So I asked my buddy Ghostclaws on TL to paint a graffiti thing for me on facebook of one of my favorite players the man the master the MIND GEE EM. This was a while ago but up until now I didn't know it could be available to the public to see, as in you don't need facebook/add me as a friend to see it. So here's GHOSTCLAWS' mother fucking art yo:
(for those of you who don't know what the facebook app is, it's like a paint type program but is ridiculously hard to use, especially with mouse which is what he used. It's very time consuming in that you have to keep manually adjusting the size of your brush and its opacity and colors etc. etc. so doing something like this isn't as easy as it looks!)
Hong Kong20321 Posts
haha umm okk well thast ok he has like huge eyebags in there lole anyawy its inter.mind WTF K fail again pano >_>
i coulda swore it was GM prob cuz i was doing all sorts of alliteration at first
and he's also had no formal art learning so i find it really good, but ofc it's not like some Glider art thread therefore its in my blog yo
edit: and i think that might just be the shadow of th eglasses
That's insane.
I've tried to draw with Graffiti, it sucks. That must have taken an eternity.
Crazy, but awesome.
United States1654 Posts
woa that looks awesome.
but it also looks like exalted...
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Holy shit, that's really good for a graffiti drawing. Last time I drew graffiti, I think I ended up using stick figures cause it's so fucking hard.
KEVIN KO!! we have a mutual friend :3
lmao youre in UCI or what?
ah, got none here but probably it's cause I'm class of '11
and you mighta gotten Mind confused with Much[gm]