Balance changes:
- Stimpack research time revoked to 140 seconds.
- Usage of stim increases run speed by 60% (up from 50%) and increases fire rate by 40%(down from 50%).
- Ghost EMP now drains energy/shields over 4 seconds instead of instantly.
- Reaper D8-charge removed (building attack).
- Reaper can now plant C4 charge per unit, 30 second cooldown. C4 can only be used on buildings and massive ground units. C4 charge does 140 damage.
- Reaper damage is now 6, up from 4.
- Adrenal Glands is now a lair upgrade, instead of hive.
- Corruptor now moves 30% faster, and fire rate increased by 10%.
- Hydralisk now has a slowing effect similar to Concussive shells. It triggers every five attacks and slows targeted unit by 25%.
- Warp Prism phasing is now instant, down from 2 seconds.
- Carrier's Interceptors are now free, but only trains one at a time.
- Force Field duration is cut down to 13 seconds, down from 15.
Pretty sure thats just gonna lead to reaper rushes, a bunch will just run in and destroy someone's main with C4.
On April 05 2011 23:40 Attican wrote: Pretty sure thats just gonna lead to reaper rushes, a bunch will just run in and destroy someone's main with C4.
You mean like it is right now?
Uh-huh....'Nice' balance change.... Enforces my trust in Blizzard even more...
On April 05 2011 23:44 Black[CAT] wrote: Uh-huh....'Nice' balance change.... Enforces my trust in Blizzard even more...
You can start by actually using arguments instead of just bashing
im fine with stim taking longer but it means it can be harder to deal with sentries in the early game
if only bunker time hadnt been increased
I really hope you aren't serious....
First off, carriers already only build one interceptor at a time. You realize that with that reaper change that you would need 4 to one shot a pylon right? I'm sorry. Thats crazy broken.
I like the idea of reapers being able to put C4 on the ground, it would look like Vulture mines, and maybe it would give them some more use. They're really not being that used in latest matches.
lol aglands to lair would be so op. kekekek good humor thread though
Canada13378 Posts
On April 06 2011 00:02 Tschis wrote: I like the idea of reapers being able to put C4 on the ground, it would look like Vulture mines, and maybe it would give them some more use. They're really not being that used in latest matches.
Spider mine replacement? very cool idea my friend that would be sick. Most of the changes however are terrible.
I feel that stim reversal makes sense but bunkers are fine. Offensively they are worse but defensively they are still fine since in terms of defense you will build them ahead of time (or at least you should be).
Adrenal Glands is now a lair upgrade, instead of hive. Corruptor now moves 30% faster, and fire rate increased by 10%. Hydralisk now has a slowing effect similar to Concussive shells. It triggers every five attacks and slows targeted unit by 25%.
If corruptor were that fast they could move with mutas and protect them from every anti air unit and also corrupt thors and when magic boxed make them die even faster. Pheonixes would be useless against mutas in conjunction with corruptors, they would still suck against collossi if that is what you are getting at.
Adrenal glands a lair upgrade ... thats way too powerful an upgrade to give when lair pops to be honest.
Hydralisk slow will accomplish very little in bigger battles and will make it impossible for units to escape the really high dps they put out. They attack fast and with a high DPS they will wreck any ground army from protoss at that point. Hey i poke yu have hydras, my army is dead definitively thats it.
On April 05 2011 23:35 mortar wrote:Herro! Balance changes: Terran- Stimpack research time revoked to 140 seconds. They added more time for a good reason. Stim Timing pushes were too difficult to defend mostly from average protoss, so they gave this to not only help out protoss, but try to shift terran away from the early-mid game timing pushes and just win there.
- Usage of stim increases run speed by 60% (up from 50%) and increases fire rate by 40%(down from 50%). They can already kite enough, they don't need more run speed than they already get from stim. There is no reason to change it anyways after the research time nerf.
- Ghost EMP now drains energy/shields over 4 seconds instead of instantly.I have no problem with this. It may slightly effect immortal vs marauder fights, but nothing too drastic.
- Reaper D8-charge removed (building attack). See next change
- Reaper can now plant C4 charge per unit, 30 second cooldown. C4 can only be used on buildings and massive ground units. C4 charge does 140 damage. I disagree with this. The D8 charge attack is used for quickly darting around a base, sniping buildings. If you take in account the amount of damage the reaper does in 30 seconds with the D8 charge, it is a lot higher to buildings than 140 damage. This would make reaper harass lategame even more difficult, as the only targets would be SCVs, possibly guarded by units/PFs/cannons/spines
- Reaper damage is now 6, up from 4.Contrary to what I just said, this would make them too good at harrassing mineral lines. The ability to 1-shot workers with three reapers would be a little too powerful. Right now the reaper is fine the way it is.
Zerg - Adrenal Glands is now a lair upgrade, instead of hive. PvZ, Good Luck.
- Corruptor now moves 30% faster, and fire rate increased by 10%. Meh, could cause problems against collosi heavy armies.
- Hydralisk now has a slowing effect similar to Concussive shells. It triggers every five attacks and slows targeted unit by 25%. The Hydralisk is not a marauder. Blizzard doesn't want units from different races to do the same thing. If instead of a slow effect they had some sort of poison effect, that sould be considered, but not slow.
Protoss - Warp Prism phasing is now instant, down from 2 seconds. Its fine the way it is, no need for change
- Carrier's Interceptors are now free, but only trains one at a time.It already only trains one at a time, but I don't really see a point in putting a cost on interceptors. Did scarabs cost money in BW? No.
- Force Field duration is cut down to 13 seconds, down from 15. I don't know what to make of this one. I don't think a 2 second nerf will effect it that much, only problem would be FFing a ramp for long periods of time.
So those are my opinions in BOLD
you forgot the bunker tweak =))
Hyrule18939 Posts
Scarabs and Interceptors both cost minerals in BW.
On April 06 2011 00:11 57 Corvette wrote: Did scarabs cost money in BW? No.
Not to be a jerk, but yes, they did. It costs 15 minerals to build a scarab.
Edit: sniped!
I thought scarabs did cost money o.O
Ah damn, someone posted already
Interesting ideas though. Hydralisk do not need a slow. Roach and hydra tier should be switched and make hydras more like bw hydras with speed upgrade and roaches more like beta roaches where they were stronger and had faster regen
On April 06 2011 00:22 Iranon wrote:Not to be a jerk, but yes, they did. It costs 15 minerals to build a scarab. Edit: sniped!
Well, that proves how long its been since i played BW.
There are some good ideas in there, and horrible ones too. Hydralisk and reaper changes especially scare me.
the only changes that we need are
Tanks cost 150/100 and are 2 food base damage for non armored units increased from 35 to 40.
Ultralisk food reduced to 4 from 6. removed clipping between ultralisks and allied and own zerglings/banelings.
Khydarin Amulet returns to combat the changes of Terran and Zerg.
Anybody play red alert and god the add-ons where they had that girl Tanya who was able to C4 buildings and one shot kill them but she costed a fortune and one shot kill all infantry. That should be what reapers are like in sc2.