Netherlands19128 Posts
[12:57] <@pawchi> hey nyovne [12:57] <@pawchi> pholon hates me more than my baby momma [12:57] <@pawchi> and hes not even demanding child support [12:57] <@pawchi> whats wrong with dutch ppl [12:57] <@pawchi> is it because he doesn't have weed? [12:58] <@Nyovne> what did u do this time [12:58] <@pawchi> i dunno [12:58] <@pawchi> i banned him ages ago [12:58] <@pawchi> but i figured that was cool [12:58] <@pawchi> because i ban everyone [12:58] <@pawchi> i also made him a violet image [12:58] <@pawchi> but he seemed to like that [12:58] <@pawchi> despite it being more homosexual than clay aiken [12:58] <Pholon> lol [12:58] <@pawchi> whats up sandy vagina [12:59] <Vilda> nice pawchi, real nice [12:59] <@Nyovne> lool
This was so 100% pachi :D
Netherlands19128 Posts
[13:49] <@riptide> i only advocate sexual unions between non-primates Nyovne [13:51] <@riptide> monkeys were made to be sent into space [13:51] <@riptide> and fetch drinks [13:51] <@riptide> and run governments
Netherlands19128 Posts
[03:05] <reaVer> oh, those appergios are usually strict patterns [03:06] <reaVer> usually guided by chord patterns [03:06] <Xiberia> hey now [03:06] <Xiberia> i think this reaVer person plays the guitar [03:06] <Xiberia> its just a hunch though [03:06] <Xiberia> dont quote me on this [03:07] <reaVer> lol [03:09] <l0lw4t> lol [03:10] <@Nyovne> lol
had to do it, it was just screaming for it XD
[03:20] <Zuries> give me fueel [03:20] <Zuries> give me fiiire [03:21] <Zuries> and a tuuub of vasoliiine [03:21] <Zuries> give me fuel give me fire and a tub of vasoline!
what the fuck
Netherlands19128 Posts
[14:36] <@wildpachi> i would suggest good scouting so you dont die if he actually stops turtling and starts walking out [14:37] <@wildpachi> im sorry we didn't get up to the part where turtles arent turtles for life
pachi for all your strategic advice! <3
Netherlands19128 Posts
[01:09] * CubE (~chadneste@d216-232-176-99.bchsia.telus.net) Quit (Signed off) [01:09] * Monokeros (~chatzilla@24-180-63-250.static.rvsd.ca.charter.com) has joined #teamliquid [01:10] <Monokeros> damnit [01:10] <Monokeros> cube and isin arent here [01:10] <l0lw4t> 16:09 • CubE [~chadneste@d216-232-176-99.bchsia.telus.net] has quit IRC [01:10] <l0lw4t> 16:09 • Monokeros [~chatzilla@24-180-63-250.static.rvsd.ca.charter.com] has joined #teamliquid [01:10] <Monokeros> youre joking
haha unbelievable
Netherlands19128 Posts
[01:46] <hp> imagine a world where everything you stuck your penis into died [01:47] <l0lw4t> i've seen post-apocalytpic movies [01:47] <l0lw4t> i know something of what it would be like
[23:26] <QuickBlink> LOL [23:26] <QuickBlink> i mean [23:26] <QuickBlink> lol [23:26] <QuickBlink> fucking caps lock
[00:00] <[UCF]Whiplash> is there an IRL for liquidpoker??
RandomAbuse> No Ideleted all my porn and games <RandomAbuse> its a new beginnning <RandomAbuse> ! <LeperKahn> lol <LeperKahn> it's funny cuz you may be at a new beginning, but you'll always reach the same place <LeperKahn> porn and games...
Netherlands19128 Posts
[14:42] <StormichThe2nd> i hate kids when they reach puberty and shes a perfect example :D [14:43] <pawchi> you only dislike puberty because abortions cost money [14:43] <StormichThe2nd> i dont get the analogy [14:47] <pawchi> i meant you like to play with little kids but dont like being a daddy [14:47] <StormichThe2nd> oh. you were calling me a pedophile. [14:47] <StormichThe2nd> how apropriate, you fight like a cow. [14:48] <pawchi> dont rape me [14:48] <pawchi> i'm of age
Pachi so hostile, so sexy.
Netherlands19128 Posts
[16:23] * WinHouse (~chatzilla@c114-76-161-134.blktn4.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has joined #teamliquid [16:23] <WinHouse> im thinking of playing sc while slightly under the influence shoud i ? Y/Y [16:23] <MONKEYMASHER> me kicks WinHouse in the nuts [16:23] <WinHouse> what [16:23] <WinHouse> raper [16:24] * MONKEYMASHER punches WinHouse on the nose [16:24] <WinHouse> fuckin [16:24] <WinHouse> douche [16:24] <WinHouse> get off [16:24] * MONKEYMASHER bites WinHouse's left ear off [16:24] <WinHouse> wath [16:24] <WinHouse> the hell [16:24] <WinHouse> is wrong with you [16:24] * MONKEYMASHER pees on WinHouse [16:24] <WinHouse> you a bot or something [16:24] <WinHouse> fuckm nots [16:25] * MONKEYMASHER flings poop at WinHouse [16:25] <WinHouse> this place is [16:25] <WinHouse> too [16:25] <WinHouse> gay [16:25] * WinHouse (~chatzilla@c114-76-161-134.blktn4.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has left #teamliquid [16:25] <MONKEYMASHER> VICTORYY [16:26] * MONKEYMASHER makes mad monkey sounds and goes masturbate in a tree [16:27] <pachi> i want it to be officially on the record that, that was not me
hahaha pachi oh god :D <3
Netherlands19128 Posts
[00:08] <Julmust[D]> Nyovne take your cock out of deekay|s mouth for two seconds and answer a question [00:09] <zulu_nation8> you mean the other way around [00:09] <zulu_nation8> he can technically still answer questions with his cock in dk's mouth [00:09] <zulu_nation8> if his mouth had been on dk's cock however
Haha so good XD. Practical zuluface<3
United States5223 Posts
hahaha. thats solid stuff right there.
Netherlands19128 Posts
right before the ace match between Oz and STX: [08:02:26] is july looking at a takeout menu?
Netherlands19128 Posts
[17:46] <@intrigue> i'm very conflicted on many things [17:46] <@intrigue> like i think people should be as honest as possible to each other [17:46] <@intrigue> in relationships [17:46] <@intrigue> but [17:46] <@intrigue> the economics of interest always apply [17:46] <@intrigue> it is very cruel and tricky [17:49] <@vGl-CoW> yeah that's the gay thing about having a brain that's basically wired to do well in caveman scenarios [17:50] <@intrigue> god needs to get a patch out [17:50] <@MONKEYMASHER> LOL [17:51] <@vGl-CoW> * Removed a bug where humans would apply 200,000 year old logic to modern day situations. [17:52] <@vGl-RaGe> loool
Netherlands19128 Posts
Haha sorry but it's just a pro case of gullibility.
[04:34] <Gvt> what kinds of defenses are there against early game rushes? [04:34] <@Nyovne> non [04:35] <@Nyovne> early game rushes are banned [04:35] <NeverGG_> punching someone in the nuts [04:35] <@Nyovne> 5min no rush [04:35] <Gvt> really? never heard of that [04:35] <Gvt> that only pl? [04:35] <@Nyovne> yeah [04:35] <NeverGG_> ..... [04:35] <NeverGG_> lol [04:35] <@Nyovne> XD