I want another goal and I've made my mind up. One week of each race, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm an achievement whore.
I just can't make my mind up between Tassadar, Nova or Kerrigan I also can't make my mind up what race I really want to play, so I am going one week/race to see if I can make my mind up.
Protoss, I've been having it the most easiest with.
Zerg, if they go aggro, I have a hard time holding it off (tend to over-drone, lack of me scouting/can't read what opponent is doing)
Terran, my minerals tends to go high and I don't have enough production buildings to reinforce properly, also TvZ is a nightmare because I can't hold off Baneling Bust at all, Banelings in general is a nightmare because my splitting is a joke and I hate tanks.
And if I get mirror I just drop the game, I don't want to play TankWars,BanelingHeartAttack or RaceTo4Gate.
This week I am starting off with Zerg and by next week I will have a little clip with a summary, similar to the one I used in the previous post.
Thanks for reading!
(Watch HSC#3 if you arent already)