Where's the explanation sicklucker?! I disagree that talking about Slam is an indicator of being scum (in this case) - the way gumshoe has talked about Slam is an indicator of being scum. Huge difference.
just voted for Kurumi, but yeah my primary problem is she is pursuing two reads that are fairly opposed without a hint of reservation regarding that conflict.
From a townie perspective those two reads would clash and be worthy of note in provided logic, but it hasnt even occured to Kurumi insofar. What seems more likely is she just doesnt want to draw atention to the Janus nature of her current logic, a setup that favours an outcome for scum wherein I and lick are both town. it feels like an opinion born of machinations rather then genuine perspective. Poisened at it's root with contradiction.
(ok now I'll go out.... ON A HIGH NOTE)
I opinion born of machinations rather then genuine perspective.
You are clearly trying to twist your errors so they fit your narrative. I've never called sicklucker scum. I only have said that his reason for voting you is: a) nonexistent as in, he never gave his own reason for that b) the one we can dig up from his one-liner is that he feels that talking about Slam early is scum-indicative, which I disagree. As I said before, the way you talk about Slam is scummy, not the fact you have talked about him at all. As you can see, I have my vote casted on nobody. Not you, not sicklucker. The reason? I believed that you might really be a Townie with a really weird approach, so I pushed you to give me an explanation for your actions. Your explanation so far was that you've done those things to do anything at all for the sake of not being accused of doing nothing. That is not a Townie perspective.
As for sicklucker, I still await his response. Can you be both scum? Sure, you can be. His vote has weight of zero, being so fast and based on a such dubious reasoning. There's nothing contradictory in a story where sicklucker votes for you because he sees you dun goofed and then he "changes his mind" based on your explanations. He voted in such a way it is very easy to unvote you. There was no case or explanation given. But that's not the story I believe in. I believe that sicklucker has laid down a weak vote because he could. Really, it doesn't require much to vote, I could vote anyone right now, especially a person who has not shown up yet and what happens? Nothing. Everyone knows that my vote is a weak one. I could pick a one line off someone's post this early, which is not strongly indicative and decide that's my reason for voting. It's a weak vote - everyone will see that. If he were to unvote you it would not say much to me, yet. But I believe he will be more dead-set on you after your follow-up play.
And I am not "setting up a lynch". You are doing it yourself. Setting up a lynch is enraging Kavdragon and pushing your agenda so Town agrees that his anger and his play is not Town-oriented. I want to lynch you based on what you have said and what you have done, not what explanations I give to people. I am not trying to create a narrative surrounding your actions: I am openly questioning them and your explanations, your own words, condemn you. After the initial "well I am a weak player, I make mistakes, oh well, but they were good mistakes! Ones to be done!" you go after me as if your previous actions did not take place. I called your behaviour into question, you have defended it, never explaining how are they not scum-indicative, but saying over and over that it's just you being bad. When I called you on your iffy reasoning for thinking people are scummy - you have not commented on that.
You have defended fishing as a townie thing to do. No, fishing (that is, trying to get a role read off someone) is not a townie thing to do. As a townie, you do not try to give information that mafia might act upon! What good can come from getting someone to claim VT or non-VT? None! None for a townie!
All in all, all you have done this game is post the way a scared scum feels like, admit to it, defend a scum agenda and try to paint me in a bad light. That won't pass. I am now voting you, because I am sure that you are Mafia.
On March 24 2016 09:13 Shapelog wrote: Kurminia or how ever you spell that name. Since you hate this role talk, lets talk something else.
What is your favorite color of a bomb pop? Also do you have any stances on player's alignment yet that you have not meation?
It's Kurumi and I am a he. I have no idea what a bomb pop is and why it should matter. Yes, I do. I am very vary of ritoky, I like Superbia, LightningStorm. No idea what your sonic post was meant to bring to the thread. You seem to like the idea of gumshoe being town, but you have so far not done much to defend him or anything else. Why are you so careless about your town-read being the main topic so far?
You sure that all of gunshoe's post can be from scum!gunshoe? If so I getting townie vibes from him atm so I heavily disagree with you there.
Show me what I am unable to see. I might be tunneled, I don't really believe that, but maybe I am missing something. I mean, he is defending himself through attacking me - which doesn't rub me any townie way.
