The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 681
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Japan4761 Posts
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Denmark2771 Posts
... or is the spicy special tech Executioner Janna now meta? | ||
Canada10660 Posts
I feeel like I just go on these bizarre win loss streaks totally out of my control this season. Just feels like every game for 5+ in a row all three lanes hard in, and then for another 5 games all three lanes are just hard smurfing on the other team. I thought I was just hard stuck on my higher ELO account, so I went on my lower ELO account and its like the same thing. Idk maybe its just a weird spree of luck. I'm not sure if it is a matchmaking thing, or a "the game is too snowbally" thing, or a "i have no idea what the fuck I'm doing" thing... but I'm just along for the ride. lol. Doesn't matter if I am 5-0-0 or 0-5-0 just feels like the game does what it is going to do regardless. Is it just me, or everyone else too? Idk man, on one account I just finished grinding 200 games to make plat, the other is in Silver, should be free games. But like, Idk. I'm probably just stressed and tilted from other shit, but like.. ugh. | ||
Germany4194 Posts
I really enjoy watching streams though, the highest level of the game is fun to watch, outside of the current OP meta champs. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Granted I didn't really play much if at all in S9, buut... ugh. Like three times now this has happened in S10, and that to me is ridiculous. I get that like there is a matchmaking difficulty with respect to fairness vs expedience, but like as a Jungler in low ELO you should be able to get fair games. I just hit plat 3, had a 10 game losing streak and got demoted back to P4, so I went on the smurf. And then I went on the smurf, and lost 10 of the last 12 where I was classified the "ACE" or "MVP" and got demoted on that account too. LOL. I'm inclined to say I am just playing like ass and life has me by the balls, because I should be able to 1v9 every game in silver. In 6 of these games I had double digit kills, in another 3 I had 8+. | ||
Germany4194 Posts
Also, win/loss streaks of considerable size (10+ games) happen a lot more often than you think. Faker's account is sporting a 48% winrate right now, he's had multiple 7 loss streaks and days where he lost far more games than he won. Hence his main account is Masters 0 LP and his MMR appears to have dropped to D1. Look at your winrate in 20 game increments, you'd be shocked by how much it varies. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
I think the hardest thing about low elo games is making your team enough of a meat shield for you to carry. Or to let you carry as a jungler, it's unreal. Teams will actually just hard flame you as a jungler if you're carrying while they int. No other role gets spammed with "mid diff" when they're the richest player in the game. Lol. I used to meme about it, but legit I think a lot of players have the riot "late game fantasy" of how they want to win. Would rather lose and flange a jungler than win and admit that maybe the jungler not camping your lane was the right play. It's also kind of weird, in low elo I feel like making the wrong call often gets rewarded and the right call often gets punished. Like making a smart vision pick by crashing a huge wave and hiding in a brush is a waste of time because posters don't look at the damn map anyway to know there is a wave crashing so you end up eating your time. Meanwhile, if you just go derp around in mid lane despite the inhibition being down and there being zero objective to get because you have zero chance to seige into Nexus towers while super fed there is a decent chance that the other team will just congo-line into a free ace. It's tilting. And then don't even get me started on wave control... Laners get super pissed off if a jungler shoves out a late game wave because they are stealing farm, but they'll let a wave freeze and slow build for 4+ minutes without it being farmed for it to crash into tower in their own territory. They don't understand how much vision and map pressure just having waves pushing is. But you shove out a wave and dudes will legit spam ping you with '?'s and leave the game for you "taking their farm". Same with resetting waves into tower after a gank kill. Actually unbelievable how many laners don't get that shit. Push it, reset, deny farm. Top is actually probably busted in low elo. Not much low elo teams can do to mess with say vs a split pusher or a Juggernaut that just hard wins lane at the moment. Rift Herald is so disgustingly good. Feels like a good top can just hard 1v9 low elo games quite easily at the moment. Juggernaut champs are great for carrying low elo I find, but I find then frustrating because you can't just blind pick them or you end up in a game with the enemy team having Anivia + Janna + Trundle and you don't get to play. Lol. I should probably take a break from Jungling, been only doing it forever and my game knowledge / ideation is probably skewed because of it. That being said, my last hitting and trading mechanics probably need some work at this stage of the game. Lol. | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
On February 24 2020 22:21 DarkCore wrote: Also, win/loss streaks of considerable size (10+ games) happen a lot more often than you think. Faker's account is sporting a 48% winrate right now, he's had multiple 7 loss streaks and days where he lost far more games than he won. Hence his main account is Masters 0 LP and his MMR appears to have dropped to D1. Look at your winrate in 20 game increments, you'd be shocked by how much it varies. Scarra's infamous 19 game losing streak springs to mind. | ||
Germany4194 Posts
Which is so hard when you're in lower divisions, because people flame about the dumbest stuff. And a lot of people really try to get under their own team mates skin, as if degrading your team justifies your own mistakes. Muting is less of an option in lower divisions imo because there are a lot more afks, who expect you to apologise when they die, and if you don't they tilt themselves even harder. Or just straight up leave after the second death because they don't care about the two winning lanes, only themselves. + Show Spoiler + last hitting and trading mechanics Last hitting wins games solo in sub diamond, having a 20cs difference by minute 10 just because you can hit minions is huge. Trading mechanics is hard, but not as important in lower elos. If someone is trading very well in gold, they're either a smurf or have some huge deficit, like not csing properly or pushing lanes too hard. | ||
Japan4761 Posts
