I'm reposting this section of stats from my other blog which I've been updating frequently since I don't think many people saw it; please check it out if you find this interesting as it contains a lot more statistics and I'm still updating it http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=86257
Recently I've been analyzing peoples picks for this Fantasy Proleague round and looking at the choice of picking KTF or some other higher cost team. Overall 41% of people chose to stick with the 0-point KTF pick.
Frequency distribution of the sum of each teams players pts squared:
This is designed to show whether teams are buying lots of average players or focusing on several very high cost players. Low values are teams that have a lot of cheap/average players and not many or no high cost players (the couple of 0pt teams are still 0 when squaring pt values so they're the anomalies at the low end); high values represent teams with a lot of high point cost players.
+ Show Spoiler [Example calculation using my team] +
For reference my team is slightly on the high end of what the average fantasy player picked with Bisu, Flash, and Stork being my 3 high cost players. The second spike around 200 is probably caused by all the players that picked KTF having extra points to spend on more expensive players. For reference here are some teams covering several calculated values:
DrywMz(140) EffOrt/July/free/sKyHigh/sAviOr/RuBy/STX SouL
GTR-2-Go(170) Horang2/JangBi/fOrGG/Sea/July/Luxury/KTF MagicNs
Abydos1(202) Bisu/Stork/Flash/Calm/sAviOr/RuBy/KTF MagicNs
keit(250) Leta/Bisu/by.hero/hyvaa/sAviOr/Horang2/KTF MagicNs
Kennigit(308) Leta/Jaedong/Flash/ClouD/DaezanG/Reach/KTF MagicNs
And for the curious here's where intrigues insane team building skill stands:
Intrigue(212) Bisu/Best/Stork/iloveoov/GuemChi/Luxury/KTF MagicNs
From a quick glance the 250 spike is most likely from people picking Leta (he totals 144 by himself). My guess is the 200 spike is where most of the top scorers will end up having KTF, several high cost dependable players, and some cheap but productive players to round out the teams.
This graph is the same but broken down into teams with KTF(red) and teams that didn't pick KTF(blue). Clearly obvious from this graph is the fact that all KTF owners were able to afford more expensive players and while the shapes are similar KTF owners had a tendency to favor more higher point players as evidenced by the spike at 250 and the large spikes around 210. Higher point players are going to most likely generate the largest point totals with high win streaks and the occasional all-kill; I believe this round is going to favor teams with high point cost reliable players and productive low cost players and this should clearly favor KTF owners. With the high amount of points being generated by players on a daily basis (8+ with win streaks) the difference in points generated by a players team pick just don't make it worth picking any team over KTF this round; maximum points generated by a team going 4-0 in all its matches is 55, this is not going to happen and a more likely total for teams is in the 20-30 point range.
Most Common Player pairs for KTF owners:
1. Flash & sAviOr -108
2. Flash & Jaedong - 105
3. Flash & Stork - 82
4. Jaedong & sAviOr - 75
5. Bisu & Flash - 73
6. Flash & Luxury - 69
7. Flash & free - 55
8. Flash & JangBi - 53
9. by.hero & Flash - 50
10. Bisu & sAviOr - 47
Most Common Player pairs for non-KTF owners:
1. Flash & sAviOr - 78
2. BoxeR & sAviOr - 70
3. Bisu & sAviOr - 61
4. sAviOr & Stork - 57
5. Jaedong & sAviOr - 55
6. BoxeR & Flash - 49
7. Bisu & BoxeR - 46
8. BoxeR & Jaedong - 42
8. JangBi & sAviOr - 42
10. sAviOr & sKyHigh - 41
Upon examination of the most common player pairs for KTF and non-KTF owners is clear that KTF owners are favoring a high cost pair such as Flash & Jaedong while all of the most common pairs for non-KTF owners contain either the cheap sAviOr or BoxeR; those teams are going to be hinging more on the performance of all of their low cost players which is going to be harder to guarantee than with a couple high point cost players.
