TSL3 day 3 draws closer, and again we are happy to bring you another set of Pre-Round of 32 Interviews. This time we have the second half of day 3: IM.NesTea, ESC.GoOdy, Dignitas.NaNiwa, and TLAF-Liquid`Ret.
Thanks to WaxAngel for translations.
+ Show Spoiler [Korean Version - 한국어 원문] +
안녕하세요? TeamLiquid Starleague 3에 환영합니다. 어떤 이유로 TSL3 초대를 승락하게 되었습니까? 대회 초대 받기 전에 TeamLiquid.net에 대해 들어본적이 있었습니까? 이번 대회의 목표는 무엇입니까?
해외대회에 관심이 많아서 참가 해보고 싶었습니다 팀리퀴드에대해 많이 들어봣습니다 조나단선수나 tlo 선수같은 분들 많이봐서 ... 이번대회의 목표는 우승입니다
KT에서 스타1 프로게이머로 활동하던 시절을 기억하고 있는 TeamLiquid유저들이 많습니다.. 스타1 선수로서 지낸 시절이 성공적이었다고 생각합니까? 어떤 이유로 스타2로 전향하게 되었으며, 스타2에서 어떤 업적을 이룰 수 있을거라고 생각합니까?
스타 1에서는 팀플레이만 맡아서 성공햇다고는 볼수 없지요 스타2에서는 스타 1에서 이루지 못햇던 것들을 해보려고 합니다 우승 3번은 해야죠
GSL을 시청하고 스타2에 관심을 갖고있는 해외팬들을 어떻게 생각합니까? 해외 팬들에게 전할 말 있다면?
해외팬들이 많이 있다는건 저를 많이 알고 있는거니 너무 좋네요 머나먼 나라에서 저를 아는 분이있으니 .. 앞으로 더 열심히해서 저그최강의 모습 보여드리겠습니다
한국 프로게이머들은 외국 대회를 많이 인지하고 있습니까? 예를 들어 미국, 유럽 지역에 IEM이나 MLG처럼 큰 규모의 대회가 많은데, 미래에 참여하고 싶습니까?
음 일단 우리나라에는 gsl 이있어서 일정이 겹치기 때문에 나갈수가 없죠 현재는... 그런데 저를 포함한 많은 게이머들이 해외에 나가서 많은 대회를 하고 싶어합니다 기회가 된다면 해외에서 많은 경기를 해보고 싶네요
비한국인 선수중에서 잘하는 선수가 누구 있습니까? 이중에서 경기를 해보고 싶은 선수가 있다면?
아무래도 현재 gsl 에서 활동하고 있는 조나단선수가 잘한다고 생각합니다 그와 붙고 싶기도 하네요
대회 첫 상대가 ESC.Goody, 독일의 테란 선수입니다. 상대에 대해 어떤 정보를 가지고 있습니까? 경기를 위해 어떤 준비를 할 것이며, 이길 자신이 있습니까?
그 선수에대해 아무것도 정보가 없습니다 아무래도 한국사람과 스타일이 많이 틀릴것같아서 걱정이긴 합니다 하지만 이길자신은 충분합니다
한국 선수와 외국 선수의 경기 스타일이 많이 다릅니까? 다르다면 어떤 면에서 다릅니까?
외국선수의 플레이를 본건 iem5 에서 봣는데 전략과 타이밍 싸움을 좋아하는거 같았습니다 한국선수들도 물론 그런선수들이 있지만 대부분 탄탄한 운영을 하기때문에 장단점이 있는거같네요
GSL 오픈 시즌2를 우승한 경력도 있고, 많은 팬들이 현재 최강의 저그로 여기고 있습니다. 하지만 최근에 Code S에서 탈락하는 모습을 보였습니다. 단지 운이 안 좋았던 것입니까? 아니면 GSL의 수준이 많이 높아진 것 입니까? 그리고 차기대회에서 좋은 성적을 낼 자신감을 가지고 있습니까?
