One Reaver in a shuttle's
Worth two on the ground,
But to them I say:
One Trozz post in the forum
Is paradise found.
Sponsor of Gem League,
Seducer of the haiku,
Suitor of pixels,
Lets his dog micro
And his cat play Gem Tactics
All for minerals.
A taster of teas
And a conscript of chaos,
he lives by the dice
If you don't know yet
Better say happy birthday
Or you'll pay the price :o
+ Show Spoiler [ Trozz and I have a normal conversation] +
to err is to be foreign
one vod a day kept the doctor at bay
don't count your zerglings before they hatch
make your expansion and mine from it too
don't put all your drones in one overlord
kill two noobs with one build
skill is in the mouse of the beholder
APM is only creep deep
third time's a cheese
I'm a gosu and I didn't even knowsu
in for a counter attack, in for an all-in
if at first you dont succeed, cheese cheese again
I'll believe it when I scan it
I could eat an ultralisk
the stream must go on
It's raining Zealots and Reavers
the gas is always greener on the other side
the man with one slow overlord is king of the detectionless
idle hands are the dark templar's playground
all macro and no micro makes chobo a dull noob
scouting patterns are the monitor to the soul
time is minerals
haters and trolls will break my polls, but bisu's build will never hurt me
you can lead a noob to battle but you can't make him micro
one mans gimmick is another mans standard
to misplace a pylon is human, to not place the hatch anyway is manner
you are what you mine
be the bigger deathball
it's a defiler consume defiler world
every defiler has its day
sacrifice the lings to save the lurkers
theres no timing attack like the present
There's an I in Marine, and also an M and an E
an ally with speed is a friend indeed
No tank is an islandexpansion
by the skin of my shields
a fatal misclick
macro like there's no regame
the early zealot gets the drone
when it drops it's doomdrops
its all fun and games until someone loses an observer
when you're in a rush, that's when misclicks happen
Give a noob a lurker and you'll defend him for a day, teach him to tech and you'll defend him forever
if you can't beat em, switch race
scout no cheese, fear no cheese
he who techs last techs best