The Horrors of 2v2 Random Placement
Ok so im about a 1700~ ++ plat Zerg player and i got bored tonight and decided to try my luck at some random 2x2
it seems in ALL 5 of my games i got no joke copper allies or bronze with like 30% win on my team. I can understand a few of my games but it was literally every game. its not THAT bad if its like all copper but it was me and copper vs gold or me and bronze vs plat most of the time it was kinda effed.
Rather then complain seems i really dont care seems i actually won most the games 2x1 anyways i just wanted to share my journey of 2x2 Random placement with u guys
Here is pretty much the average game out of my 5 placement matches
In this spoiler here u will see one game where my partner went for a 5 barracks 6 supply 6 barracks Load 2 scvs into ur command center and dont notice 6 supply 6 supply 1 marine build. He was promptly defeated by 1 zealot, Leaving me to face off vs T/P
The Report: + Show Spoiler +
The soon to be top trend build by all the players, the "5 rax into load all ur scvs into ur cc and forget that it happened" build
Then 1 zealot came to his base and it was just too much for him to handle and ended up leaving the game, knowing the hopeless situation i made extra drones instead of saving him. atleast he could be a distraction to buy me time
Now having lots of noob irl friends i always 1v2 or 1v3 for fun i know living vs that first attack is normally the hardest part of the match, and with this game it held true with quite an organized attack that took every ounce of will power i had to survive
The attack:+ Show Spoiler +
I knew it was going to be close, in the ruckis of everything i TOTTALY did not hear the nuke warning and well....
Things got pretty messy... i lived the first attack but had alot of work ahead of me
Having lost my first few matches due to horribly bad allies, but also vs pretty low ranked teams i REFUSED to settle for being placed in a low div and having to be cursed with n00b allies all my life (or until the next reset) i knew i needed to win this game to have any chance at being in plat... or at worst gold.... i would shed a few tears if i were in gold.... anyways my efforts were noticed doing all i could to beat these guys
thankfully these guys sucked pretty bad so i did end up winning after like 25 minutes of fighting and my sad enemy were in awe after thinking they were going to get an easy win
and in the end the GG's were said and everything ended in .... oh wait thats not how SC2 works
the official "GG" of SC2
And here is the final score:
More Score Screen Screenshots: + Show Spoiler +
And here are my score screens from my other placement matches. 1 is left out its a game i lost that was me and a silver guy vs plat/plat that game all the scores are fairly close and not so 1 sided
And where did i get placed after it was all done?: + Show Spoiler +
After going 3-2 and every win being me completely by myself literally and the loses me fighting 2v1 and folding under the pressure
o well it was a good run
Edit: and i TOTTALY forgot i could use my ally units when he left, that would have helped me a CRAP LOAD lol i wish i remembered so i coulda nuked em back for revenge!