He isn't really afraid to speak to others and actually talked other people outside of you granted it was before you attacked him but he aint afraid to speak his mind when he's around which I feel is townie. Although granted he haven't played a game on TL for a while.
But that talking was for the sake of talking. That's why I am pushing him. Not being afraid is a natural thing here - he's now the topic, if he buries underground it will be even worse for him.
Hmm. Well okay whatever we have differences on how to handle him. He probably come back either a hour or so or tomorrow morning due to it being late here in the USA.
On March 24 2016 08:59 LightningStrike wrote: So Kurumi any other thoughts you want to share?
People should slow the hell down, I am astonished with the role talking and people manage to create another page of it. I see nothing wrong with Superbia's early vote on gumshoe. When did sicklucker say anything about gumshoe? He has vote on him and no posts to back it up.
i found him pretty scummy because he choose to focus on slam. I think thats very scummy. I have played like 20 games with slam and stopped trying to figure him out in like the second one. He claimed to have played with him quite a bit. Also it was like 1 hour in and i like da presure!
I somehow mixed the time up while reading earlier, I just realized. LS actually replied to gum before the vote, so dismiss that. The point that an early vote on someone he claimed to be not liking bothers him still stands.
What was the meaning of this post? What the hell is "Won't lynch right now Mafia" - is there any case where you don't lynch a Mafia I am missing? Why do you need the "Confirmed" spoiler if the confirmation comes from the host through flips and the updated player list? Is the reason you made that list is that Mafia has a cheatsheet for shots? Nothing good can come from this. I highly dislike this type of lists, especially that you have not commented on what is going to happen with it.
On March 24 2016 07:53 gumshoe wrote: Maybe I've missed an evolution somewhere along the line but slam seems to be actually trying as opposed to just flaunting his usual semi troll trot. Which isn't a point I'm going to level against him cause wow that would just be bad, but is of note for better or worse. Damdred is of course fishing as one would expect of ether side, words like interesting are rather neutral. A call to arms is also fairly vague, clearly he has notions of how peeps react to something like that, or mabs he's willing to play it by ear. His post feels cautious and calculated few words as it may be. Which could be scummy depending on his meta ( never played with him ) seems intelligent regardless. Parabola sounds like he just doesn't wanna get anyone on his tail but still wants to appear to be a present and beloved member of town. Could be scums, could just be excited to play, maybe he's bieng light to try to attract heat for said lightness thereby kick starting stuff. Multiple personalities can be envisioned from the posts so far, but there is no real leaning towards good or evil. As one would expect a page in to a game.
TLDR As of yet, nothing worth acting on outside of concert with more proof. TLDR for TLDR stuff is stuff
This post gave me so many rubs in such bad ways that I just can't let it go. a) The comment on Slam: Not only it's absolutely unnecessary, it ends with "Well, I shouldn't bring it up because it's bad" - so why bother? You know it is bad and you still do it. I mean, I guess you want people to focus on that for some reason, but I'd rather focus on you. Also, if Chezinu Rule is to be trusted, we may have another testament to this. b) Damdred's fishing. Not only I have not seen anything of that nature till that post, but also we are met with a statement that "fishing is to be expected of either side". Oh boy, no, not at all. Fishing for roles is not something you expect from either side. Fishing is Mafia's job. I highly dislike the attempt to paint it as ambiguous. I also do not understand why would you bring attention to any odd words in a person's post. If that's a crumb, you don't want Mafia to see it. Odd wording - go ahead, it might be a slip. But random, seemingly non-related words? No way. c) Read on Superbia. Another read straight outta fortune teller. Why would you, gumshoe, try to paint Superbia as suspicious? At the point of posting that, the only thing Superbia has said about himself was that "you should care about him", which pretty much goes contrary to your point about him not wanting anyone on his tail. d) You end your post saying that it is not really worth much, but you managed to paint Superbia scum, excuse Damdred non-existant fishing and point out that pointing out Slam's behaviour at this stage of the game does more harm than good. You note that people might be excited about something, that they look for something, but you seem not to look for anything. You created a mid-sized post detailing less than a page of a game for nothing, what you admit, but you would not have done that if it really was nothing, so what is your agenda behind that post?
