On October 12 2008 10:40 aRod wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2008 10:26 evandi wrote:On October 11 2008 22:50 Doctorasul wrote: McCain's campaign has been an utter disgrace. From choosing a complete moron as VP just because she has a vagina to the clown act of supposedly suspending the campaign to "save the country", to the smears, fear tactics and hate instigating on the campaign trail and in TV ads...
What petty, shameful conduct. What is sad is the fact that no matter what Biden does or says or completely makes up, Palin is somehow the stupid one. Palin is retarded, Here's a list 1. She supported teaching creationism in public schools up untill 2006 when she ran for governor and realized the broad public arena doesn't tollerate idiocy. 2. It took Palin 6 years to finish college with a major in communications. She must have spent at least 2 of those years on her back. 3. Palin has been quoted saying "I believe we are in the end of days." How many years have retarded psycho religious people been claiming this? 4. Two words, "Couric Interview." 5. Palin until recently denied all the science of global warming. It's strange how she shifted this view after being cast into a broader political arena isn't it? Sorta like the Bridge to nowhere which she supported and then "said no to" which is a phrase she loves to throw around. I could go on. If these aren't enough for you to look at the woman and say "wtf?" Can you show me some facts like these about Biden that call into question his sanity, intelligence, and experience?
"1. She supported teaching creationism in public schools up untill 2006 when she ran for governor and realized the broad public arena doesn't tollerate idiocy."
She said she wanted alternative views to be presented. You're just assuming she would have put it in public schools by itself.
"2. It took Palin 6 years to finish college with a major in communications. She must have spent at least 2 of those years on her back."
How do you know what she was going to college for originally? How do you know she didn't change her major? You have no idea, you just assume. She switched colleges a lot. Who knows why? You don't, you just assume.
"3. Palin has been quoted saying "I believe we are in the end of days." How many years have retarded psycho religious people been claiming this?"
Well, thats part of some Christian branches doctrines. I suppose she should just call herself a Christian and just make up what she believes right?
"4. Two words, "Couric Interview.""
Ya, but the edited it as harshly as possible. She had been in many interviews before becoming VP without looking bad at all. She also looked well in the Gubernatorial debate.
"5. Palin until recently denied all the science of global warming. It's strange how she shifted this view after being cast into a broader political arena isn't it? Sorta like the Bridge to nowhere which she supported and then "said no to" which is a phrase she loves to throw around."
She said it wasn't certain. That is all. You are making this up.
Now onto Biden. Unlike above we have some complete departures from reality:
1. "If you want to know where Al Qaeda lives, you want to know where (Usama) bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me. Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are,"
The helicopter was brought down by a snowstorm.
2. "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed,"
FDR wasn't president until three years later, and TV wasn't in existence until ten years later.
3. "Hope you won't hold it against me, but I am a hard coal miner -- anthracite coal, Scranton, Pennsylvania, that's where I was born and raised,"
Not true at all.
4. "We're not supporting clean coal,"
Actually they are, believe it or not.
5. "Stand up Chuck!"
To a guy in a wheelchair.
6. "Let's start telling the truth. Number one, you take all the troops out. You better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone where I have been seven times and shot at. You better make sure you have protection for them, or let them die, number one"
7. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,"
8. "You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."
Well, everyone knows that...
9. He quit his presidential race in 1988 due to rampant plagairism.
10 At the VP debate:
10a: Biden said that Obama never said he'd meet with the leaders of hostile countries.
10b: Claimed McCain voted for a tax increase on people earning as little as 42000
10c: Claiming to hang out at a restaurant that hasn't been in business for 15 years.
Tucker Carlson? Is that you?
On October 12 2008 10:40 fusionsdf wrote: when they mock Palin, they just repeat her lines
SNL doesnt even have to make up a script to make her funny
she is that stupid
You're telling me that SNL couldn't show Biden telling a guy in a wheelchair to stand up? Really? You think that wouldn't be hilarious?