운이 안좋았다기보다 자만심이 있었네요 질거같지가 않아서 너무 자만하고 연습을 게을리 햇던거 같네요 차기대회에선 더 좋은모습 최강의 저그 보여드릴게요
임재덕 선수가 최종 경기에서 승리를 거두면서 IM팀이 지난 GSTL을 우승했습니다. GSL 우승 했을 때의 기분이랑 GSTL 결승 에이스 매치에서 이긴 기분을 비교한다면? 차기 대회에서도 IM팀이 좋은 성적을 낼 수 있을거라고 생각합니까?
gsl 우승했을땐 메이저대회 첫우승이라 너무 감격스러웟죠 gstl 도 첫 팀우승을 마지막에 제가 이겨내서 너무 기뻣습니다 im팀은 이번시즌에도 우승할겁니다
현재 GSL에서 가장 강한 선수들이 누구라고 생각합니까?
장민철.정종현.이정훈 이세명이 가장 강력하고 까다롭다고 생각합니다
임재덕 선수의 경기를 처음보는 스타2 팬에게 자신을 소개한다면?
저는 한국나이 30살이고 종족은 저그를 하고 있습니다 저그를 하셧다면 저의 경기를 보십시오 많은 해법을 보여드리겠습니다
자신의 선수로서의 장점과 단점이 무엇이라고 생각합니까?
장점은 한게임한게임 많은생각과 연구를 한다 단점은 너무많은 게임을 하지못한다 나이가 있어서 힘들다
이번 대회 우승후보로는 누가 있습니까? 그리고 한국인 선수들의 외국 최상급 선수 상대로의 성적을 예상해본다면?
우승후보는 장민철 정종현 조나단 HUK 한국인 선수들이 6:4정도로 이길거같습니다 외국선수를 무시하는게 아니라 우리나라처럼 체계적으로 연습을 하는분들이 많지 않아서 .
해외대회에 관심이 많아서 참가 해보고 싶었습니다 팀리퀴드에대해 많이 들어봣습니다 조나단선수나 tlo 선수같은 분들 많이봐서 ... 이번대회의 목표는 우승입니다
KT에서 스타1 프로게이머로 활동하던 시절을 기억하고 있는 TeamLiquid유저들이 많습니다.. 스타1 선수로서 지낸 시절이 성공적이었다고 생각합니까? 어떤 이유로 스타2로 전향하게 되었으며, 스타2에서 어떤 업적을 이룰 수 있을거라고 생각합니까?
스타 1에서는 팀플레이만 맡아서 성공햇다고는 볼수 없지요 스타2에서는 스타 1에서 이루지 못햇던 것들을 해보려고 합니다 우승 3번은 해야죠
GSL을 시청하고 스타2에 관심을 갖고있는 해외팬들을 어떻게 생각합니까? 해외 팬들에게 전할 말 있다면?
해외팬들이 많이 있다는건 저를 많이 알고 있는거니 너무 좋네요 머나먼 나라에서 저를 아는 분이있으니 .. 앞으로 더 열심히해서 저그최강의 모습 보여드리겠습니다
한국 프로게이머들은 외국 대회를 많이 인지하고 있습니까? 예를 들어 미국, 유럽 지역에 IEM이나 MLG처럼 큰 규모의 대회가 많은데, 미래에 참여하고 싶습니까?
음 일단 우리나라에는 gsl 이있어서 일정이 겹치기 때문에 나갈수가 없죠 현재는... 그런데 저를 포함한 많은 게이머들이 해외에 나가서 많은 대회를 하고 싶어합니다 기회가 된다면 해외에서 많은 경기를 해보고 싶네요
비한국인 선수중에서 잘하는 선수가 누구 있습니까? 이중에서 경기를 해보고 싶은 선수가 있다면?
아무래도 현재 gsl 에서 활동하고 있는 조나단선수가 잘한다고 생각합니다 그와 붙고 싶기도 하네요
대회 첫 상대가 ESC.Goody, 독일의 테란 선수입니다. 상대에 대해 어떤 정보를 가지고 있습니까? 경기를 위해 어떤 준비를 할 것이며, 이길 자신이 있습니까?
그 선수에대해 아무것도 정보가 없습니다 아무래도 한국사람과 스타일이 많이 틀릴것같아서 걱정이긴 합니다 하지만 이길자신은 충분합니다
한국 선수와 외국 선수의 경기 스타일이 많이 다릅니까? 다르다면 어떤 면에서 다릅니까?
