Sadly in person she is a stuck up bitch. Jongmi is so, so much nicer than her. All she's ever done when she's seen me at events is look down her nose at me. I wouldn't support her if you paid me to.
On December 16 2009 21:43 Kare wrote: I've been playing for 8 months now and thats just about 4 games or less a day. And I have soon reached B-. Give me 5 more months and I will get better then tossgirl.
Oh really, B- is not that good and rather a shitty rank from a larger scale, so shut the fuck up.
On December 17 2009 12:01 NeverGG wrote: Sadly in person she is a stuck up bitch. Jongmi is so, so much nicer than her. All she's ever done when she's seen me at events is look down her nose at me. I wouldn't support her if you paid me to.
Thats disappointing, she's probably just bitter that she hasn't accomplished anything of consequence. Have you ever done a photo-shoot with her Never?
On December 16 2009 21:43 Kare wrote: I've been playing for 8 months now and thats just about 4 games or less a day. And I have soon reached B-. Give me 5 more months and I will get better then tossgirl.
Oh really, B- is not that good and rather a shitty rank from a larger scale, so shut the fuck up.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to say she's not effective as a role model. From one interview she doesn't even seen to be aware of the gender problem. Reason #2's probably the best reason for anyone to cheer for her.
January is a much MUCH better role model for women - no makeup, keeps it plain, but effective and has authority, and doesn't take shit or even snarky comments from other head coaches who are all male.
On December 17 2009 12:01 NeverGG wrote: Sadly in person she is a stuck up bitch. Jongmi is so, so much nicer than her. All she's ever done when she's seen me at events is look down her nose at me. I wouldn't support her if you paid me to.
haha yeah she could be one of those. the standard for being thin in Asia's just ridiculous to me, male and female, and I was born there. being pampered means she probably has no idea what to say to you, just doesn't have that social skill cus she ain't got to "figure it all out"
On December 17 2009 12:01 NeverGG wrote: Sadly in person she is a stuck up bitch. Jongmi is so, so much nicer than her. All she's ever done when she's seen me at events is look down her nose at me. I wouldn't support her if you paid me to.
Thats disappointing, she's probably just bitter that she hasn't accomplished anything of consequence. Have you ever done a photo-shoot with her Never?
She never comes to proleague so nope. I'd rather prioritise people who aren't so stuck up their own arses. If she was nicer I'd have leapt at the chance to photograph her. I hardly ever get to shoot women ;_; The big game shows are like heaven for me because it makes such a change from the routine of boys, boys and more boys.
On December 17 2009 12:01 NeverGG wrote: Sadly in person she is a stuck up bitch. Jongmi is so, so much nicer than her. All she's ever done when she's seen me at events is look down her nose at me. I wouldn't support her if you paid me to.
On December 17 2009 12:07 DoctorHelvetica wrote: She's probably a bitch because she can't get over the fact that Hwasin is prettier than her and on the same team.
I bet all the boys hit on Hwasin when he puts on a little rouge and ignore her which just makes her tilt hard
On December 17 2009 12:01 NeverGG wrote: Sadly in person she is a stuck up bitch. Jongmi is so, so much nicer than her. All she's ever done when she's seen me at events is look down her nose at me. I wouldn't support her if you paid me to.
unfortunately jongmi is crap and laughs at herself DURING games because she thinks its silly to play as a girl. tossgirl actually has respect for wht she does. maybe she cant be a spaz like jongmi because shes actually trying to taken seriously
I don't really like tossgirl at all. Seems like quite the stuck up snob in RL and doesn't seem to be very friendly overall... I mean if your gonna try to cut it with the big boys at least try to be likeable because results aren't gonna be there.