hey i once saw some youtube vod of a starcraft match lol and there was this fan kid with a dinosaur costume very similar to this one that is "supposed" to be stork: http://img.hiphopplaya.com/minihome_photo/20070625_022911_ba3-rookie112.jpg
and i just kinda found that pic, lol and i was wondering if stork was the fan. maybe it was a stork match with a dino fan, but i can't find the vod it was a while ago i saw
does anyone lol like remember a dino fan? thx
Don't stick in random "lol"s into your sentences. If I get your question correctly, you are asking for if anyone remembers a fan dressed as a dinosaur. I personally do not remember any fan other than TL members and the often-seen horse-faced fan.
This guys name is offensive to Lim Yo Hwan burn him!!!!
but seriously, reading your post makes you sound like a 9 year old who doesn't know when to use "lol".
if i recall correctly it was a fan at one of storks games, osl iirc ( i think semi finals or finals)