외국선수의 플레이를 본건 iem5 에서 봣는데 전략과 타이밍 싸움을 좋아하는거 같았습니다 한국선수들도 물론 그런선수들이 있지만 대부분 탄탄한 운영을 하기때문에 장단점이 있는거같네요
GSL 오픈 시즌2를 우승한 경력도 있고, 많은 팬들이 현재 최강의 저그로 여기고 있습니다. 하지만 최근에 Code S에서 탈락하는 모습을 보였습니다. 단지 운이 안 좋았던 것입니까? 아니면 GSL의 수준이 많이 높아진 것 입니까? 그리고 차기대회에서 좋은 성적을 낼 자신감을 가지고 있습니까?
운이 안좋았다기보다 자만심이 있었네요 질거같지가 않아서 너무 자만하고 연습을 게을리 햇던거 같네요 차기대회에선 더 좋은모습 최강의 저그 보여드릴게요
임재덕 선수가 최종 경기에서 승리를 거두면서 IM팀이 지난 GSTL을 우승했습니다. GSL 우승 했을 때의 기분이랑 GSTL 결승 에이스 매치에서 이긴 기분을 비교한다면? 차기 대회에서도 IM팀이 좋은 성적을 낼 수 있을거라고 생각합니까?
gsl 우승했을땐 메이저대회 첫우승이라 너무 감격스러웟죠 gstl 도 첫 팀우승을 마지막에 제가 이겨내서 너무 기뻣습니다 im팀은 이번시즌에도 우승할겁니다
현재 GSL에서 가장 강한 선수들이 누구라고 생각합니까?
장민철.정종현.이정훈 이세명이 가장 강력하고 까다롭다고 생각합니다
임재덕 선수의 경기를 처음보는 스타2 팬에게 자신을 소개한다면?
저는 한국나이 30살이고 종족은 저그를 하고 있습니다 저그를 하셧다면 저의 경기를 보십시오 많은 해법을 보여드리겠습니다
자신의 선수로서의 장점과 단점이 무엇이라고 생각합니까?
장점은 한게임한게임 많은생각과 연구를 한다 단점은 너무많은 게임을 하지못한다 나이가 있어서 힘들다
이번 대회 우승후보로는 누가 있습니까? 그리고 한국인 선수들의 외국 최상급 선수 상대로의 성적을 예상해본다면?
우승후보는 장민철 정종현 조나단 HUK 한국인 선수들이 6:4정도로 이길거같습니다 외국선수를 무시하는게 아니라 우리나라처럼 체계적으로 연습을 하는분들이 많지 않아서 .
Q: Hello and welcome to the TSL3 tournament. Have you heard of TeamLiquid before? What made you decide to accept your invite? What are your goals for the TSL3?
I had a lot of interest in foreign tournaments so I’ve wanted to compete in one. I’ve heard a lot about TL, because I’ve seen players like Jonathan, TLO, etc. a lot… My goal this tournament is to win it all.
Q: Many members of TeamLiquid remember you from your time on KT. Do you feel your SCBW career was a success? What made you switch to SC2? What are your goals for your SC2 career?
Since I only played in 2v2 games in SC1, I can’t say I was successful. I want to achieve in SC2 the things I couldn’t achieve in SC1. I have to win at least three championships, right?
Q: What do you think of your international fans who watch GSL and follow Starcraft? What do you have to say to them?
It makes me glad to know that I have a lot of foreign fans, because it means a lot of people know who I am worldwide. To think that people in far off countries know who I am… I’ll keep playing harder, and show people that I am the best Zerg.
Q: Do you think Korean Pro-gamers are more aware of international events? There are many big events like IEM and MLG with big prizes in America and Europe. Would you like to go to any of them in the future?
GSL in Korea causes a lot of scheduling conflicts, so it’s hard to compete right now… But a lot of progamers, including myself, want to go abroad and compete in a lot of tournaments. If I had the opportunity, I’d like to compete in many foreign tournaments.
Q: Who do you feel are the best non-Korean players? Who have you heard of and who do you wish to play against?
I think Jonathan, who’s competing in the GSL right now, is a good player. I’d like to play against him.
Q: Your opponent is ESC.GoOdy, a Terran from Germany. Do you know him? How will you prepare for him? Are you confident you will win?
I have no information about him. I’m worried because he’ll probably have a different style from Korean players, but I’m still confident that I will win.
Q: Do you feel Koreans and non-Koreans have different play styles?
