In my finance class we play this game called survivor every friday. It is very much like the game show in that we get a challenge and if your team wins you get immunity, if you lose your team must vote someone off. Once voted off you can still participate on a voted off team, and if that team wins they may choose who to eliminate from any remaining player.
My class is full of freshmen and sophomore, and as one of the few seniors i quickly started directing traffic of how the votes would come out. It only took about 2 weeks to control 70 percent of the class. At first i used my great influence to vote of fags and d-bags but they soon ran out. Then I used my power to for my own profit, accepting real money for protection, and hits on other players. I felt like a bad ass. It did not take too long for a rebellion among the low life freshman and some renegade sophomores revolted against me and just like that I was on the voted off team.
Little did they know this only made me more powerful as I no longer needed to worry about getting kicked off. With even more confidence I went about business knocking off those who had eliminated me, and those who opposed my will.
Last week my finance teacher gave us the opportunity to vote a player back in from another class period. I immediately used my influence to attempt to vote in a friend of mine but i was met with resistance as the lower class men wanted to vote in this fag named tito. I stood up and said if anyone of you votes for tito i will asure you, you will not win this game. Silence followed. Not a single vote for tito. With this i stood up spread my arms apart and proclaimed valiantly "I RUN THIS CLASS".
My teacher only then realized my influence. My long reaching arm had been spotted, and he had witnessed the monster he had created. With this he immediatly said I was BARRED from participating further in the game. No longer would I be a threat. And to add insult to injury he told me I must apologize for my arrogance and ego publicly in class everyday for a week or the game would for the first time in 15 years be canceled all together.
I immediatly called his bluff, to which he smugly responed to by pulling team names off the wall. The cries of my class mates for mercy was music to my ears. I STILL HAD POWER. Infact more power than anyone in the history of the game had ever had.
I am still barred from the game for the rest of the semester, and with that I will use my power to fuel one last stand. Come friday, the fifth and final day which i must publicly apologize in front of the whole class I will say two words.
Or you could just man up and apologize? I mean, quotes like this don't exactly help your case.
At first i used my great influence to vote of fags and d-bags but they soon ran out. Then I used my power to for my own profit, accepting real money for protection, and hits on other players
wanted to vote in this fag named tito.
With this i stood up spread my arms apart and proclaimed valiantly "I RUN THIS CLASS".
finance class
Then I used my power to for my own profit, accepting real money for protection, Son, I believe you've learned enough.
Go and subdue the world, for there are many d-bags to grind under the soles of your boots.
I guess I'm not surprised, in fact 'friendly competitive' class games often devolve (or evolve, depending on how you look at it) to be anything but.
10/10 if a troll, though.
wait, people paid you real money to not get voted off in a fake game? and is this high school? i can't see this being a college class
I could be viewing this from the wrong angle but this just seems like some sort of terrible brag blog about something nobody could possibly care about. Also you come off as a bit of a douche (and I'm sure I am too for saying that).
The real winner: The professor. When he fails your ass.
You'll probably need to provide more details to your story before I decide whether or not to believe it.
On October 21 2010 13:39 awu25 wrote: wait, people paid you real money to not get voted off in a fake game? and is this high school? i can't see this being a college class
haha yes, but the most i received was like 2 dollars. I got a few pieces of candy and stuff, and in total less than 5 dollars in extortion. But no price can be put on the feeling that gives you.
On October 21 2010 13:39 awu25 wrote: wait, people paid you real money to not get voted off in a fake game? and is this high school? i can't see this being a college class obv college a person like that would get beat up "for protection" in high school
On October 21 2010 13:42 Sfydjklm wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2010 13:39 awu25 wrote: wait, people paid you real money to not get voted off in a fake game? and is this high school? i can't see this being a college class obv college a person like that would get beat up "for protection" in high school I don't think they're called "teachers" in college/university...
Either way, OP sounds like an asshole or a troll.
On October 21 2010 13:41 Zona wrote: You'll probably need to provide more details to your story before I decide whether or not to believe it.
Basically we play games like anything from triva, to work relevant material. At one point we played mirco Olympics on the computer. This is the culmenation of about 4 months worth of work, and last week (the week which i got power drunk) we played survivor everyday because it was spirit week. Also if you win you get 30 pts extra credit, but at no point does the game actualy hurt your grade. You win you get your points you lose you dont.
