So im having problems joining games with more than 1 person and downloading maps but i can host fine and people can download off me with no issues 99.9% of the time. Has anyone had this problem and/or know how to fix this? I have forwarded ports 6112-6119 (some say only 6112 but regardless its not working). The problem carries on to ICCUP as well so its not just with battle.net servers.
Because of this its hard to play cause i can only host or not play at all, so i've sadly resorted to play WoW again TL help please!
edit: i can play 1v1 fine but i cant join obs games (or any UMS thats not 1v1 for that matter) or try 2v2s, watch replays with more than 1 person, etc.
tl;dr - My connection blows and its not my ISP afaik, help!
Could it be your router? There are some routers which use some networking technique called 'Symmetric Network Address Translation', which screws over peer-to-peer gaming connections - the symptoms in Starcraft are that 1v1 games are unusually laggy, and that games with more than 1 person will give extreme lag, followed by disconnection within a few seconds.
If this is your problem, you generally have to either fix your router settings (if you're lucky, and you've been provided with one that's suitably configurable) or you get a new router.
My 1v1 games are perfectly fine even if i join them. I have disconnected on games while playing ICCUP randomly a handful of times at most but i doubt its related to this
When I had my ports forwarded with a dynamic IP(yes I checked what it got dynamically set to and forwarded it to that address) I had connectivity issues on SC, but when I set it a static IP and port forwarded it worked perfectly.
If you have a dynamically set IP you could try setting a static one, but no guarantees of course.
I have a static IP so that isn't the issue.
Before i forwarded the ports i couldnt even host, when i did it only fixed that.
Sounds like your router does symmetric NAT, so you're out of luck.
I have this problem too, I feel your pain. I didn't know what caused it, but it seems like its unfixable if rich says we are out of luck.
I know your pain friend We suffer together. At least we did, but I got a new router :D
Oh how lame, thanks for the help.
On February 10 2010 08:38 R1CH wrote: Sounds like your router does symmetric NAT, so you're out of luck. God has spoken.