I saw some foreigner play through IEM5, and I think they enjoy strategic and timing fights. There are Korean players like that too, but most of them play a solid management style. I think both sides have their ups and downs.
Q: Many fans consider you the best Zerg player right now. You won the GSL2 but you were eliminated from the current GSL. Do you feel it is bad luck or is Code S becoming much harder?
It’s not luck, I was overconfident. I was overconfident in thinking I wouldn’t lose, and I practiced lazily as result. I’ll be better in the next tournament, and show that I’m the best Zerg player.
Q: Your team, IM, won the GSTL. You won the final game for finals. What was a greater feeling, winning GSL or the GSTL ace match? How do you feel IM will do in the upcoming team leagues?
When I won the GSL, I was so overcome with emotion because it was my first major tournament win. At the GSTL, I was also so happy because I was the last one standing as my team won. IM will win again this season.
Q: Who do you feel are the best players in the GSL currently? Why?
MC, MVP, MKP. Those three are the best, and the most difficult opponents.
Q: If you had to introduce yourself to our fans who never met you, how would you describe yourself? Write a few sentences about your personality.
Hi, I’m 30 years old in Korean age and I play Zerg. If you play Zerg too, then watch my games. They will offer many answers.
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
My strength is that I think and research a lot for each and every game. My weakness is that I can’t play that many games because of my age.
Q: Who do you believe will win the TSL3? How do you feel the Koreans will do against the best international players?
I think MC, MVP, Jinro, and Huk have the best chances to win. I think the Korean players are favored about 6:4 against the foreigners. It’s not that I’m downplaying the foreigners’ skill, but there aren’t many of them who practice in a manner as systematic as the Koreans.
Q: You qualified via points. How do you feel about the TSL3? What are your goals?
My main goal was to qualify and I did that, so I am already quite happy and I knew after that I have to go from round to round, because there are so many good players and some extremely good players, so every game will be very hard to win.
Q: Your first round opponent is IM.NesTea. Many consider him the best Zerg in the world. How do you approach playing him? Are you confident?
I guess no one disagrees if I say he is the clear favorite, but I hope I can surprise him and win at least one map and if he's not prepared I think I have a chance.
Q: You are known for a conservative play style. Why do you play this way? Do you feel it is a strong style to play against NesTea? Or will you have something special planned?
Playing mech fits my style perfect, because I do not have high APM and maybe not the best micro, but my game sense is very good. I guess it would be hard to win vs him with bio/tank, because he did not train that much against mech.
Q: Many fans are not giving you much of a chance. What do you have to say to them? Do you feel the NA/EU players will be able to beat the Koreans?
Yeah the common opinion is that I will lose and I can't blame anyone for thinking that, but I still get a lot of support and many fans are cheering for me. So thank you for that! =). I hope there will be some upsets and of course I hope my games will be one of them.
Q: Tell us about Team ESC.
ESC is a very good German Team, I joined them with the release of the game and I'm very happy to play there, http://www.escgaming.de/
Thanks to my team and our sponsors just like Icy Box, Eset and Sennheiser.
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
I guess my greatest strength is my good game sense and the good decisions I make. My weakness is my mechanics, I sometimes get supply blocked or have too few production buildings and my units get queue up, but I try to work on it.
Q: Which other matches are you interested in? Why? Who do you believe will win?
That is very hard to say, because there are so many good matches, but I guess Jinro vs Morrow and NaNiwa vs Ret will be very exciting and I predict 2-1 for Jinro and Ret.
Q: Do you have anything to say to your fans and supporters before the Round of 32?
Thanks for the nice support, it means a lot to me, and I like also many of the "GoOdy-pics" xD.
Q: You qualified very early, in the second TSL3 qualifier. How do you feel about the TSL qualifiers? What is your goal for the TSL3?
My goal is to win the tournament just like anything else I participate in.
Q: Your first round opponent is Liquid`Ret, who recently won Assembly. How do you feel about him? Are you confident?
I feel that Ret isn't nearly as good as I thought he was, if I play my best I will win.
Q: Ret said in an interview that he would like to play you. Are you eager to prove yourself against him? Is there any extra motivation for you against him?
I can understand that he wants to play me after the Assembly games. For sure I have extra motivation but its difficult in Europe to practice against Zerg, but on the other hand I think I can do well.