You're telling me that SNL couldn't show Biden completely making shit up? He has done that so often its like his trademark.
On October 12 2008 10:48 MYM.Testie wrote: Biden is extremely intelligent. He's just dumb when he's pandering or bullshitting. Palin is just in over her head and shouldn't be anywhere near politics.
She did just fine in the debate. I'm wondering how you might have judged her performance if she had named a non-existant restaurant?
palin has made SO many gaffes in the 3 months she's been in politics biden's been in politics for what, 30 years? of course he's going to have more mistakes he's had more time to make them
On October 12 2008 11:02 KOFgokuon wrote: palin has made SO many gaffes in the 3 months she's been in politics biden's been in politics for what, 30 years? of course he's going to have more mistakes he's had more time to make them
The gaffes list made by the person I responded to was throughout Palin's life.
Since the democratic convention Biden has almost made as many gaffes as George Bush in 8 years.
She didn't do fine. She didn't even answer any questions or display in depth knowledge. She spouted her speeches and her zingers and did horribly. The only people she did fine to are the people who are lying to themselves or are just plain dumb. The media says, "well her head didn't melt, so I guess that's a tie right?"
On October 12 2008 11:05 evandi wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2008 11:02 KOFgokuon wrote: palin has made SO many gaffes in the 3 months she's been in politics biden's been in politics for what, 30 years? of course he's going to have more mistakes he's had more time to make them
The gaffes list made by the person I responded to was throughout Palin's life. Since the democratic convention Biden has almost made as many gaffes as George Bush in 8 years.
so he misspoke a number of times and made verbal mistakes as oppposed to misleading a country into an unjust and unwinnable war yeah let's compare biden to bush
On October 12 2008 11:06 MYM.Testie wrote: She didn't do fine. She didn't even answer any questions or display in depth knowledge. She spouted her speeches and her zingers and did horribly. The only people she did fine to are the people who are lying to themselves or are just plain dumb. The media says, "well her head didn't melt, so I guess that's a tie right?"
Ah, so you consider Biden's in depth responses he made up on the spot more compelling?
It did certainly show his foreign policy knowledge when he talked about how we kicked hezbollah out of Lebenon.
I guess the fact that that never happened is just a minor detail.
On October 12 2008 11:05 evandi wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2008 11:02 KOFgokuon wrote: palin has made SO many gaffes in the 3 months she's been in politics biden's been in politics for what, 30 years? of course he's going to have more mistakes he's had more time to make them
The gaffes list made by the person I responded to was throughout Palin's life. Since the democratic convention Biden has almost made as many gaffes as George Bush in 8 years.
thats stupid, and you are stupid for saying it
On October 12 2008 11:07 KOFgokuon wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2008 11:05 evandi wrote:On October 12 2008 11:02 KOFgokuon wrote: palin has made SO many gaffes in the 3 months she's been in politics biden's been in politics for what, 30 years? of course he's going to have more mistakes he's had more time to make them
The gaffes list made by the person I responded to was throughout Palin's life. Since the democratic convention Biden has almost made as many gaffes as George Bush in 8 years. so he misspoke a number of times and made verbal mistakes as oppposed to misleading a country into an unjust and unwinnable war yeah let's compare biden to bush
You can compare Biden to Bush all you want. I couldn't care less which one barely wins the comparison.
So when Biden says things that are completely inaccurate its a misstatement but when Palin does its blatant stupidity.
On October 12 2008 11:08 fusionsdf wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2008 11:05 evandi wrote:On October 12 2008 11:02 KOFgokuon wrote: palin has made SO many gaffes in the 3 months she's been in politics biden's been in politics for what, 30 years? of course he's going to have more mistakes he's had more time to make them
The gaffes list made by the person I responded to was throughout Palin's life. Since the democratic convention Biden has almost made as many gaffes as George Bush in 8 years. thats stupid, and you are stupid for saying it
Ok, no, actually its true. Most of the things I listed above were from after the convention.
