I think, if you already read them, or have not read I used to be extremely obese. Since I was heavy not even land mammoths of women would not consider taking a gander at me. But, this thread is not about how women recognize me because frankly the only thing I attract is hood rats and big girls.
Today, is just one of those casual days I stroll into the gym. I wore a black Stone Cold Steve Austin shirts from 7th grade (lol) with a polite hand gestures with words at the bottom of him saying, "Whoop Ass." I don't think I have the same sense of humor as the management. The general manager, and the fitness director kept glancing at me. So, after my shoulder workout I just go to the locker room and kept working out in a tank top, which I've done in the past, no biggie.
So, I workout finish my triceps/shoulder routine. I do some cardio for about 33 mins and head over to the sauna. Once I arrived, there was a man talking to a woman. The man is a pretty heavy set dude(he tells me he weighs 280) and the woman is a gym rat like myself, so I obviously know who she is since I always see her at the gym.
The man was talking about how he was dieting. Eating small portions a day 6 times a day. He was telling her about the meals he eats, but at some point he couldn't remember the name of a food he eats at breakfast. He said, "it looks like grains." While he was pausing to remember the name of the meal, I interrupted his train of thought, and said "Oatmeal?" He looked up at me, and said "Oatmeal. It must be the heat that's affecting me."
So, I enter a conversation with the man. We started talking about diets, and I told him I always eat a good big meal in the morning, then smaller portions during the day (4, 5 meals instead of 6). Afterward, I told him about how I used to weigh 276 lbs, and that currently I weigh at 205 (light heavy bitch). I show him a before picture that I have in my wallet (I usually show this to chicks so they can be like "daaaamn, you don't look like this anymore" ).
The lady had left after I told them how much weight I've lost. She came back, and as I was showing him a picture of me being 276. He shows it to her. She says, "This was you when you were fatter?" I laughed, and said "I would say a lot fatter."
She proceeded, "How much did you say you used to weigh?" Me: "205"
Her: "Wow, I would have put you in between 180-190."
Me: "Dang, I didn't think anyone saw me like that."
Him: "He said he does a lot of weights, so that's why he looks like that."
Her: "Yeah."
Me: "Ya. :D"
I left the sauna because it was blazing hot and also to get a bottle of water. But, I couldn't stop thinking "Damn, someone actually thought I was skinner than I usually think I am." I have a problem with my self esteem currently about how I look since I still got a muffin top . But, her comment made me feel really good about myself. Right now, I still have a big grin on my face thinking about it.
So far... In a year and 1 month I've accomplished so much that it makes me definitely feel so much better about the person I'm becoming.