On October 19 2010 17:20 Slayer91 wrote:On October 19 2010 16:59 T0fuuu wrote:
Hydras arent as terrible as you make them sound. They shred gateway units are really underused in zvz and but fail hard against terran. Zerg already has the options for an extremely mobile force with roaches lings mutas and banelings. So its not like not having them slows down the race as a whole.
-"Shred gateway units" (regurgitated response that everyone posts in every hydra thread)
1: Only in the sense that if you have enough to kill most of the zealots before they hit melee range, yes. Going 1 base hydra vs cannon contain into 4 warpgate doesn't mean you can't lose all your hydra.
2: List of units that "shred gateway units"
-Roaches (speed/burrow)
-Marines (better than hydras)
So basically nothing special.
-"Under used in ZvZ"
How the hell are they underused in zvz? List of units that kill hydras cost effectively in zvz:
So basically everything except pure muta with no mineral units.
Hydra can kill muta except that muta give you far more options than going hydra. If you go hydra vs muta you are basically passive anyway. You might as well get queens and or infestors to stop muta because they are better units to have and have no weakness to banelings, Queens are slow but you can still walk across most of the map until creep runs out and it doesn't take that much longer.
The only situation hydras are really any use in ZvZ is behind a thick wall of roaches, since that way you have a solid DPS unit but it's not ridiculously weak against everything.
Having hydras doesn't slow down the race as a whole. Absolutely. That's because they're almost never used. It's not like you can rush ahead with muta ling baneling roach or whatever and leave your hydras to get owned or not doing anything.
They can be used against all races, but its pretty much always behind a wall of roaches. Against terran you can use them with infestors vs bio heavy since marines have only range 5 and marauders aren't great against hydra. Apparantly dimaga has a queen/hydra build and that's suppoesd to be good against tanks as well.