On May 19 2011 11:43 DuncanIdaho wrote:Tip#(will edit in the future as soon as I know which number I am): You can still scout a protoss's base (with a worker) that is blocked by a zealot, for example. Right as your worker approaches, click on the minerals in their base, and your worker will ghostwalk through the unit on hold position! Takes some practice though, the first few times I tried it, my worker was killed by the zealot...
You don't need to be approaching the zealot. You could pick up an SCV from your min line and tell it to mine from any patch on the map and it will mineral walk (that's what it's called) through any and every unit while harvesting.
My experience supports me with huge amounts of tips. But I don't know if some of them haven't been patched out. Some are minor, some are major tips.
Hallucinations can't crush force fields, but they walk over them.
There is a hold-fire mode for ghosts.
SCVs, which surround and repair a target, are not targeted automatically due to their low priority. Probably patched out.
Tab cycles through unit groups. Shift + tab cycles backwards.
Hitting stim will effect all stimmable units in the whole control groups, not just one tab.
Shift + F1 expands the current selection with one idle worker.
If you have many workers selected, you can issue multiple build commands and they'll each build one; extra workers will continue whatever they were doing.
SCVs can be set to auto-repair by hitting 'Alt'+'R' or using right click on repair.
When building from warpgates, holding down 'Shift' lets you warp in the same unit multiple times without clicking its hotkey again.
Can you blink away from seeker missiles? Yes. The seeker missile will explode at the former position of the unit.
Scv build commands are not distributed between command centers, planetary fortresses and orbital commands in the same control group. They count as different tabs.
Marines lose 18,18% or 22,22% hp to stimming. Marauders lose 16% (20 of 125).
Zerg ground combat units have a creep speed multiplier of 1.3, except the hydralisk. Its speed multiplier is 1.5.
Workers by eco-moving slip by single well-placed forcefields on ramps.
Reapers jump down a cliff to attack units in their vicinity. That often causes them to become overwhelmed.
Queens use aa on Colossi. This should be added to the Thor-aa-fact.
The warpgate tabs are ranked before the Gateway tabs in a control group. You'd have to press # + tab first before issuing building commands to the gateway.
Due to the low absolute damage, a Zerg with queens and zerglings will have a hard time, destroying rocks. Destructible rocks and debris have an armor of 3. Remember that when playing on a map with rocks and debris.
Overlord on 9 supply!
You can activate control sharing with your allies through the alliance menu in the top right corner.
Do not engage stimmed marines with your workers, no matter how low their hitpoints are.
Position your mouse on the edge of your desk / table, so you don't need to move your whole arm all the time.
Good Terrans might disguise their ghosts by positioning them under medivacs or other flying units.
Always activating the red/green color scheme can spare trouble.
First observer shouldn't float in the vicinity of any path were an enemy push might move through. Avoid paths, which are likely to be scanned. Supplement: just be careful and avoid flying directly in enemie's paths.
Void Rays have only two damage-stages. The three stages are just of graphical nature.
In pure Mutalisks vs Mutalisks fights, one armor upgrade prevails against one weapons upgrade. This is due to the armor upgrade fully effecting all attacks, including the jumping ones, while they are only partly boosted by the weapons upgrade.
Everything I could confirm, is now written in bold letters. The other things can easily be tested.
Someone needs to correct #3, since pdds don't intercept broodlings no more.
On May 19 2011 10:36 Kaitlin wrote:Show nested quote +On May 19 2011 04:58 eXtremophiLe wrote:On May 18 2011 11:54 Kaitlin wrote:On May 18 2011 10:48 eXtremophiLe wrote: New tip: Terran SCVs can heal other SCVs (more important in early game than late game). Not new. In fact, we've been telling each other how SCVs can repair themselves and each other in medivacs for weeks. It's quite the discussion. I understand that for sure, but it isn't in this list and for nubs (I am one, so I can use the world I s'pose) look at the thread, they will see it--it was really a message to the OP since this post is great for new players like me :D I meant, it wasn't new to this thread. It's been mentioned lots of times, in this thread.
Sorry my friend, I hadn't done my homework well enough :-/
On May 19 2011 11:51 lyAsakura wrote:Show nested quote +On May 19 2011 11:43 DuncanIdaho wrote:Tip#(will edit in the future as soon as I know which number I am): You can still scout a protoss's base (with a worker) that is blocked by a zealot, for example. Right as your worker approaches, click on the minerals in their base, and your worker will ghostwalk through the unit on hold position! Takes some practice though, the first few times I tried it, my worker was killed by the zealot... You don't need to be approaching the zealot. You could pick up an SCV from your min line and tell it to mine from any patch on the map and it will mineral walk (that's what it's called) through any and every unit while harvesting.
Sorry, but in BW, we called it ghostwalk (mineralwalk/ghostwalk, whatever you wish to call it, you're quibbling over culturally generated semantics, which are known to vary). But yeah, you're right, though I generally like to scout the front before blindly mineral walking, just personal preference, but yes, you're absolutely right.
2 reapers with +1 attack can 1 shot probes. Especially effective for mid-game harassment.
