The match is over, scroll down for results.
Well, here we are! It's been a bit of a wait, but the hype has been building this week and we're now ready to watch these two heavyweights clash. Read on to create cheerfuls, win beta keys and hype your favourite to glory.
Beta Keys
We're giving away 5 beta keys during this cast! Follow the instructions below to enter.
How to play!
1. Go to (follow us if you aren't already!)
2. At the beginning of the show match, we will tweet a beta/broadcast announcement.
3. Retweet this announcement during the match and we will randomly select 5 retweeters to win!
4. 1 winner will be selected after each game
5. We will contact you via twitter and you will need to @teamliquidnet us your TL user name if you win. We will pm the key there.
1. I dont have a twitter account ;_;
Go make one (and that's not a question)
2. Too bad i dont use twitter
Too bad you also dont have a beta key.
3. How do i retweet?
Come or something, my god.
4. What is @teamliquid
If you win, just tweet @teamliquid (username here). For nerds you kids are bad at the internet
Show support for your favourite team using these awesome cheerfuls put together by our very own Keit! Think of something witty, open MS paint, and be on your way, nerdlings!
+ Show Spoiler +
Drone vs Louder
Drone < Lost Temple > Louder
Drone < Blistering Sands > Louder
Drone < Kulas Ravine > Louder
TLO vs Incontrol
TLO < Lost Temple > Incontrol
TLO < Blistering Sands > Incontrol
TLO < Kulas Ravine > Incontrol
Nazgul vs Machine
Nazgul < Lost Temple > Machine
Nazgul < Blistering Sands > Machine
Nazgul < Kulas Ravine > Machine
Jinro vs Inka
Jinro < Lost Temple > Inka
Jinro < Blistering Sands > Inka
Jinro < Kulas Ravine > Inka
Nony vs Lzgamer
Nony < Lost Temple > Lzgamer
Nony < Blistering Sands > Lzgamer
Nony < Kulas Ravine > Lzgamer
Team EG wins 3-2, GGs!
Drone < Lost Temple > Louder
Drone < Blistering Sands > Louder
TLO vs Incontrol
TLO < Lost Temple > Incontrol
TLO < Blistering Sands > Incontrol
TLO < Kulas Ravine > Incontrol
Nazgul vs Machine
Nazgul < Lost Temple > Machine
Nazgul < Blistering Sands > Machine
Nazgul < Kulas Ravine > Machine
Jinro vs Inka
Jinro < Lost Temple > Inka
Jinro < Blistering Sands > Inka
Nony vs Lzgamer
Nony < Lost Temple > Lzgamer
Nony < Blistering Sands > Lzgamer
Nony < Kulas Ravine > Lzgamer
Team EG wins 3-2, GGs!