EDIT: Facepalm.... I did all sorts of searches for everything but junkka.... Sorry... When I watch the GSL who am I waiting for?
Is it Tasteless? Artosis? Tastosis the casting archon?
Well, yes, but I"m also waiting for everybody's favorite translator, John. (Well, not his real name, but John is a good enough generic John name) Well, everybody's favorite translator, Junkka :DD
There are many reasons John is a hero, so let me get started
1) He translates for winners 2) He goes out with artosis 3) He has an epic coat 4) He makes me even more interested in korean 5) He deals with troll names on the forums 6) He's humble 7) He puts up with lots of junk 8) He speaks his mind 9) he gives epic speeches
John has stated that information on http://www.johnfacts.com/ is incorrect more than half the time, so that shouldn't be your source of information about john!
He repeatedly stops that username trolls, he is quite cool, and translates to make korean interpretable to our chobo ears
I am a John Fan. I know many of you are as well. I appreciate his translation services, his dealing with trolls, his excellent style, and his excellent manner :D
I've ran out of information to put in the OP, but any suggestions as to what to add would be great!
+ Show Spoiler [Fan List] +
I like John cause he isn't afraid to speak his mind. Who else but John is there to say that their first impressions of Tasteless is that he's stupid and Artosis is cocky? Plus, epic speech during GSL2 finals. Also, name one other translator that has fan art devoted to them.
Ah, thanks for those catches. Added them to the list of things. I take it your'e a fan? :D
Sign me up. John is straight baller.
DEMACIA6550 Posts
I did thorough searching for john translator, but failed. THen remembered his name was junkka I remembered him having one, but then though I wasn't sure when it got closed.
Close I suppose.
Well, somebody should update the other OP. Guy hasn't posted in 3 weeks.
DEMACIA6550 Posts
haha all good, your post is nice I would suggest posting in that thread and asking OP to add it to his post
On January 26 2011 13:11 Ares[Effort] wrote: haha all good, your post is nice I would suggest posting in that thread and asking OP to add it to his post Haha, yeah. The other guy hasn't posted in over a month, from what I can tell.
sign me up! this guy is awesome
Edit: Aww, I just read what was above which was posted a few seconds before me. NT OP
He deserves two fanclubs though.. Don't you think?
Where do I sign? Is there a membership fee? GSL without John just wouldn't be the same.
Absolutely I'm a fan! Sorry, should have added that in the original post
Was watching the up & down matches on GSL and on the interview John shows up goin:
"uuhhh im gonna do this interview because tasteless and artosis went to the bathroom and i have to go aswell so im gonna make this quick" lol
Fun stuff
Sign me up
Wasn't a big fan of his speech, however John is definitely a king!
I love John because he is in the Marineking Fanclub ^^. Sign me up. Oh, and he looks lovely in that 1st photo ^^
United States7488 Posts