Everyone complaining about balance is not a part of what helps eSports grow, it takes away from the accomplishments of the players and shifts the focus away from the one thing that they can control, the quality of their play. All the dumb shit we say about imbalance isn't going to change the game, go do that on the Starcraft 2 forums on the Blizzard site or in specific balance threads.
Don't show your frustration here. If you want to make specific statements about strategies or highlight a build has to be precise to counter another build, yada yada, that's one thing. But simply focussing on the difficulty in the matchup helps absolutely no one and it does not help eSports grow, it helps eSports become a giant batch of whiners who move the focus away from the quality of play.
Morrow is playing very well in this fourth game, this is the right kind of aggression. Very good game.
Morrow, so aggressive. He better had expanded too during that push.
YAY Zerg the way I like it :D
On April 17 2011 07:25 defuzas wrote: sauron zerg :D Morrow our savior?
now maybe go and break the fron? i dont know?
lol hasuobs at 3-0-0 upgrades
Praying for Morrow here. Dont stop dont stop!! Rebuild, expand, attack, gogogo dont let him get 3rd!!
On April 17 2011 07:23 Pokemon4life wrote: zerg needs to be aggressive am I rite day9?
That was some agressive ass play
That was some serious aggression by Morrow, rallying all his units and nonstop pounding that expansion til the nexus went down.
he need to transition into t3 goddamn...this is not gonna work for long...
On April 17 2011 07:22 Avalain wrote: If morrow attacks that he's going to lose.
Uh huh....
On April 17 2011 07:25 soverRR wrote: How the fuck did that just work? Pretty sure Hasu didn't expect Morrow to actually engage down that ramp.
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On April 17 2011 07:22 MoonBear wrote:Show nested quote +On April 17 2011 07:19 MoonBear wrote:On April 17 2011 07:17 MoonBear wrote:On April 17 2011 07:14 MoonBear wrote:2:50Morrow with gas-pool-speed, Hasu goes Forge-FE. Places canon before gate. 5:33Hasu takes a fast third gas. Cybercore done for him. He places a stargate at his natural again. Morrow with his standard Evo-chamber before he makes his Lair. Morrow sees the stargate with a ling scout. 7:45Warpgate tech on the way. First void heads to where the potential 3rd would be. It also clears the watchtowers too. 2 more gates before the robo is made. Void goes into the main, sees the hydra den and roach warren. Kills a drone then floats away. 9:15Hasu warps in 3 stalkers and 3 sentries starts work on his back rocks. Morrow takes his 3rd at 3.5, spire started. +1 protoss ground weapons started. Roach upgrades on the way. 10:30Hasu takes his 3rd at 6. 11:30Morrow sees the Protoss 3rd with 2 OLs. He starts work on the back rocks with some roaches and hydras. Hasu canons up the back and FFs the ramp just in case. 12:32First Colossus on the field. Tunnelling Claws done. Thermal Lance just started. +1 range done for Zerg. FFs trap some roaches but they snipe a sentry. More canons being made. Burrow now being researched. Oh dear, Morrow researched Claws before Burrow. 15:00 +1 Air done for Zerg. 7 Corruptors out. Morrow takes a 4th at his inner 1.
Morrow attacks down the ramp. Kills the canons first. Colosus are sniped very quickly. Another Colossus arrives but quickly dies. Morrow macros up another army and barrels back in, kills new canons that were morphing.
Morrow trying to brute force his way in. More stalkers warped in. He pulls back, then macros more units, then forces his way back in. He kills the nexus.
16:00 More zerg units arrive, Morrow is throwing everything at this. Colossus out now which helps clean up. OLs creep up 6. He expos to the bottom right as well.
Hasu holds, but Morrow now has 2 bases more than him. Hasu retakes 6.
What am I watching? LOL. Morrow keeps pressing the square peg into the round hole with lots of force.
Who is controlling the video stream who's mouse is it that is moving around?
ahy he is not attacking still?!!!!?
morrow fucking has this, just keep fucking attacking, dont let him get more collosi, wtf?!
Damn Morrow gave all his strength into that attack, I applaud you sir, I thought that was going to be terrible.