So my girlfriend and i just got into an arguement... too all the people that have seen my posts before yea it's the "cheating bitch". So she's being stalked by some random dude on facebook where she met him from some website. She then changing her relationship status to "In a relationship", then an idiot comes in and types "HURRICANE PENIS". I stronging disapproved of that and replied "@___ Stop being a fucking idiot" He then later on deletes the comment which tick-ed me off even more so i said "@____ Now, grow some balls. Why would you delete your comment. " This idiot was apparently my gf's "fake bf" to get rid of the stalking random dude. When i talked to her today she got all protecty and saying "stop being so serious/mature and chill out man" I explain to her that he if was going to be an idiot i'd tell him to stop being one. Now heres the problem we're in an arguement where i used the line "Arguing with you never actually had a good outcome for me. EIther a win, and look like a total douchebag. Or i lose and look like a total douchebag lol" Then she comes back with "so then what do you want huh? an i'm sorry? you want me to take back everything?"
I say the epic line "What i want, is a fucking time-machine -_-"
She says: "fine you win then i was wrong he was an idiot and i'm stupid for making this huge happy? now drop it"
I say "I didn't say thing about it..........." Then she says "fine drop it, just stop and shut up about it"
What can i do = (
Osaka27115 Posts
If your girlfriend is creating false facebook boyfriends to scare away facebook stalkers, and has cheated on you,
What can i do = ( seems pretty obvious to me.
There are not enough hours in the day to deal with such petty shit. If she put half the amount of effort into your relationship that she put into facebook, you would both be much happier. Life is short man.
wait this is over facebook?
If you really care for her and want to stay with her then ime heals everything my friend, let it go and just start fresh the next day. It seems like one of those arguments you just should put behind you and not let it worry you so much.
stop acting like a child, she's clearly cheating on you - grow a pair and look elsewhere
Osaka27115 Posts
Oh nevermind, your other blog about friends fighting about sc2 shows that you are in grade 11. God I am old.
If she puts out, put up with it. If she doesn't she isn't worth the time.
From a girl to you:
Dump her ass if you have any respect left for yourself. Quit letting her walk all over you just because you want to 'have a girlfriend'.
The fact you stuck with her even though she cheated on you makes me sad. She thinks she can get away with whatever she wants. Good job.
So "be a man and the the right thing"? As in forget about it and better luck tmr? = P I'm really bad with these relationship bull shit haha
Start weighing costs vs benefits. Seems pretty straight forward here..... Is what you're getting in return worth w/e you're putting in this relationship?
I'ma fucking rage, she logged of MSN. Now i don't have a way to contact her (long distance phone call not really smart)
Seems like you're making too much a big deal out of nothing and the more you act possessive and jealous, the more you'll drive her away.
If some idiot posts something nonsensical like "Hurricane Penis" on your girls facebook, who gives a fuck? You should have just played it cool and treated it as the act of an immature boy who is beneath you and unworthy of your retort. Instead, you let it rile you up and fuck up the situation between you and your girl.
Your proper response, assuming you're looking at her FB with her, should have been to say to your girl something like "Hurricane penis! how does this guy describe my genitalia so well?"
If you saw the comment while stalking her FB, then just ignore it.
But yeah, your approach is really bad. I'm not even sure what you expect her to do.
On January 28 2011 13:35 lixlix wrote: Seems like you're making too much a big deal out of nothing and the more you act possessive and jealous, the more you'll drive her away.
If some idiot posts something nonsensical like "Hurricane Penis" on your girls facebook, who gives a fuck? You should have just played it cool and treated it as the act of an immature boy who is beneath you and unworthy of your retort. Instead, you let it rile you up and fuck up the situation between you and your girl.
Your proper response, assuming you're looking at her FB with her, should have been to say to your girl something like "Hurricane penis! how does this guy describe my genitalia so well?"
If you saw the comment while stalking her FB, then just ignore it.
But yeah, your approach is really bad. I'm not even sure what you expect her to do. He is her "fake bf" on facebook, i don't think i can really ignore that.
On January 28 2011 13:35 MarineHeroSamKhan wrote: I'ma fucking rage, she logged of MSN. Now i don't have a way to contact her (long distance phone call not really smart)
Long distance? Back up. Slow down. I've done this.
dump her. she's not worth it.
On January 28 2011 13:37 Tex wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2011 13:35 MarineHeroSamKhan wrote: I'ma fucking rage, she logged of MSN. Now i don't have a way to contact her (long distance phone call not really smart) Long distance? Back up. Slow down. I've done this. Explain. She's away at another school half way across the country for this year.
A jealous guy is one of the least attractive creatures on earth. From the looks of things, even if she isn't cheating on you, you've killed the attraction in this relationship. The good news is you're young. I would just move on.
On January 28 2011 13:38 MarineHeroSamKhan wrote: She's away at another school half way across the country for this year.
So you're upset/jealous that you can't really do anything about this 'fake bf'- no, screw it.
Man up. Period. You chose to be in a LDR and you're getting upset that it's left you powerless in the relationship. She cheated on you, you let her get away with it (first mistake, imo).
You're young, you're probably not gonna marry this girl. I'd just cut your losses and look into some nicer, closer girls. Or get better at SC and disregard women all together.
On January 28 2011 13:31 Manifesto7 wrote: Oh nevermind, your other blog about friends fighting about sc2 shows that you are in grade 11. God I am old.
If she puts out, put up with it. If she doesn't she isn't worth the time. ^Words of wisdom.
So, she's "being stalked" so she had to get a fake bf on facebook to get the stalker to go away. Then why aren't YOU her bf on facebook? She wouldn't have to get a fake bf if she considered you her bf... I suggest you find someone else and forget about her.
look at my blog topics.
people told me to leave my unfaithful gf and to not contact her even if she was offering a free booty call.
i gave in a few times and tried to restart something new but immature girls ... they need a long time to smarten the fuck up. i believe people can change. but childish and unfaithful girls may take a much longer time to change.
ditch her. easier said than done but once you move on, you're gonna find a lot of other girls out there. i mean.. i went through hell trying to ditch my cheating ex but after a couple of months, i met a prettier girl... and i'm texting her to sleep as i write this post.
dude.. ditch her.