For clarity, when I said, "the guy's obviously a noob," I was indeed referring to your opponent. As I mentioned, I didn't watch the replay, but I gathered from your OP that
After this we had a long discussion how bad I suck cause he went coloss and zealots, and I rushed mutas while he didn't scout me the whole game except for the first scout. So he had no idea that it was coming.
So he barely scouted, had a horrible army composition as a result, and blames balance rather than his own mistakes. This is a very common reaction of bad players, which is what I was talking about toward the end of my previous post, and what I based by "noob" judgment on.
Admittedly, good players also may blame balance at times (Idra, Artosis, etc.) but at least they scout.
The whole "Zerg expos on Kulas" was an aside. See, even though I didn't watch the replay, I gathered from the screenshot that a Zerg player (you) expo'ed toward the center on Kulas Ravine. The comments weren't geared toward this game specifically, but just general advice.
Hopefully this clears things up.