So lately i've been streaming my games on livestream, and have come to realize that I need to upgrade my computer. I get around 25 - 40 fps in-game while streaming, which is giving me some choppiness issues, and my stream looks fine. So i made this blog post to ask what it is I should upgrade on my computer to get better FPS and quality for my stream.
Here are my Settings i'm currently using:
Uploaded with
Here are my current computer specs:
Operating system:Windows Vista SP 1
CPU type:AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 940 Processor
CPU Speed (GHz):3.02
System memory (GB):3.998
Graphics card model:ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series (512 mb)
Desktop resolution:1680x1050
and i'll link to what gear I bought exactly on newegg here:
Power Supply
Vid Card
I'm looking to already upgrade the RAM and get Windows 7 64-bit. Although, I'm not sure if that will help with fps while streaming? This is an all around PC upgrade, but I also want it to help my streaming. A few of my friends have like 80 fps while playing at the HIGHEST possible qualities, while I get like 40 - 50 when not streaming.
and you can watch my VODs on my stream @ to see my quality i'm streaming at.