Q: You switched teams from Empire to Dignitas a few months ago. How is it with Dignitas thus far? Have you been practicing with Sjow and Select?
Dignitas is just great, its everything I wanted in a team and I hope I can stay here for a long time. I've been playing some with Select and Sjow, yes.
Q: Many fans are predicting Koreans to dominate the TSL3. How do you feel the best international players will do against the Koreans?
The best players with the best preparation possible can do very well. I do not see any barriers except maybe mental to prevent people from beating Koreans.
Q: If you had to introduce yourself to our fans who never met you, how would you describe yourself? Write a few sentences about your personality.
I would describe myself as a competitive hotblooded player :D.
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
My greatest strength I think is my game sense and micro. Weakness is for sure that I can't mass-game as much as I want without proper motivation, such as big tournaments, since I don't think the ladder in Europe is strong at all.
Q: Which matches (other than your own) are you interested in? Why? Who do you believe will win?
I'm interested in Idra vs Cruncher and Jinro vs Morrow. I think Morrow will win and Cruncher has a chance, but probably Idra.
Q: Do you have anything to say to your fans and supporters before the Round of 32?
No, I am not going to say anything. I will let the games do the talking.
Q: You participated in both the TSL1 and TSL2 as well. Does the TSL mean anything special to you?
TSL has always been a fantastic tournament, I have a lot of fond memories of all the TSL games in the past and the casting. I feel like this is my chance to avenge myself for TSL2 because I feel like I should have won that tournament, as I'm sure IdrA does as well .
Q: You moved back to Europe recently. Are you happy with how things turned out?
Yeah it's really nice to be back in Europe. There's going to be a lot of great tournaments to play in and home is where I feel most comfortable, so I think it's going to be good for me to be here.
Q: You won Assembly. What went right that tournament? How did you feel during that tournament and after you won?
I just felt good that weekend. My games were making sense and I feel like amongst Europeans I am the type of player that could win tournaments consistently. Assembly has confirmed that for me. We'll have to see what happens in upcoming tournaments but I hope I can keep it up.
Q: Your first round opponent is Naniwa, who you said you wanted to play against. Why? Are you confident you can beat him?
Hehe this will be the 3rd time I match up with Naniwa and I think it's going to be a really close series. Naniwa seems to have gotten better recently and I am excited about playing him again. If I can make him multitask enough, I am confident I'll win.
Q: Do you feel you are in good practice shape now? Will you have anything special planned against Naniwa?
I've actually been sick for a really long time now and I haven't been able to practice as much as I'd like to at all. But hopefully in the last week I will be able to get enough games in to be in good shape.
Q: Are you planning on traveling more to tournaments now that you're back in Europe? Will you be attending the MLGs? How are those events?
Yeah I'm definitely going to be going to all the MLGs! I am super excited about the MLG circuit starting up again because I feel like it is one of the most prestigious tournaments around and traveling to the US and meeting all the people from the Starcraft scene there is always a lot of fun. There's a very friendly atmosphere between everyone and we all hang out.
Q: If you had to introduce yourself to our fans who never met you, how would you describe yourself? Write a few sentences about your personality.
I'm a lazy idealistic bastard. I always want my play to mirror exactly whats in my head about how I should play... but I have a hard time keeping my practice schedule in check and putting in enough hours at times. This is something I am working on and I think I'll be able to improve my performances by a lot once I get this part of being a progamer down. Other than that I think I'm pretty laid back and friendly to all, and I enjoy shit talking with friends.
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
My great strengths are probably my macro, economic timings (if I get them right), and overall game planning. My weaknesses are definitely my unit control. Often times I just don't pay enough attention as well as my economic timings, once again because sometimes my senses will be off and I'll over-drone and just roll over and die every once in a while.
Q: Which matches (other than your own) are you interested in? Why? Who do you believe will win?
Definitely Morrow vs Jinro as well as Tyler vs Strelok. I'm really excited to see how good Tyler is going to play this TSL because he always seems to bring out the best for Teamliquid's own tournament .
Q: Do you have anything to say to your fans and supporters before the Round of 32?
Hope I don't let you guys down! Please tune in and support me, it's greatly appreciated! Cheers.
Two more to go before the weekend, check in tomorrow for the next installment!
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