I like that Kurumi points this out as it bothered me as well, but for different reasons. Koshi's town meta isn't that he literally posts nothing as the game starts and he's present. I would have expected some sort of trademarkish "Koshi will play like this this game, Koshi is town", you probably know what I mean. When he talks of himself in third person and explains why he's playing differently, and if he isn''t he just shows some basic level of care.
What I dislike is the in my opinion too pushy tone here, which you would expect from someone in a heated discussion, but really not from someone who just entered the game. I would expect someone like that to be in a neutral, bored or motivated mood , but not really something like this.
Based on this post I will add Kurumi to my scumleans. I fully expect scum to distance from each other in ways like this, and I expect this to contribute to the pool of tells we can get from Koshi if he decides to reply to it.
I'm keeping the caveat that Kurumi likes to put up acts of all sorts in mafia games. So not an early priority for me as opposed to gum and LS who in my opinion did more stuff I'd be willing to put my money on.
On March 24 2016 08:36 Shapelog wrote: Sure. I do like reasons though so :C
Superbia: slightly town Slam: Slightly town Damdred: Null Koshi:Nullz Gumshow: Null
On March 24 2016 08:31 LightningStrike wrote: Superbia don't you think it's a little early for a vote? Also I had decided to explore the TL Database and long a behold gumshoe is a vet O_o
On March 24 2016 08:07 sicklucker wrote: I also agree that talking about slam is very scummy. I have never really tried to read him esp this early!
Who are you agreeing with?
I am guessing it is the guy who voted 1st on you lol.
On March 24 2016 08:20 Superbia wrote: Opens up with a try-hard post which concludes nothing (feels pressured to show towniness- mafia trait).
Then 180 switch and troll response to my pressure. Shows disingenuous state of mind.
On March 24 2016 08:00 gumshoe wrote:
On March 24 2016 07:59 Superbia wrote: I encourage everyone to follow my voting pattern this game. Starting with my first vote.
That really is not much of a troll response though. It sure is a difference in tone, but not really a troll response (at least IMO). It like he was saying dumbass but in a way that remembers Tim Burton.
What strikes you (or others) heavily as trolly here?
Explain your mindset behind this post.
- Why do you feel a need to defend gumshoe? You have him as null.
- If not defending, why did you make this post? What's the point behind it?
It's soft defending I won't lie.
In that post. I was trying to understand what made you see a troll response. I agreed with you that there is a difference, but i didn't find it quote on quote trolly. I was trying to understand your view on it.
I also made it because you want to discuss things and last game i played in (Noir) Town had a shitty atmosphere.
Do you think it being trolly or not is alignment indicative for anyone in any way?
Yes it does. Especially in your case since you are directly comparing the serious tone from Gumshow to this new "trollish" post. Unless this was a rhetorical question. I am bad at those. Why aren't you answering this clearly btw?
Noticing the last post while working through the thread, I got curious about shapes read on superbia, which leaves me wondering why shape is so interested about asking these questions which are the sort of questions you like to ask to your scumreads (I'm talking about his question to superbia). I kinda had the feeling there was something to be found here but it's still all pretty consistent besides the suspicion towards super in the last post, but when I look at it closely I'd put shape at the town side of null for the purpose of finding the D1 lynch.
On March 24 2016 08:59 LightningStrike wrote: So Kurumi any other thoughts you want to share?
People should slow the hell down, I am astonished with the role talking and people manage to create another page of it. I see nothing wrong with Superbia's early vote on gumshoe. When did sicklucker say anything about gumshoe? He has vote on him and no posts to back it up.
What sticks out is that Kurumi here is pretty focused on LS opinion on the vote without really bothering about his alignment so far. Also the aggressive tone vanished, could be a hint to the aggressive tone being the result of having to doing the first dive into the thread as scum, cause entering the thread as mafia is pretty hard for most out of fear of sounding awkward. And Kurumi came back from a hiatus, so would be consistent with him being mafia.
On March 24 2016 08:31 LightningStrike wrote: Superbia don't you think it's a little early for a vote? Also I had decided to explore the TL Database and long a behold gumshoe is a vet O_o
After agreeing with super on gum for the slamtalk SL already strikes bridges to LS alignment in a way I find myself agreeing with. LS is being timid and for some reason thinks it's too early for voting and looks up something irrelevant on gumshoe.
