While everyone at my house is currently annoyed with our current predicament, I find myself rather fortunate to be a part of a community that embraces the Korean culture the same way fat, nerdy, white girls embrace Anime.
That being said, we are in quite a predicament. Our oven is broken. The good news is, our landlords speak Korean. The bad news is none of us do. So I come to you, TL, in our time of need with a request for a translation.
All we really need to do (I hope) is to convey to our landlords that the oven is broken, and that we think it's the thermostat, and we want it fixed. With any luck, they'll take care of it from there. So if someone would be so kind as to interpret for us, we'd be grateful.
I was thinking of sending them a letter, but if someone just wants to type up every word phonetically, that would be fine, too, and I could just head down there and say it myself (although they might laugh me out of the building with how awful it would sound). So, without further ado, the letter I would like translated:
'To whom it may concern:
My name is Phillip Vorce, and I am living with Paul Johnson in a house you rent out to us on 6454 Jackrabbit Run.
Ever since we have moved in to the house, we have not had a working oven. We're fairly certain that the thermostat is faulty, but that would be better left to a technician to diagnose. We would be very appreciative if we could get this fixed.
Thanks, Phillip Vorce'
제 이름은 필립 볼스(Phillip Vorce)입니다. 저는 지금 현재로서 폴 존슨(Paul Johnson)이랑 저희가 주인님한테 렌트한 집(6454 Jackrabbit Run)에서 살고있읍니다. 저희가 이사 왔을때 부터 오븐(oven?)이 고장인 상태였습니다. 온도계가 문제인것같지만, 기술자한테 연락해보는것이 더 좋은 생각갔습니다. 이 문제를 해결 해주셨으면 고맙게 생각하겠습니다.
감사합니다, 필립 볼스
I tried my best, my grammar is pretty flawed and I dunno if i spelled some things wrong. I'm pretty confident anyone who speaks or reads korean well enough can interpret it perfectly fine.
>_> might wanna get it proofread anyhow
On July 16 2009 15:16 theobsessed1 wrote: 필립 볼스(Phillip Vorce)
Is that my name in Korean? =D
Thanks a lot.
10183 Posts
Before I start, I have always been a Korean -> English Translator. So if any other million TL translators wanna write something better, be my guest
+ Show Spoiler [Use this only if you are angry] +쉬발색기들아 집을월세로 팔았으면 오븐따위는고쳐야되는건 아니냐? 개색기야 내가누군지알어? 나 피럽 보르스 야병신들아. 아존나짜증확나네. 네가뭔데이른걷도않하고지랄이야. 허허, 진짜진상들이구만. 내썩은돈이나쳐먹고 집이나고치라고. 케이크먹고십다고 쉬발,,,,
안녕하세요, 저는 현제 6454 Jack Rabbit Run 에 월세로 폴존선 (TN: PAUL JOHNSON)이랑같이사는 필립 보르스 (TN: YOUR NAME) 임니다. 집으로이사한날부터 집에있는 오븐 이고장낮다는걸발견헸슴니다. 난방조절 장치 가고장난걸로 알고있지만 재가만지는걷보다는 기술자를 불으는게더날거같슴니다. 오븐을고쳐주기를 바랍니다
10183 Posts
wait how is Vorce pronounced?
On July 16 2009 15:21 MrHoon wrote: Before I start, I have always been a Korean -> English Translator. So if any other million TL translators wanna write something better, be my guest
lol, and humble, too. :p
+ Show Spoiler [Use this only if you are angry] +쉬발색기들아 집을월세로 팔았으면 오븐따위는고쳐야되는건 아니냐? 개색기야 내가누군지알어? 나 피럽 보르세이야병신들아. 아존나짜증확나네. 네가뭔데이른걷도않하고지랄이야. 허허, 진짜진상들이구만. 내썩은돈이나쳐먹고 집이나고치라고. 케이크먹고십다고 쉬발,,,,
ㅅㄱ염 안녕하세요, 저는 현제 6454 Jack Rabbit Run 에 월세로 폴존선 (TN: PAUL JOHNSON)이랑같이사는 필립 보르세 (TN: YOUR NAME) 임니다. 집으로이사한날부터 집에있는 오븐 이고장낮다는걸발견헸슴니다. 난방조절 장치 가고장난걸로 알고있지만 재가만지는걷보다는 기술자를 불으는게더날거같슴니다. 오븐을고쳐주기를 바랍니다
That spoiler: do you mean to say... "use this version only if you're pissed off at your landlords" or something else? If that is the case, we're not angry. It's just mildly annoying having a language barrier.
On July 16 2009 15:23 MrHoon wrote: wait how is Vorce pronounced?
Like "force", but with a "V" instead.
10183 Posts
ahh thanks, I thought it was pronounced Vorce (Vo-roo-seh)
Edit: No dont ever use that angry version. If you say it I know there is a 100% chance you will get kicked out.
United States4549 Posts
On July 16 2009 15:21 MrHoon wrote:
안녕하세요, 저는 현재 6454 Jack Rabbit Run 에 월세로 폴존선 (TN: PAUL JOHNSON)이랑 같이 사는 필립 보르스 (TN: YOUR NAME) 입니다. 집으로 이사한 날 부터 집에 있는 오븐이 고장 낮다는걸 발견했습니다. 난방조절 장치 가 고장난걸로 알고 있지만 제가 만지는 걷 보다는 기술자를 불으는게 더 날거 같습니다. 오븐을 고쳐 주기를 바랍니다.
Fixed some spelling errors :p
United States4549 Posts
On July 16 2009 15:16 theobsessed1 wrote: 제 이름은 필립 볼스(Phillip Vorce)입니다. 제가 현재 폴 존슨(Paul Johnson)이랑 월세로 (6454 Jackrabbit Run)집 에서 살고 있읍니다. 저희가 이사 왔을때 부터 오븐(oven?)이 고장난 상태 였습니다. 온도계가 문제 인것 같지만, 기술자 한테 연락해보는 것이 더 좋은 생각 같습니다. 이 문제를 해결 해주셨으면 고맙게 생각하겠습니다.
감사합니다, 필립 볼스
I tried my best, my grammar is pretty flawed and I dunno if i spelled some things wrong. I'm pretty confident anyone who speaks or reads korean well enough can interpret it perfectly fine.
>_> might wanna get it proofread anyhow
Edited whatever I saw ^^;
ROFL. MrHoon's angry version's starts from the very top: "Hey bitches..."
United States4549 Posts
Lol I just read the last bit of the rant:
"I just want to eat some fucking cake damnit..." hahah
Korea (South)17174 Posts
bballi wa ssibal nyun dil ...an o myun jookgokodin....alattji?
ahahha rekrul. Hey OP, you should definately use rekruls letter.
On July 16 2009 15:52 PH wrote: ROFL. MrHoon's angry version's starts from the very top: "Hey bitches..."
On July 16 2009 15:56 Smix wrote: Lol I just read the last bit of the rant:
"I just want to eat some fucking cake damnit..." hahah Oh god I want to read the whole version >_<