On October 12 2008 11:09 evandi wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2008 11:07 KOFgokuon wrote:On October 12 2008 11:05 evandi wrote:On October 12 2008 11:02 KOFgokuon wrote: palin has made SO many gaffes in the 3 months she's been in politics biden's been in politics for what, 30 years? of course he's going to have more mistakes he's had more time to make them
The gaffes list made by the person I responded to was throughout Palin's life. Since the democratic convention Biden has almost made as many gaffes as George Bush in 8 years. so he misspoke a number of times and made verbal mistakes as oppposed to misleading a country into an unjust and unwinnable war yeah let's compare biden to bush You can compare Biden to Bush all you want. I couldn't care less which one barely wins the comparison. So when Biden says things that are completely inaccurate its a misstatement but when Palin does its blatant stupidity.
creationism? yup, in my opinion that's blatant stupidity
On October 12 2008 11:25 KOFgokuon wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2008 11:09 evandi wrote:On October 12 2008 11:07 KOFgokuon wrote:On October 12 2008 11:05 evandi wrote:On October 12 2008 11:02 KOFgokuon wrote: palin has made SO many gaffes in the 3 months she's been in politics biden's been in politics for what, 30 years? of course he's going to have more mistakes he's had more time to make them
The gaffes list made by the person I responded to was throughout Palin's life. Since the democratic convention Biden has almost made as many gaffes as George Bush in 8 years. so he misspoke a number of times and made verbal mistakes as oppposed to misleading a country into an unjust and unwinnable war yeah let's compare biden to bush You can compare Biden to Bush all you want. I couldn't care less which one barely wins the comparison. So when Biden says things that are completely inaccurate its a misstatement but when Palin does its blatant stupidity. creationism? yup, in my opinion that's blatant stupidity
Well, you probably have no idea what particular information specifically precludes it from being true. You are just believing what scientists tell you.
People have believed silly things throughout the ages, however nothing is as stupid as being unable to determine whether or not the restaurant you hang out at exists or not.
Evandi, you are stupid as hell. You are sickly partisan and sadly uninformed. Your understanding of "politics" doesn't extend past soundbites and talking points. You have contributed absolutely NOTHING to the substance of the discussion. If anything, every time you post you make this thread a painful place to be. You always manage to shift the topic from a discussion of issue x to "omg Palin/McCain is cool Biden is not" which is about the most meaningless and shallow approach to politics. It has nothing to do with your views.
Considering I lean Republican on most substantative (read: nonmoral) issues, I think that says something. I'd love it if more conservatives could post, even if they're staunchly neo-conservative or libertarian. But you're just fucking stupid man.
those damn scientists figuring out the earth wasn't flat........ or is it?
Fuck science! Somewhere in Canada, fusionsdf just had an aneurysm.
On October 12 2008 11:32 ahrara_ wrote: Evandi, you are stupid as hell. You are sickly partisan and sadly uninformed. Your understanding of "politics" doesn't extend past soundbites and talking points. You have contributed absolutely NOTHING to the substance of the discussion. If anything, every time you post you make this thread a painful place to be. You always manage to shift the topic from a discussion of issue x to "omg Palin/McCain is cool Biden is not" which is about the most meaningless and shallow approach to politics. It has nothing to do with your views.
Considering I lean Republican on most substantative (read: nonmoral) issues, I think that says something. I'd love it if more conservatives could post, even if they're staunchly neo-conservative or libertarian. But you're just fucking stupid man.
I am not stupid as hell. I just said initially that it was sad that Palin was considered the stupid one. How is that Partisan?
You have tried to call me stupid many times and then you get proven wrong.
These things are facts. It is you who has had absolutely nothing of substance with which to reply.
You're only attacking me because it's popular and you want to be popular to.
I find it VERY AMUSING that there are some people in this thread trying to compare the hate many have for President Bush (because of his policies, period!) and the obvious, racist, xenophobic hate (stupid) people have for Obama.
Yeah, because those are the same things. Riiiight.