This guy is nuts. puts on an incredible show, comparable to the professional leagues, a one man entertainment machine. I'm surprised there isnt much vod-dage of him available(google video search only revealed a few old stream vods of i dare say inferior quality), so i saved a hilarious match i saw on npnl.fedOr 's stream(mucho mucho thanks for streaming npnl.fedOr!) today. Please post more(or what he is up to in general, why was he so suddenly forced to retire from progaming)!
Relax its still uploading. Also before the games someone donated 1000 units to him(what money? surely not 1000 wons..) and after that he went completely berserk.. jumped up and down, tore his headset off, rolled around on the floor, screamed like someone was cutting his nuts off... lol
This is my favorite person on the internet. EVER! Every time fedor is streaming him, I watch religiously and even get someone on MSN to watch with me so we both laugh.
Even though I hate Fan clubs, this guy needs not only a club, but a shrine! Please record more VODs like this! It's pure brilliance.
And I absolutely love his konglish trash talk 'cuz he not only writes it to his opponent, but also speaks it out loud! lol