Most common player triplets for KTF owners:
1. Flash & Jaedong & sAviOr - 50
2. Flash & sAviOr & Stork - 33
3. Bisu & Flash & sAviOr - 30
4. BoxeR & Flash & Jaedong - 28
5. Flash & Jaedong & Luxury - 23
5. Flash & Luxury & Stork - 23
5. by.hero & Flash & Jaedong - 23
5. Flash & JangBi & sAviOr - 23
9. Flash & free & sAviOr - 20
9. Bisu & Flash & Jaedong - 20
9. Flash & Jaedong & Stork - 20
9. Flash & free & Luxury - 20
Most common player triplets for non-KTF owners:
1. BoxeR & Flash & sAviOr - 23
1. BoxeR & Jaedong & sAviOr - 23
1. Bisu & BoxeR & sAviOr - 23
4. Flash & sAviOr & Stork - 20
5. Bisu & BoxeR & Flash - 16
5. Bisu & Flash & sAviOr - 16
7. BoxeR & sAviOr & Stork - 15
8. BoxeR & iloveoov & sAviOr - 14
8. Luxury & sAviOr & Stork - 14
10. Flash & JangBi & sAviOr - 13
10. Flash & NaDa & sAviOr - 13
Again this is showing the differences between KTF owners and non-KTF owners most of the common triplets for non-KTF owners feature sAviOr and BoxeR two cheap players or two medium/high cost players with a cheap player while in the KTF owners rankings we can see a lot more high rank players and a lot more picks of Jaedong.
Most common players on KTF owners teams:
1. Flash - 263
2. Jaedong - 155
3. sAviOr - 150
4. Bisu - 124
5. Stork - 115
6. free - 97
7. Luxury - 94
8. JangBi - 90
9. by.hero - 71
10. BoxeR - 65
+ Show Spoiler [Full List] +
263 Flash
155 Jaedong
150 sAviOr
124 Bisu
115 Stork
97 free
94 Luxury
90 JangBi
71 by.hero
65 BoxeR
62 firebathero
57 Pusan
57 Kal
49 Hwasin
48 Horang2
48 July
47 sKyHigh
45 EffOrt
40 BeSt
39 Sea
36 ZerO
35 Reach
34 UpMagiC
28 Calm
28 iloveoov
26 Yarnc
23 Tazza
22 Iris
22 Anytime
21 Tempest
20 maGma
20 DaezanG
20 NaDa
19 GuemChi
19 fOrGG
18 Leta
17 Much
16 Lomo
15 YellOw
11 RuBy
10 Really
9 fantasy
7 HoeJJa
7 BackHo
7 ClouD
7 Saint
6 OversKy
6 Tester
6 Thezerg
5 Stats
5 ToSsGirL
5 Movie
5 FireFist
4 Kwanro
4 GGPlay
4 great
3 Pure
3 By.Snow
3 go.go
3 Casy
3 Shuttle
3 BaBy
3 Rock
3 Haran
2 Mind
2 Sunny
2 SangHo
2 Midas
2 Canata
2 Spear
2 HiyA
2 fOru
2 Hyuk
2 hyvaa
2 Young
2 SaiR
2 Chalrenge
1 Notice
1 PuMa
1 Trap
1 Juni
1 han
1 keke
1 pepe
1 Orion
1 aTtacK
1 ShinekaL
1 HerO
1 XellOs
1 Bogus
1 Doctor.K
1 s2
Most common players on non-KTF owners teams:
1. sAviOr - 231
2. Flash - 176
3. Bisu - 151
4. BoxeR - 147
5. Jaedong - 127
6. Stork - 123
7. free - 119
8. by.hero - 110
9. Luxury - 109
10. sKyHigh - 95
+ Show Spoiler [Full List] +
sAviOr 231
Flash 176
Bisu 151
BoxeR 147
Jaedong 127
Stork 123
free 119
by.hero 110
Luxury 109
sKyHigh 95
JangBi 93
firebathero 90
Hwasin 83
UpMagiC 79
NaDa 77
EffOrt 75
Kal 74
July 72
Pusan 60
Anytime 59
Sea 58
Horang2 52
maGma 51
Reach 49
iloveoov 46
ZerO 45
BackHo 40
BeSt 40
Tempest 39
Much 39
Iris 37
Calm 36
Tazza 34
GGPlay 33
RuBy 28
Yarnc 27
fOrGG 26
DaezanG 26
fantasy 25
YellOw 23
Leta 22
Really 17
Thezerg 17
Movie 17
Lomo 16
Canata 16
Saint 15
HoeJJa 12
Casy 12
FrOzean 11
ClouD 11
Pure 11
Kwanro 11
Midas 11
GuemChi 11
fOru 10
OversKy 10
great 9
Stats 9
ToSsGirL 9
FireFist 9
type-b 9
go.go 8
Hyuk 8
Young 7
XellOs 7
SangHo 6
Sunny 6
Chalrenge 6
Shuttle 6
Mind 6
Rock 6
Bogus 5
LuCifer 5
Tester 5
pepe 5
Memory 5
Shark 4
ShinekaL 4
keke 4
HiyA 4
BaBy 4
hyvaa 3
815 3
HerO 3
SoO 3
Light 3
Nbs 2
SaiR 2
910 2
PianO 2
Orion 2
oDin 2
Juni 2
Doctor.K 2
HoGiL 2
Jaehoon 1
Spear 1
ZergBong 1
han 1
Shine 1
Last 1
HyuN 1
koala 1
GanZi 1
Suny 1
Haran 1