When hellion expanding (tvz) always build a bunker before your command centre if the zerg did not hatch before pool (only way to be safe).
When proxy 1 gate (PvT) manually target individual scvs, if you attack move into attacking scvs the terran can send the scv being attacked too minerals and the zealot will immediately switch target.
ZvX. When you are using the banelings to try and kill the harvesters on the mineral line, you might want to split them into two groups, sending one to the left and the other one to the right of the mineral line, making it virtually impossible for the harvesters to escape.
P. Liquid`Nazgul's Blink Stalker 4gate hard counters the Spanishiwa Build. There is nothing that the Zerg can do to beat you in that situation.
This is something new for me, I found it in Kraelog's comment.
"Very few people realise that you should group your spine crawlers in a hotkey group and let them attack together. 6 Spines oneshot a stalker and your 6 queens can transfuse for an almost infinite of time."
i think i've got alot of things to add bu no idea if it already has been added so instead, my suggestion/tip is to devide the tips into different parts, something like:
general (where the tip about ammount of workers on one base for optimal and maximums satturation)
PvX (where tips like archon with +2 dmg 1-shots workers, useful tips that you as protoss can do vs the other races) XvP (how many fungals it takes to kill stalkers, etc. useful tips of what the other races can do vs you and thus, protoss players won't have to read about how PDD stops proodlings ffrom spawning)
TvX (PDD kills broodlings) XvT (archons with +2 oneshots your workers)
ZvX ( how many fungals to kill stalkers, etc) XvZ (archons with +2 oneshots your workers & PDD kills your broodlings)
so there's the general stuff that every1 will find useful and then there's what tricks your race can do + what the other races can do vs your specific race, instead of one reading tips that are close to useless for yourself and therefore loses interest. also, this would help players who are looking to add more tips as they more easily can look up if their tip already exist in the proper category.
ZvZ You can fungal growth larvae
On May 19 2011 11:55 Perscienter wrote:
SCVs, which surround and repair a target, are not targeted automatically due to their low priority. Probably patched out.
1 Scv build commands are not distributed between command centers, planetary fortresses and orbital commands in the same control group. They count as different tabs.
2 The warpgate tabs are ranked before the Gateway tabs in a control group. You'd have to press # + tab first before issuing building commands to the gateway.
Everything I could confirm, is now written in bold letters. The other things can easily be tested.
I will confirm 1 and 2 for you. The red was patched a few patches ago to set the attack priority of repairing workers equal, instead of lower.
448. (T) Terran can always execute a 100% closed/zergling proof wall-off at bottom of ramp, with 1 barrax and 1 supply depot - even though it visually seems not possible. Works on all "regular" ramp sizes (not scrapstation for example) and all spawn-locations. Check this thread *credit to Toast.yum
really really nice.. a lot of useful info for a platinum player.. thhx!
(P) After making a unit from a warpgate, if you transform the warpgate into a gateway, it does NOT reset the warp-in timer. (X) Try to play as many long games as possible so you get more lategame practice. Don't worry about the earlygame practice, you will get that with every game. (P) Immortals are very good for taking out static defence.
Little known fact. Banelings are not light units.
#449: An efficient way to transfer workers to 2 gas geysers and a mineral line: Select all workers and send them all to mine gas. Deselect 3 workers by shiftclicking the wireframes. Repeat with 2nd geyser. Send rest to a mineral patch.
Also tip #76 and #302 are basically the same thing.
#450. Neural parasiting a Raven and then spawning either a PDD or Auto Turret will have the spawned unit stay friendly towards you for the entire duration of its existence, regardless of whether you lose control of the Raven.
First observer shouldn't float in the vicinity of any path were an enemy push might move through. Avoid paths, which are likely to be scanned.
This is a horrible suggestion for a tip and could hardly be "confirmed."
Everything I could confirm, is now written in bold letters. The other things can easily be tested.
You use observers to gain information -- like where your opponent's army is at, what direction it's moving, and what it contains. For this reason you want to send your Observers PRECISELY along the paths in which you think your opponent may be approaching. Sure... sometimes your Observers will get scanned and sniped -- that's the risk you have to take sometimes to get good information. Another reason you would want to send your Observers down the main path between the bases is because it's usually one of the shorter paths to your opponent's base and you generally want your scout to arrive sooner rather than later.
#451. Zerg defense. During early defense, the queen should always be the first thing receiving damage. Specially vs bunkers filled with reapers. Queens take a lot of hits from reapers, so when assaulting the bunker, send the queen first so reapers inside lock on her and then send the lings as te queen receives the first shot. The reapers will not target the fragile lings until the queen is either dead or out of range, so keep her in range until almost dead. If there are repairing scvs divert one or two lings to attack each of them. This detail can be all the difference in the world. While all this happens, it is also the best moment to relocate spines if you have any. This applies for several other scenarios.
Edit: I don't know if the terran can force the bunker to attack the lings instead? Either way, this should be worth even if it works only until he manually does so. If not possible, if lings dont have a complete surround, he may vacate the bunker and put them back in.