Do you all remember the first time you played this beautiful game? I remember when this 형 (means older brother in korean, but it also means like an older guy) let me play and he put in all these cheat codes for me. I think I played command and conquer before that and you know how you just use one mouse button? Well I thought it was like that and it took me forever to realize that you needed to use both, so my drones are doing nothing and then the AI comes in with like 10 zealots and my 4 drones beat them :D
Then I remember when I sorta started to play, my APM was slow and therefore, the whole game seemed slow. I could look at units and buildings forever, just staring at what they do and how they attack, I particularily remember the archon, at first I was like wtf a naked man? I would also concentrate on the background music, good times. The whole game seemed so hard... I also would go on www.battle.net and read the game reports and even though I've already read most of them, I would read them again and again, they were lots of fun to read, especially with pictures. I would always see players attacking with marines and scvs but not really as rushes.
But now that I play (or used to play, haven't played in like 2+months because the computers broken and this guy that's had it forever won't fix it) alittle more competively, I can't really say I'm amazed at the game, its like I take the game designs for granted.
When I first started playing, I started with the Zerg campaign. I built lots of overlords because I saw they had 200 hp so I thought "man these are the strongest unit!" Then the computer attacked me and I realized overlords couldn't fight and it fucked me.
Then next try I built lots of zerglings and drones, because I thought drones looked cool and hey, they have more hp than zerglings. I lived for a while, but then it sent a wraith, and I couldn't figure out how to kill it so I gave up.
I just remember cannoning everything as protoss on hunters, then i switched to terran and i havent looked back since
haha, I love Ancestral's story. I played through the campaign in the 'correct' order, and played enough War2 to butcher a growing boy's social life so I prettymuch knew what was going on... However I definitely remember 2 hour long mass defense standoffs on blood bath. As terran I'd have like 6 bunkers packed with marines and like 12 tanks behind it just sitting there all game. And then do something awesome like mass battlecruisers. I sucked prettybad. At least I never played BGH more than once or twice... But I suppose Blood Bath isn't much better.
The first time I ever got in touch with Starcraft was when my older brother had a friend over to play some games. His friend then started to play SC, I remember him being Zerg and he built a lot of sunkens. I just thought the game was crap at that time, sunkens made me laugh because I always thought of them as some sort of "tounge" lol.
I had even bought the Battle Chest (correct name?) which contained SC, WC2 and Diablo 1. I only bought it in order to play Diablo because I was a Diablo addict by that time (11-12 years old).
I then started to play WC2 which I played really much but not for so long. I needed a new game so I thought why not give that strange "tounge game" a new chance?!
I installed SC and started to play the campaign, I never liked the campaing actually (I've never played it through either - Maybe i should?) so I started to play vs computers with all sorts of cheats turned on. I really enjoyed it! By that time I was only playing the original SC and not Brood War. I didn't like Brood War because I thought Dark Templars were imba and I just couldn't stand them thus making me not to play it, lol.
Oh the old days, stats was everything and I didn't play 1on1 because I was too scared to face another opponent by myself hahaha so I sticked to 2on2 and 3on3, sometimes 4on4 when I felt for it. I then stopped for about 2 years because I discovered a game called "Counter-Strike". I played CS for maybe 2-3 years.
But times changed, some guys hosted a LAN with 125 participants and they included SC in their tournaments. I felt nostalgic, "woah SC? I've totaly forgotten about that game!"
I picked up SC again and here I am now. Surfing TL, visiting SC events, watching pro gaming and playing Brood War only!
I was so dang young (like 4th or 5th grade) that I don't remember my first time playing
The first time I played this game was when I was with my elementary school friends sometime around 5th grade and we would take turns playing on BGH or a map called Blue Night in Seoul.
I was ranked the lowest out of them, I had a 0% win rec with vs and all the kids made fun of me because all I did was make cannons and cannons with very little probes and occasionally zealots and goons with no range.(I thought it was a smarter idea for goons to have less range when confronting tanks so the clumped tanks would get hit by the splash inflicted on a nearby goon..fucking :S) I would try to make carriers but I was afraid that I was going to lose if I didn't make more cannons around every fucking corner cause I was just that afraid of how to play the game.
So all i really did was play golem wars or those mass attack ums games and eventually everyone else just moved onto d2 with me playing sc all the time.
Fast forward 3.5 years in a trip to korea. First pro-gaming match I saw was silent_control vs Reach after flickering through the channels. They were playing on an unfamiliar map, with vultures(which I thought was a useless unit) and large amounts of units that could barely have me labeling all of them. Few minutes later, I saw a zealot land itself in a mine field and watched the terran anguish in pure pain. I got hooked from there on, and I thought for whatever reason, this protoss was ready to rape the shit out of whoever was next in the final, and protoss was an invincible race anyways from my prior experiences on b.net.
OSL finals come around, and I watch the game by myself on my gramp's tv while he's asleep, and I saw the most awesome display of zerg prowess I have ever seen, and that illusion that protoss was invincible completely diminished. Instantly became a july fan as well as a secondary reach fan and came the countless hours of playing alone at a pc bang where I would get raped and raped over again, but would enjoy it anyways, as I had felt enlightened to see what starcraft was really about.
