I've added every single entry in the practice partner thread, took me close to 3 hours to do so, haven't gotten a single invite since then... So I guess I'll ask here instead because if you clicked this blog it should mean you're interested.
I'm a top 8 Diamond Terran on NA who's on a 0-30 streak (nice system Blizzard). I would estimate my skill level to be closer to Gold than anything else.
I'm looking for people who are willing to train for specific builds and situations.
I stream on Twitch and record my game when I play on ladder. If you would be willing to do sweating session, we could alternate watching each other's stream or VODs to provide feedback and criticism on our ladder play.
I don't care about winning and neither should you, I just want to better my understanding of the game.
I have Vent/TeamSpeak/Skype and pretty much everything as well if needed.
Thank you for your time, please post a reply or PM me with your contact info. TuElite.194
On April 15 2012 06:18 TuElite wrote: because if you clicked this blog it should mean you're interested.
Wrong assumption :p i clicked because i was wondering why anybody could possibly post multiple (assumed due to "last call" in the title) practice partner request threads on tl after you usually get the practice partner thread link bashed in the face by people the first time you post one ^^
Every time I see an interesting BLOG / post about "lets meet on bnet and play" (practice partners, casual, whatever) it's always from America. Always. This region separation is getting increasingly annoying. Sorry for offtopic. Good luck finding practice partners.
On April 15 2012 06:27 Megaliskuu wrote: Just ask people after ladder games, I've got a lot of practice friends from that.
I can't play ladder with my current skill level, I just can't. I've never met nice people on ladder either. But yeah I don't play much because like I said, I'm not ready for ladder.
On April 15 2012 06:46 Juliette wrote: lets do it tho i just logged off after playing team games
juliette.599, diamond P
we can talk about kpop too
Ok sure, I'll add you in a sec. Is there a particular time of the day/week that you usually get on to play ? It says unable to find friend...
On April 15 2012 06:27 Megaliskuu wrote: Just ask people after ladder games, I've got a lot of practice friends from that.
That never really works for me unless I am playing on KR server. If I message someone in NA server after match they think I am being BM or they completely ignore me -_-
On April 15 2012 07:20 Skuller wrote: Skuller.345, random diamond who regularly plays masters. I think I'm on the cusp if I can get my skill to be consistent.
Added. By that description you're obviously a lot better than me so if you don't mind me stomping on some noob, I don't mind to lose if I can learn from it.