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Canada5484 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
On June 22 2010 01:19 Brees wrote: 1. he was farmed 2. you didnt dodge lay wastes(ton of damage if you dont) 3. what were the heroes? they had blitz (who was actually someone on my friend list who is pretty not good, on top of the fact that blitz is terrible on TT), Karthus, and cho'gath we had shen, jax, akali. akali and i were both soloing while jax jungled. i got first blood on cho'gath and absolutely owned him in lane, he hit 6 when i was already 8almost9. the blitz was running around trying to gank a lot so for all intents karthus was a solo top against akali. it was my friend playing akali though and he usually wrecks people 1v1 so i assumed he was doing fine. is lay waste the one that creates a little pimple on the ground and then it explodes? cause i dodged most of those iirc. really it just seemed like this AOE aura around him was killing us all... i even had spirit visage and force of nature and it was taking me down in a matter of seconds -___- | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
better off getting a banshee veil if you really wanted MR (yes i know you are shen) but yea based on heroes you guys shoulda stomped them if the game went pretty long...must have been item builds. | ||
United States9109 Posts
On June 22 2010 01:32 Brees wrote: force of nature sucks, thats a big investment in suckage on TT. better off getting a banshee veil if you really wanted MR (yes i know you are shen) but yea based on heroes you guys shoulda stomped them if the game went pretty long...must have been item builds. wat i thought force of nature was a great item can you tell me why you think it's bad? and yeah my next item was banshee's veil but i never made it that far. oh well i just had to listen to my friend smack talk me for a few minutes after cause he knows they shouldn't have won that but they dominated us | ||
United States11752 Posts
Karthus farms really fast if kept unchecked, and he's a melee-killer early on. Akali, with her terrible survivability, can't touch Karthus at all, so you basically let Karthus free-farm, and then couldn't kill him fast enough. | ||
United States9109 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
one of the biggest problems with MR items is that most of them have no health to go along with it. the two that do being Aegis and Banshee's Veil, which are two of the best MR items. if you're shen, just go aegis, treads and stack sunfires or like, aegis, treads, phage, sunfire, atma's, phage -> frozen mallet. Veil feels like a waste on him to me (especially vs. Karthus who will just pop it with a defile). | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States11752 Posts
On June 22 2010 02:02 Mogwai wrote: lol @ southlight on league of legends boards, btw. that photoshop is so funny to me cause of the most played champs :p ? | ||
Canada31494 Posts
I had a couple 'perfect games' on Nasus yesterday, 4/0/9 and 6/0/11 I think. I changed my build to mainly tank as my friends and I have been playing premade 5s. (I used to play him solo queue high AD/attackspeed/life steal but it was a tossup as to how I'd do.) I looked up builds for Nasus online but most of the 'tank' builds have more AD/AP items in them than armor/health/MR...why is that? The games we did really well were when I went MP/5 to start so I could farm with Spirit Fire, then straight to Guardian Angel. I then picked up Stark's for a boost to myself and to the team as the group battle phase usually starts around then, then Aegis for more group buff goodness. After that we're usually destroying so I pick whatever works...Trinity/that +80AD/250% crit sword (forget the name)... I figure I'm probably doing it wrong even though it's working but why is it wrong to be stacking armor/health on a tank instead of attack and such? It's not like I'm not getting kills/doing my job, but isn't high damage and killshots the DPS's/assassin's job? (We have a Jax who killsteals and goes 20+ kills a game. It's hilarious. We have more fun trying to steal kills from him.) | ||
United States13274 Posts
assumed carados was a smurf of yours cause he posted this pic in an e-peen bragging thread where some guy with 690 wins, 600 losses, and 21 leaves was bragging about having +90 w/l | ||
Netherlands12045 Posts
On June 22 2010 00:38 Mogwai wrote: annie's a much more efficient mage at mid. anivia is too, but she requires considerably more finesse. karthus also is an efficient damage dealing mage mid, but he has Ryze syndrome in that he has no true disables. awww, smhow i just HATE annie ... too immobile to be a good ganker ~_~, she is a good champs but just not my style... at first i play ashes since her ulti is like potm in dota, the best ganker but then she is batter as a pusher/lane controller smhow @_@. Tris is not bad except in lv10+ games, no one will tank for you to jump in T__T... haizzz, will try the others you mentioned as soon as i hv my hand on them :D | ||