Again, this is just showing that non-KTF owners are relying more on their cheap players as evidenced by the huge prevelence of teams with sAviOr (41% of teams). Due to all of these factors we shouldn't be seeing many non-KTF owners in the run for first place with those near the top being people who's cheap picks all payed off for them.
Differences in prefered players between KTF and non-KTF owners:
With the extra points who did KTF owners pick more than non-KTF owners?
With less points to work with who where the cheap players non-KTF owners are counting on to score big this round.
Top 5 players picked more frequently by KTF owners:
#1 - Flash - 67.96%/31.60%
Picked more than twice as often by KTF owners as non-KTF owners people looked to Flash as their leading point scorer, combined with KTF to get even more points when Flash helps the team to victory.
#2 - Jaedong 40.05%/22.80%
Yet another expensive player picked twice as often by KTF owners; the very expensive Jaedong (10 pts) would take a big chunk out of any non-KTF owners teams while KTF owners had the extra 4/5 points to work with allowing them to make this big pick.
#3 - Stork 29.72%/22.08%
At only 6 points the top Protoss in this list is the cheaper Stork, surprisingly more favored by KTF owners than Bisu or Best the SKT top protoss pair with Bisu seeing higher picks than Stork more KTF owners are leaning towards Stork as a mid level player.
#4 - JangBi 23.26%/16.70%
JangBi at 7 points is yet another high level protoss player picked more often by KTF owners.
#5 - Bisu 32.04%/27.11%
Rounding of the top 5 is Bisu only picked by 5% more players with KTF; a popular choice among both teams as one of their expensive picks.
Top 5 players picked more frequently by non-KTF owners:
#1 - BoxeR 26.39%/16.80%
At the top of this list is a 1-point player BoxeR clearly showing the difference between KTF and non-KTF owners; non-KTF owners are looking for those cheap picks that could pay off big for them but are more riskier than the high end players like Flash & Jaedong.
#2 - NaDa 13.82%/5.17%
Another cheap Terran at 3-points non-KTF owners are looking for those cheap picks.
#3 - UpMagiC 14.18%/8.79%
While only picked by 103 teams this 4-point Terran was picked almost twice as much by non-KTF owners hoping for a good mid level player to round off their teams.
#4 - BackHo 7.18%/1.81%
While only picked a total of 47 times apparently non-KTF owners were looking for the cheap (currently injured) BackHo to make it back into playing form by the end of this round and score them some points.
#5 - sKyHigh 17.06%/12.14%
The fourth Terran player on this list, the 5-point sKyHigh is another mid level player more non-KTF owners are relying on to help outproduce the powerhouses in this format.
+ Show Spoiler [List of common players] +
Green > 5% difference
Red > -5% difference
Positive difference mean more KTF owners picked them.
These rankings show the clear divide in this rounds fantasy proleague rosters with KTF owners picking more expensive players relying on their huge potential in this all-kill format to carry their team while non-KTF owners are looking for the cheap steals that might just make it big this round. Yet again this should lead to more KTF owners on the top of the scoreboard but it may pay off for that lucky person or two who picked just the right combination of players.