Reminder: This isn't IML , no reason to think any vote could be too early.
Scumlean LS and townlean SL.
I have been scum with Ls like 2 or three times. I think this is his scum game so far. But its a very small sample size im only on page like 12. I Can read this kid better then anyone I think
Striking a bridge is a german idiom which means making connections to. Just realized it doesn't exist in english. I'll reply to stuff when I think I got most of the game covered, until then I prefer to play this in obs qt mode, it kinda makes my reads more accurate.
ise the bedrock on which you're built, the cog in the machine, the...awful rsoul who has only skimmed lol ><
prelim thoughts
- foil and ls = town <- dude, breaking meta? xP - damdred <-> personality...i sees parallels! (pick me, pick me! unless you're a nasty personality :/ are you a nasty?) - slam poss policy lynch viz a viz aperture or whatever the fuck that game was...no tricky this time @.@ guess we'll see at the 12hr tick...but if this is end the day early again dropkick time! - rit...bleh me no likey, though tbh you suck at reading ls anyway so maybe that doesn't mean anything - kuru holy wot batman o.0 that normal for this dude? don't think i've played with him before - gum...seen posts like that from him before but i forget alignment...gut says nai
ye i can't remember anything else catching my eye...at least slam might be interesting when i wake up! \o/
Seeing four people on the gumshoe wagon this early, I'm getting more lynchbait-y vibes from gumshoe. His entrance to the thread was super awkward, and it seems that that is a large basis for all of the votes except Vivax's. If he flips town, one of Superb, SL, Kurumi, and Vivax is scum.
I think SL is town because his thought process felt a bit more nuanced and energetic at points compared to the last game I played with him where he was scum.
On March 24 2016 12:29 Tumblewood wrote: Seeing four people on the gumshoe wagon this early, I'm getting more lynchbait-y vibes from gumshoe. His entrance to the thread was super awkward, and it seems that that is a large basis for all of the votes except Vivax's. If he flips town, one of Superb, SL, Kurumi, and Vivax is scum.
On March 24 2016 12:31 ObiWanShinobi wrote: I think SL is town because his thought process felt a bit more nuanced and energetic at points compared to the last game I played with him where he was scum.
sl is town when he bothers to read my cancer posts ^^ he knows this is how i read him but i'd still bet a limb (prob? i like my limbs lol ><) that even knowing i'd notice if he's not reading my posts he still won't be able to motivate himself to do it if he's scum
On March 24 2016 12:31 ObiWanShinobi wrote: I think SL is town because his thought process felt a bit more nuanced and energetic at points compared to the last game I played with him where he was scum.
On March 24 2016 12:31 ObiWanShinobi wrote: I think SL is town because his thought process felt a bit more nuanced and energetic at points compared to the last game I played with him where he was scum.
sl is town when he bothers to read my cancer posts ^^ he knows this is how i read him but i'd still bet a limb (prob? i like my limbs lol ><) that even knowing i'd notice if he's not reading my posts he still won't be able to motivate himself to do it if he's scum
ez lyfe
no one can tucker my mafia alighment attention span out quite like you
On March 24 2016 08:31 LightningStrike wrote: Superbia don't you think it's a little early for a vote? Also I had decided to explore the TL Database and long a behold gumshoe is a vet O_o
After agreeing with super on gum for the slamtalk SL already strikes bridges to LS alignment in a way I find myself agreeing with. LS is being timid and for some reason thinks it's too early for voting and looks up something irrelevant on gumshoe.
Reminder: This isn't IML , no reason to think any vote could be too early.
Scumlean LS and townlean SL.
I have been scum with Ls like 2 or three times. I think this is his scum game so far. But its a very small sample size im only on page like 12. I Can read this kid better then anyone I think
Dude you wrong on me it's like you are comign from right field trying to throw to the catcher in a baseball game but fell very short of even hitting homeplate. I guess you aint no Ichiro
On March 24 2016 12:31 ObiWanShinobi wrote: I think SL is town because his thought process felt a bit more nuanced and energetic at points compared to the last game I played with him where he was scum.