United States11752 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
Trist gameplan: phase 1: farm phase 2: ???? phase 3: profit and like, I dunno what you want me to say about annie's mobility... we're talking about replacements for ryze here, and she's got the exact same amount of mobility as he (which is to say, nothing extra on top of poor movespeed), + considerably longer range. She's every bit the ganker he is, which is to say she'll kill sidelanes if they miss the mia or are just overly ballsy, but it's not like TF or Pantheon who'll suddenly appear behind the opposing lane and kill them. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
On June 22 2010 02:08 WaveofShadow wrote: So I have a couple item build questions. First the background info: I had a couple 'perfect games' on Nasus yesterday, 4/0/9 and 6/0/11 I think. I changed my build to mainly tank as my friends and I have been playing premade 5s. (I used to play him solo queue high AD/attackspeed/life steal but it was a tossup as to how I'd do.) I looked up builds for Nasus online but most of the 'tank' builds have more AD/AP items in them than armor/health/MR...why is that? The games we did really well were when I went MP/5 to start so I could farm with Spirit Fire, then straight to Guardian Angel. I then picked up Stark's for a boost to myself and to the team as the group battle phase usually starts around then, then Aegis for more group buff goodness. After that we're usually destroying so I pick whatever works...Trinity/that +80AD/250% crit sword (forget the name)... I figure I'm probably doing it wrong even though it's working but why is it wrong to be stacking armor/health on a tank instead of attack and such? It's not like I'm not getting kills/doing my job, but isn't high damage and killshots the DPS's/assassin's job? (We have a Jax who killsteals and goes 20+ kills a game. It's hilarious. We have more fun trying to steal kills from him.) Too tanky and not enough damage means enemies will just ignore you and focus other people. Nasus isn't weak, but he doesn't have enough CC to protect your carry. The way I play Nasus is, first, be tanky enough to initiate with your ult. Wither a vulnerable target and just go to town on him. It's kind of like "ashe arrow effect". You force the enemy team to fight your team. Nasus with ult on is a monster so whoever you wither will get owned 1 v 1 unless their team stops to help him. However, that is also bad, because then they're forced to take spirit fire and your ult damage, while your teammate is right behind you. Obviously, this can only work if both: A) you are tanky enough not to die instantly when you iniate B) you do enough damage to be able to kill the person you wither. | ||
United States2427 Posts
On June 22 2010 02:20 Mogwai wrote: why would you jump in with the best range in the game? jumping is for jumping out, not jumping in. Trist gameplan: phase 1: farm phase 2: ???? phase 3: profit and like, I dunno what you want me to say about annie's mobility... we're talking about replacements for ryze here, and she's got the exact same amount of mobility as he (which is to say, nothing extra on top of poor movespeed), + considerably longer range. She's every bit the ganker he is, which is to say she'll kill sidelanes if they miss the mia or are just overly ballsy, but it's not like TF or Pantheon who'll suddenly appear behind the opposing lane and kill them. when your jump is also a nuke+so, you use it to initiate, and the cd resets after the kill, your general laning phase will be jump, explosive, auto attack, back off, at 6, jump, explosive, auto attack till edge of buster, ult for kill, jump out. | ||
United States13274 Posts
nasus needs to be built 100% tank. his ult is on a short enough CD that you should have it for every teamfight and so long as you're using it at the right time, you are enough of a threat with just abilities that your main concern is to make focusing you down impossible. money spent on items that do damage is money wasted because your ult and siphoning strike make you do so fucking much damage that what you're getting from damage items isn't as valuable as what you get from sunfire capes. | ||
Canada5878 Posts
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Netherlands12045 Posts
is it how u guys play zilean also? ~_~ | ||
Deleted User 3420
24492 Posts
that hero seems sooo worthless late game but there is a good chance i dunno what im talking about | ||
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