Things focused on: Macro in the first 10:00, 50 SCVs, tweaking simple build order
Completion of Focus: Started out slow, but finished strong with my last 2 games both having 47 at the end of 10:00
End of Day Placement: Bronze (Top 8!)
The first few games I played today were frustrating to some extent, not only because I wasn't hitting my benchmarks, but also because I was totally and thoroughly stomped on in my first 3 games. The first game was a protoss who 2 base rushed me at 7:30 and managed to take me out slowly and pin me into my main base, sort of a long strangling game
The second game was a silver level zerg player who managed to harass me with mutalisks so bad that I couldn't seem to get anything done and finally swooped in and destroyed me. The third game was a protoss that I got off to a better start then and started pushing him back (he tried to attack at the same time that my 10:00 attack was going out) but then he got some dark templars into the back of my base and those 3 guys just destroyed my entire base. I had JUST put a mule down when they attacked and then they managed to destroy my base when there was 49.5 energy (I was counting!) when my second base finally got a scan off I was able to kill 2 of them, then he replaced them and I just gave up, I had no supply depots and it would be another 100 seconds until I had another scan.
I know that I should be having a build that could deal with dark templars better, but the point of my build I'm doing now isn't to be optimum or to be able to stop things like that. The only reason for this build is to make it as simple as possible to focus on my macro. So while annoying, that game is gonna happen and I'm okay with that.
After the first 3 games I finally started getting some wins and that leads to the "Biggest Win Yet" that this is named after. My last game of the night was an awesome win against a top 8 Silver (that's right... SILVER) league player. He was doing a variation of the guild that I do when not doing my "Holy Crap Marine" build but he got the CC before getting his first Barracks, and I now see what that is bad because I was able to get a lot more guys at him then he did me. So my initial attack pushed him back and I took his Natural and forced him out of his Main but he rebuilt at a different part of the map and counterattacked but I was able to hold that off and build a couple new expansions (he took my natural) and win... I'm glad I had a huge push in the beginning though because his tanks would have destroyed me. That big win at the end finished my day off and put me at 5th in my Division, highest to date and my highest ranked win. Score.