after nearly a decade of producing electronic music I've finished my first
official album!
Over the years I've dwelled in a lot of different genres, but it was always clear, that someday
I will make a BigBeat album. I just never felt ready for it, didn't have the skills for it.
But 2 years ago I started my very first BigBeat track...
I know a lot might not be familiar with this genre anymore but I couldn't bear the lack of
BigBeat these days and had to take matters into my own hands.
Naturally labels that used to release music like this are exctinct. I tried to contact
the last remaining labels but noone responded.
Now I will continually add my music onto different digital distributors and spread it all around
I hope you're open for a new musical experience and accept the awesomeness that is BigBeat
into your heart.

You can check/buy the album on
You can also add me on FB/twitter (although I didnt start really using it, but that might change):
PS: placeholder artwork