Daily Mine daebak now lol
Ace will lose even more with him around,hes worse than Gorush and Yellow with the obvious reason
There are tons of players better than him. WHY ACE
United States10328 Posts
ggaemo...... poor choice ace
does this mean no rock or m18m in ace?
the rock is already worse than the current tosses on ACE and ggaemo hardly boosts their chances. Shame they couldn't get july, savior or some other old school zerg. I shudder to think of how bad ggaemo will be with reduced practice hours...
Congrats to ggaemo i guess
51297 Posts
On April 22 2010 18:06 Pyrrhuloxia wrote: does this mean no rock or m18m in ace?
This is their recruitment from the March drive. Rock and M18M are applicants from the April drive.
minesweeper zerguuuuuuuuuu
heh, like others have said, I don't think this will be an improvement.
Also: If ACE lacks practice partners, why don't they accept lesser players or practice partners into ACE specifically to act as practice partners?
MEAT GRINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe a minesweeper will be of use in the army.
On April 22 2010 18:44 sleeepy wrote: Maybe a minesweeper will be of use in the army.
Gratz to GGaemo, but wondering what ACE is doing T.T
Singapore66064 Posts
Wow Anytime going back to Oz =)
so what's happening with Anytime? does anyone know?
going back to Oz or?
On April 22 2010 20:32 imperfect wrote: so what's happening with Anytime? does anyone know?
going back to Oz or?
considering he was one of the alleged bribe-taking-match-fixers. prolly yes!
51297 Posts
no way anytime is going back to oz considering the circumstances behind his entry into the air force.
casy.... since he fucking sucks now will either be given a honorary salary at wemade and never play, or retire. most likely retire.