note) tucson is a car brand from HYUNDAI motors and
it will be a prize as well as money.
seed: SKT1,GO,KTF
hanbits vs toona
soul vs hexatron
kor vs pos
khan vs plus
- winners join the league
- losers have a tournament and the winner advances.
- all matches are done by bo7 team battle format.
- map orders
Luna_MBC Game
Parallellines 3
Into The Darkness
Detonation F
Luna_MBC Game
Parallellines 3
Into The Darkness
toona vs hanbits
sir@soni > junwi
sir@soni < [sm]clon
friend > [sm]clon
friend > control
friend < sunny
silver > sunny
4:2 toona advanced
SouL VS hexatron
akuta < elky
thewind < elky (P)
jju > elky
jju > artofterran
jju < gundam
yooi > gundam
yooi > jinsu
4:3 soul advanced
side > junitoss
side < terato
zeus > terato
zeus < july
casy > july
casy > seo kyung jong (Z, i dunno ID)
4:2 KOR advanced
plus vs samsung khan
oh young jong (P) > saferzerg
oh young jong > ggon (P)
oh young jong > shinya
oh young jong < siva
freshen < siva
pusan < siva
mumyung > siva
4:3 plus advanced
losers semi 1
hanbits vs hexatron
junwi < artofterran
control > artofterran
control > junsu
control > elky
control > love
4:1 hanbits won
losers semi 2
khan vs POS
saferzerg > pak min hyun (T)
safer < terato
shinya < terato
siva > terato
siva > seo kyung jong (Z)
siva > july
4:2 samsung khan won
losers fianl
hanbits vs khan
clon < ggon (T)
control > ggon (P)
control > shinya
control < siva
junwi > siva
junwi > saferzerg
4:2 hanbits advanced.
- to sum up, the final entries are
SKT1 / KTF / SUMA GO / Toona / SOUL / KOR / Plus / Hanbit