Great sound as usual The only thing I would perhaps suggest is working on the drum sound a bit. Id personally put the snare more up front and a bit more "body" to it? In 00:43 the crash mute sounds a bit strange as well
Keep up the good work!
The drums sound really really weak, and it's hard to pick out the kickdrums. lol
Dude, your guitar tone is awesome, how did u record it? and what equip. do u have? I think the drum sound is really weak too.. what program are u using? Addictive drums is a good one
drumkit from hell, but looking into getting superior drummer in the future.
Gear List:
podxt toneport ux2 presonus firepod e-mu 1212m nuendo 3 drumkit from hell impulse cab emulating software
Heard on my monitors, and I've got to say: the bass mixing is sounds wrong. At times, the bass drum is heard much more than felt, and the bass guitar sometimes has massive amounts of the higher lows which cause it to stand out but lose it's overall driving feeling. I am not very experienced with mixing metal, but you could do with a lot more side-chaining and dynamic equalizing if you want to retain this feel but give a fuller sound-scape.
nice post, should keep me busy haha! thanks!
well that pretty much kicked ass not gonna lie... good work man i wouldn't change anything
I have no experience whatsoever with sound mixing, but overall it sounds pretty cool. Only flaw I hear is the drums sound, maybe you should tweak around with that a bit.
UPDATE: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/285616 = test 2
did some work with the drums and re-evaluated some of the bass EQ, nothing major but subtle changes are usually the key. mo' comments HIGHLY appreciated! thanks guys :D
Hong Kong20321 Posts
damn i listend to both a bunch of times and cant' tell the differnce, im too noob
but it sounds sick lol ;o
haha thanks dude! happy birthday!
The 2nd one sounds better.