Germany privacy is a very highly appreciated good. You can blurr your house from Google maps, you can't just photograph people on the street without their permission, etc. Even if no harm was intended (or done), I would also be ticked-off if someone posted my chat-logs, and I'm not even German! (lived there for a long time though) Yeah, threatening with lawsuits is silly - he was angry at that point, and what you need to do is calm down, not talk for 2 days and have a phonecall. All will be fine then.
Really, all of this has nothing to do with any professionalism whatsoever. Really, just have a look at EG and TL - they are professional teams, that put out honest and well-thought-out press releases. This means a lot less drama, and higher trust from sponsors, etc. If I were Acer (a large company), I'd be in disbelief that my professional partners argue openly online with chatlogs and whatever. I've (involuntarily) a mediator between companies with conflicts of interest, with harsh words being said on both sides (including legal threats), but I've never, ever seen something fall-out in a childish way as this. This whole fiasco agains shows that there are only a few professional teams out there, and with this Axiom hasn't really improved their ranking, unfortunately.
On August 16 2013 18:39 mikkmagro wrote: Firstly, to clear up some of the thoughts flying about TaKe's 'threat' to sue. Firstly, the basis of private law, be it Germany, the US or Antarctica, is that if you can prove that someone did something to hurt your interests, you have a case. However, in this case, it is obvious that TaKe was simply furious because a) Axiom cancelled, and b) despite his decent attempt at damage control, it spiraled into a shit storm which might very well tarnish his image with Acer, but even so, the notion of him taking legal action is absolutely silly. It is obvious that he simply said it in a moment of rage - something he should not have done, as understandable as it is to be uber pissed off at this stage after so much work and effort.
TB's 'attack dog' approach is childish and misguided. Calling TaKe dishonest, incompetent and trying to save face is not only extremely rude and out of line, it is also hypocritical, because the reason why Genna posted the chat logs in the first place was for her to save face. Yes, TaKe's staff should have sent that email, but the 1,500$ per team was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE by March - the fact that you didn't know about it, and didn't bother clarifying, is more of a mistake on your part. It is not your job to read TL threads, but it is your job as team manager to know this information, and if you don't know it, make sure to ask about it. The assumption that in the absence of an email stating otherwise, that TaKe would enter into thousands of euros of expenses to fly your team from Korea to Germany and back, whilst paying for the team's food and hotels and transportation, is negligent. But it's ok, everyone makes mistakes. A few people from the community were annoyed and disappointed by it, but I do believe there was an overreaction on Axiom's side at this point. There were no crucifixions and angry mobs, just some people stating their disappointment - that's not hate. People who are in the limelight should make sure that they have somewhat of a thick skin, otherwise, yes, you will be facing a shitload of stress and pressure.
It's a pity you didn't think of solving this privately before going to war with TaKe. I hope both parties can man up and issue a public apology.
Genna leaving Axiom is a huge hit to the team, I hope what this really means is that she no longer will be at the forefront, she'll just manage from the background. She's an amazing person with admirable passion, and I wish her all the luck in whatever she's doing.
And Please TB, stop treating people in here like idiots. I'm sure that managing an eSports team is stressful, but you're not the only people in the world facing stress, depression and insurmountable odds at the workplace. Not everyone here is a prepubescent kid with no responsibilities in life and whose career highlight is stacking products at a supermarket. eSports is not the only business where despite all your efforts, you get the rage of thousands of people barreling towards you, or the disdain of an ungrateful boss who gets rich off the sweat of your back. You should be thankful that most threats in the eSports industry, legal or otherwise, are, in the 99.9999999% of the cases, just empty talk. I'm sure there are people here who work in more sensitive, and volatile industries, so stop insulting people in here, and treating them as though no one here knows what living in a (non-literal) hell means. It's insulting.
*signed a hundred times
going against Dennis is .... to say the least just bullshit.
Everyhing I always hear from the Bains is complaints, complaints, complaints.. but they don't do it better.
I can understand Dennis attitude, you simple DON'T RELEASE A PRIVATE CONVERSATION BEFORE SPEAKING TO EACH OTHER!!!! This makes me so angry...
She is talking shit about Dennis, but in fact she screwed up. o_0
On August 16 2013 19:15 XinSC wrote:Show nested quote +Would take a thousands of words to explain the story but anyways, why do you quoto a private conversation again when you retire ? You want to "hurt" him ? make him feel bad ? Who are you to do that, seriously. As he said it's simply not allowed. I can see why Take would not want the second log to go public but why the harsh reaction about the first one? It did show him and Acer acting in the best way possible, trying to help fix a problem they had not caused. Secrecy for secrecy's sake?
Yes. As I said above, it's a German thing, and it comes across as hugely unprofessional. I'm not the one who's getting mad easily (on the contrary), but I'd also be fucking pissed off about this...
"I can understand Dennis attitude, you simple DON'T RELEASE A PRIVATE CONVERSATION BEFORE SPEAKING TO EACH OTHER!!!! This makes me so angry..." Thats it, exactly. This is a lack of respect from her, or idk but something wrong. It's.. just wow.
i can't get it :'(
On August 16 2013 19:18 arie3000 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 16 2013 19:15 XinSC wrote:Would take a thousands of words to explain the story but anyways, why do you quoto a private conversation again when you retire ? You want to "hurt" him ? make him feel bad ? Who are you to do that, seriously. As he said it's simply not allowed. I can see why Take would not want the second log to go public but why the harsh reaction about the first one? It did show him and Acer acting in the best way possible, trying to help fix a problem they had not caused. Secrecy for secrecy's sake? Yes. As I said above, it's a German thing, and it comes across as hugely unprofessional. I'm not the one who's getting mad easily (on the contrary), but I'd also be fucking pissed off about this... I think most reasonable people will agree, German or not, that you don't post private conversations online, especially not in a professional setting.
Just listened to TBs thoughts on the issue. I really hope u will get better Genna. Soul issues are the hardest, cause there is not a lot of wisdom about this things any more in the so called "modern world". Look up, look as high as you can. There you will find not only hope but everything that you are lacking at the moment. Best wishes!
On August 16 2013 18:56 Dayshi wrote: why do you quoto a private conversation again when you retire ? You want to "hurt" him ? make him feel bad ? Who are you to do that, seriously. As he said it's simply not allowed.
It's the Slayer's curse ! Remember when Slayer's disbanded how Jessica threw shit at everyone on earth starting from ESF and down to her own players... It's certainly a little bit more subtile this time but looks like everyone in this scene needs a scapegoat anytime he has to justify his own difficulties and save face.
The irony is that anytime TB et alii come to post something it's to rant on internet trolls because they don't respect others. How is posting professional exchanges between two companies any better? You have to defend yourself against internet hate ? - Sure, but certainly not by walking on others !
Sad it hurts Take because he tries hard to bring not only good matches but original tournament formats.
And come on - ATC looked from the start like a small experimental event, even if you believed that every expenses will be paid you have at least to be suspicious about the final solvency of the whole thing and discuss more precisely these matters beforehand.
That's what happens when the internet criticize people they don't know and situations they don't understand, real people gets hurt.