Googled sclegacy, got hooked on boxer then, then somehow found tl through a friend.
My first exposure to starcraft was over at a friend's house (yeah, he was korean, go figure) and he showed me a bit of it. I remember him showing me lurkers, so i know he was playing BW. A few weeks later, i saw it in a store and thought, hey, why not? granted it was vanilla, but hey, whatever, i didn't know there was an expansion at that point. I played it for a bit, eventually got brood war, played a bit on battle.net, mostly ums though.
fast forward a few years. AP physics. Our teacher had some heart issues and we were stuck with a sub for a few weeks. We'd get assignments that lasted about 15 minutes in a 90-minute class. So someone managed to find a no-cd crack of SC and we played it on the computers in the physics lab. I remembered the game, and was like, oh yeah! this game is fun! and started playing with them kept getting totally owned by all the asians, but stuck with it. I still suck, but at least i've improved from lifting off my command center when my opponent 4pools and sitting their waiting for him to leave... then he brings hydras.... yeah, i sucked.
I remember my first time playing. I was 8 years old the day SC came out, my dad got a burnt copy of SC from his work (He was a computer technician), and we installed it on the home pc, we had both been looking forward to it because we both played WC2 and loved it.
He preferred playing as T, and at the time I preferred Z. I found it fun using this strategy to instantly beat a single comp which I later in life (When I discovered the proscene) learned was called 4pool. It wasn't until a year or two ago that I switched to T.
But looking back at my childhood, playing SC, I lost so many times to so many ridiculously noob builds/strategies.
First time I ever played Starcraft it was at my cousins house. He put me on the very first level of the Terran and the first thing I did was move out with one SCV. I was like yeah this robot is sweet he will beat anything; then comes out a Zergling... I fought that Zergling with my SCV and im like ill kill him easy. After my SCV died im like WTF... that is impossible.
Anyways a few years and games later i am here on TL following the pro scene and still playing Starcraft.
My first broodwar experience was in the year 1999 when I moved to the city I currently reside in. My friend's brother would play starcraft and we would watch him envious of how he could stomp computers in a 1v1v1v1 free for all.
My friend and I would play the campaign but we kept getting decimated and so then his other brother looked up the cheats for us, we would play the campaign through over and over with cheats and then I bought it at my house about 6 months later.
We would play together whenever we were at eachother's houses and we kept having to refer back to his brother for the cheats. Then I finally got tired of cheating and looked up strategy guides on Ask Jeeves, I would consistently check back on the various sites I had found and I would practice doing the builds over and over against computers.
A while later I found out about battle net and I started playing online. I already had a knowledge of the computer AI and I was able to beat it with the builds I found online, I was always joining 1v1 games and I would play as best I could and I ended up with around a 50-50 win loss ratio. Once I discovered the mysteries of the bnet ladder system my addiction continued to build while my friend would just play casual games against me I would crush him every time due to the fact that he rarely built any more scvs/drones/probes.
My friend diverged from the world of starcraft and went over to a game known as "Diablo II" it was magnificent I would watch him play it but I just kept relating it to starcraft, I was playing way more starcraft than I should have at this point (Probably 5-6 hours a day O.O) and my win ratio with the BNet ladder was around 3:1.
Oh I forgot to mention that I found out about TL.net through a fellow bneter who I have unfortunately forgot the name of.
Anyways around when I found out about TL.net I started following the pro-scene and this just made me that much better.
However I recently took a 3 month break and now my APM/mechanics/macro have all dropped
On October 31 2008 04:27 Ancestral wrote: When I first started playing, I started with the Zerg campaign. I built lots of overlords because I saw they had 200 hp so I thought "man these are the strongest unit!" Then the computer attacked me and I realized overlords couldn't fight and it fucked me.
lol i just remember... "black sheep wall"
my first game my teammate went carriers and destroyed the other team for the next 10 games i tried to copy what he did and got owned so bad then i went through the "turtle hardcore off 1 base until BC's" phase on money maps good times
8 pylon 10 forge 12 cannon 14 cannon.
BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!
I first played 8 month ago, heck i don't even remember why i picked it up, i just saw the game and remembered my brother used to play this a lot and randomly bought it. Then I Somehow found out about the proleague and realized starcraft was big.
of course I do
Ive only been playing for 2 years
On October 31 2008 04:27 Ancestral wrote: When I first started playing, I started with the Zerg campaign. I built lots of overlords because I saw they had 200 hp so I thought "man these are the strongest unit!" Then the computer attacked me and I realized overlords couldn't fight and it fucked me.
Then next try I built lots of zerglings and drones, because I thought drones looked cool and hey, they have more hp than zerglings. I lived for a while, but then it sent a wraith, and I couldn't figure out how to kill it so I gave up. I played bw frist time online i made like 7 lurkers and sent them over to his base then i realized oh shit i dont get auto burrow?
I used to play fastest :D I would wall off my choke with mass cannons and go carriers
I was browsing some video game store and I saw SC for the N64, bought it and played it for hours and hours staying up all night with a friend, we sucked and only played blood bath and power lines and turtled, but hey it was fun