On February 25 2020 06:44 Jek wrote: Scarra's infamous 19 game losing streak springs to mind. When I dropped out of uni for a short time I had an insane 17 losses in a row in one day. Those were truly some dark days. | ||
United States19143 Posts
On February 25 2020 05:43 iCanada wrote: I used to meme about it, but legit I think a lot of players have the riot "late game fantasy" of how they want to win. Would rather lose and flange a jungler than win and admit that maybe the jungler not camping your lane was the right play. . Honestly this is the hardest part of the game right now is convincing your team to play around you when they are behind. You name it, playing around their 0-5 duo, zombie side wave pushing, farming supports, defending indefensible objectives rather than trading. I can’t tell you how many times this season I’ve clean aced the enemy team convincing one of my behind teammates they are strong enough to all in a minute later and get dumpstered because they didn’t understand why we aced. I’m not saying I don’t have bad games, but games where I get carried or we all lose are significantly less stressful. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On February 26 2020 04:49 Slusher wrote: Honestly this is the hardest part of the game right now is convincing your team to play around you when they are behind. You name it, playing around their 0-5 duo, zombie side wave pushing, farming supports, defending indefensible objectives rather than trading. I can’t tell you how many times this season I’ve clean aced the enemy team convincing one of my behind teammates they are strong enough to all in a minute later and get dumpstered because they didn’t understand why we aced. I’m not saying I don’t have bad games, but games where I get carried or we all lose are significantly less stressful. "But I'm VAYNE!!!! I'm the carry! Peeeeel for me you noob!!" Sorry sweetheart, you have a BtoRK, 3 dblades and Boots1 at 25 minutes... You're not carrying shit. Now be a doll and bait that Malzahars ultimate for me so we can win this next fight. Lol. Idk, I have bad games all the time, but I think being carry-able is so easy. All you have to do is stay calm, get as much vision as you can, stop the bleeding as much as you can and eat as much CC as possible while zoning in fights. My win percentage when I'm losing is actually probably better than when I'm personally winning. I'd be a passenger any day. I don't understand players that have bad games and proceed to just have absolute tantrums and afk. It's always the guy that like first picks like Xerath or some shit and just hard feeds a Fizz. #draftingisaskill | ||
United States19143 Posts
My team Ezreal : frozen fist vs. 0 dive, no auto attacks, e in/out at wrong times, wants to pve during his 2 item power spike. Their team Ezreal: Q pokes for half my health, has e and flash up every time I try to punish him, one hits towers with w | ||
Canada10660 Posts
People tell me all the time on my main that my shot calling, map awareness and pings won the game. Then I play a game on a level 15 account on a smurf and like one back ping / danger ping is enough to make people run it down. I don't understand. Me: pings danger. Me: pings to retreat. Top laner: dude what the fuck stop pinging me you got damn autistic monkey. Top laner: fuck I just wasted flash typing to your shitty boosted mother ass An Allie has been slain! Enemy top laner is on a killing spree! Even in silver I need to adjust my playstyle because I feel like silver players are more likely to die to Q gank when you ping that the jungler is there. It's like they can't path backwards and look at the minimap at the same time. | ||
Poland9083 Posts
If someone ignores your pings and ints like a bonobo you're not going to fix that with pings. Ignore them and focus on homo sapiens lanes. | ||
United States11944 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
Most current pantheon mains are legit peak ADC mains filling as LeeSin. I just played with one who legit has lost 6 straight games with over 15 kills. Game I played with him, I early ganked his lane as Elise a few times, and he snowballed out of control on his Vladimir lane opponent. Meanwhile our Nocturne was beating their Veigar, our Kalista+voli was shitting all over their Xayah+Rakan, and obviously their Zac was losing to me on Elise. Our early snowball and win condition came together with a hitch... Err, Pantheon refused to pressure the map and wanted to "play with them a little", culminating in us not being able to drive through their CC and waveclear, and promptly being unable to get our 4th Dragon. At one point he ulted into their fountain to execute himself for no reason, telling the other team to 1v1 him in all chat. He then opted into a 1v3 and fed a 1000g shutdown. Then a 500 gold shutdown right after. At which point he decided to play serious and proclaimed "no more throws, time to win" despite him literally being the one throwing for the last 10 minutes. Now it's 25 minutes and what was a 5k gold lead and a free win at 15 minutes is more like a 2k gold lead and a free loss. Like our hodge podge of early game champions had a snowballs chance in hell of contesting Baron or Elder in a straight 5v5 against a team with that much damage threats, CC and wombo combo... I did my best with Volibear to use vision and our tower lead to create picks, and we held on, grabbed an inhibitor, but by 30 minutes we just had no chance. Of course, the entire last ten minutes of the game pantheon is just hard flaming everyone in chat, saying it's pathetic that we can't win despite the amount of carry threat he provided and he was going to lose again due to having an utterly shit team. Lol. Apparently we just needed to group better and take a fight and it's GG, we were so big. Because obviously a team full of early game single target Champions that excel at creating picks needed to 5v5 with the teamfight of a team comprised fully of scaling teamfight picks. How the fuck do these people get out of iron with that kind of understanding of macro? My poor mental. I almost feel like dudes a smurf intentionally losing. But like... Dude already has 500 ranked games, like half of them are pantheon. Mind blowing. | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
When you're half an item away from full build on Ryze and you have a full build Lulu tailing you and you're at full health and they have blown most ults dont use her buffs to run like a fucking pussy from a 2v4, just quadra kill their asses since you're basically an immortal hyper tank+carry with her. I swear to God it's only toplaners that know how to play with a Lulu on their team. Going back to Janna only so I can rely on my enemies to be retarded instead of hoping my carries have a brain. | ||
Germany4194 Posts
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United States4029 Posts
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