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Patch 9.18: Live on Sep. 11, 2019
Team Fight Tactics Patch 9.18 Live on Sep. 11, 2019
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Don't know how I feel about Annie changes yet. I really like her damage reduction as she can get into a fight and actually tank. Now they're pigeonholing her even more as a telegraphed (engage) burst mage? I liked the option to go into a more tanky route with Tibbers being your damage source. Also, does Tibbers gain the movement speed buff? Also, why make the cooldown 50% longer and heavily reduce the damage reduction component?
I think a longer cooldown might be necessary to prevent her from constantly threatening her lane opponents without having to commit a lot of resources or taking significant risks. Now it won't make sense to pop her E just to run up and throw one Q at her lane opponent.
Do you think Aurelion Sol could be a new shift to support? W to harass or just help push the waves and roam with E while building a huge Q.
I don't know what about the Ekko changes says jungle, but Ekko jungle is like 90% pickrate jungle overnight
Uh, that Eve buff looks pretty insane. Hopefully they remove the dmg buffs on ARAM for her, she already blows people up people without using charm.
Nerfing Xayah ultimate CD does not address any of her problems, why does Riot always try to fiddle with the numbers that don't matter? It's already on a pretty high CD compared to what it does, it's the combo with the rest of her kit that's so strong.
How 7many extra recalled feathers going through a champ would be needed to make her balanced? Actually there's something I don't know about her: does recalling through multiple champs root all of them? If yes, then it should only b the first one or some kind of diminished return kind of thing (or mini roots with the sum of duration equal to standarx root duration through 1 champ); so many interesting possibilities.
@Sent: Idk, 15s (12 with 20% cdr) in laning phase isn't that much to just hurl a Q out once in a while. 3 free Q's and you can all in I think, no?
You can root 5 champs with just 3 feathers if they line up, there's no limit.
That's actually disgusting, why not an extra feather per extra champ or something?
I think it's a code problem, really. I guess you could eat the 3rd feather to hit the champion? But then even still theoretically you could root 3 champs with 3 feathers.
I don't really understand what you mean with "eat the 3rd feather to hit the champion", could you elaborate?
The third, rooting feather disappearing instead of continuing its flight?
Yeah, that was what I was thinking. Idk, I think that's more consistent and workable than the second champ needing 4 feathers, that feels hard to control as Xayah to the point of it feeling bad for her.
Idk if that makes sense.
I guess it could be interesting to see how many feathers and how spread out they get on average in game deciding teamfights. Could give a nice idea of how to balance her, because the amount of feathers recalled seems to be her big surprise factor that's super hard to deal with as an opposing player.
While playing earlier my teammate Jhin's name went from (Jhin) to (Squill) while typing in chat. New champ name confirmed?
Was he polymorphed by Lulu
there was a Lulu in the game so possibly, but he was typing to us so I'd think he wouldn't be typing while polymorphed
I don't know why it's "Squill" but that's the name of your lulumorphed champion, just like Anivia becomes Eggnivia in her egg form. Maybe there was a bug and Jhin started identifying himself as a squirrel permanently after the accident.