The tribes were broken up into 5 and I think we had like 6 different ones. As people get voted off new voted off tribes would be formed with no more than 5 people per tribe.
On October 21 2010 13:41 MrBitter wrote: lol.
The real winner: The professor. When he fails your ass. haha yeah, but it feels good to be in charge sometimes
OP: Vote for Bob! Jason: Sure Christine: Okay.
What OP thinks they're thinking Jason (OP is such a badass, I need to do what he says to stay in his favor) Christine (So powerful and smart...I want OP now)
What they're actually thinking Jason (whatever dude. Friday baby! Faster the game ends the faster I can leave.) Christine (I'll vote whichever way Jason does because he's so cool)
This is awesome regardless of authenticity
On October 21 2010 13:44 prototype. wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2010 13:42 Sfydjklm wrote:On October 21 2010 13:39 awu25 wrote: wait, people paid you real money to not get voted off in a fake game? and is this high school? i can't see this being a college class obv college a person like that would get beat up "for protection" in high school I don't think they're called "teachers" in college/university... Either way, OP sounds like an asshole or a troll.
Also I fully acknolege that I am being a total DICK in this game without a doubt, but I promise i really am not that douchey in real life. And this in in highschool my senior year. Classes in general are all boring and jokes so the chance to actually do something constructive was fun for me and I started my monopoly of power with no intentions of winning just trying to get as much fun from the game as possible.
Your teacher has been copying a 10 year old game for 15 years. Don't mess with time travelers, man.
Does... this even count as a brag blog? LOL
Just kidding, putting all that aside it was an interesting read. Power-tripping in one of the best things in life, and the sweetest when you know your unstoppable. Enjoy it while you can, because as you already know... Your professor is actually going to end the game.
So basically, you are an egomaniac who lives vicariously through a simulation of a reality game show in a class filled with people younger than you and homosexuals upon which you discriminate. To your benefit, your classmates aren't much better if they care so much about a game that they are willing to pay you and actually fear you. And according to you, people still get to play after they are eliminated anyways. Am I missing something here? Did you leave out the part where there is an $80,000 reward for winning the game or acquiring the most power?
P.S. No I don't thing the dbags ran out. I think you forgot one. I'll leave it a surprise. But here's something that he would probably say: "The cries of my class mates(sic) for mercy was music to my ears."
(I wish this was a troll but it probably isn't due to how detailed and random this blog is, and you can basically hear the pride dripping off these words.)
Oh, I assumed this was college at first since it was a finance class and that you said semester. However, if the teach can force you to apologize or thinks he can, this is probably high school. So don't take me too seriously. High school students are allowed to be immature and think really stupid stuff is funny/cool.
On October 21 2010 13:57 Enervate wrote: So basically, you are an egomaniac who lives vicariously through a simulation of a reality game show in a class filled with people younger than you and homosexuals upon which you discriminate. To your benefit, your classmates aren't much better if they care so much about a game that they are willing to pay you and actually fear you. And according to you, people still get to play after they are eliminated anyways. Am I missing something here? Did you leave out the part where there is an $80,000 reward for winning the game or acquiring the most power?
P.S. No I don't thing the dbags ran out. I think you forgot one. I'll leave it a surprise. But here's something that he would probably say: "The cries of my class mates(sic) for mercy was music to my ears."
(I wish this was a troll but it probably isn't due to how detailed and random this blog is, and you can basically hear the pride dripping off these words.)
Oh, I assumed this was college at first since it was a finance class and that you said semester. However, if the teach can force you to apologize or thinks he can, this is probably high school. So don't take me too seriously. High school students are allowed to be immature and think really stupid stuff is funny/cool.
Easy kill no need to judge my soul just trying to have some fun. And while I left this fact out, the fact that i was on such a power trip was acutaly quite hilarious to the rest of my class mates, most of whom didnt give a shit about the game. It was like I was the villain in the game and it definatly kept things exciting for everyone, including my teacher who watched it all happen. Dont need to take blogs so serious just trying to share some experiences and get some lols.