Edit 1: I have done absolutely nothing after arriving home from school. I sat on my ass eating one of every granola bar brand in the house. Life is good. I have a quiz tomorrow I should probably study for. I had a dream of writing an amazing story that will somehow better my understanding of the meaning of life and my purpose within its aimless chasm. I drink water to stay hydrated. I spent a lot of time watching people talk about their life so i can somehow derive the goodness out of them.
Edit 2: Note: Big changes coming tomorrow, and then the tomorrow of tomorrow, and then the tomorrow of the tomorrow of the tomorrow. Big changes, just wait.
Edit 3: It appears the course of over a dozen years have already passed me. I have come to the conclusion that life passes by quickly and soon I shall be atrophying.
Edit 4: I enjoy power posing to increase testosterone levels and lower cortisol levels. I am confident power posing will increase the overall livelihood of my hood whether it be child or adult.
Edit 5: Complacency will only lead to disastrous ruin. Leniency and facetious aloofness precede the storm. Take action now, I say, don't wait for it. Be strong willed, be the change you want to see. Yes.
I do not feel compelled to do anything amazing. Life is apparently good.
Edit 6: The chemicals in my brain have determined a certain emotion for me today and possibly the year. Everything is a science.
Edit 7: I am slowly regretting my decisions from 20 minutes ago. Now that I realize the implications of laziness, I should realize how I should feel in the future if I continue to stay the same.
Edit 8: 40 minutes have passed. That's equivalent to 1 year in a worker ant's life span. Am I just a worker ant in the grand scheme of human society?
Edit 9: I am still wearing my pants.
Edit 10: From my thoughts the situation appears evident that my road to self betterment has hit an all time low. Typically, when you announce you're going to do something, or at least in my case, I don't do that something I announced. Life feels hopeless and emo. tional. I feel as though I must fulfill a self fulfilling prophecy that the next few weeks will become a downward spiral of self loathing and heinous wrongdoing, as a part of my Road to Self Betterment. I am tired and I must rest in slumber in the slums of my aimless wandering. Focus of life's fruits has appeared to evade me. Day 1 was difficult, as to be expected. The harsh world we live in is always obstacle of survival, whether of the physical means, but the emotional. Like a majestic sauropod I must continue searching for pools of water amidst the never ending drought that has plagued life. Years alive, several regrets begotten, and years of hardship have worn the shell of innocence away to reveal the heart to the immortal winter that pervades the sullen life, its great immensity encompassing life's aura itself by a hairsbreadth.
Edit 11: I really wanted to end with edit 10, even though I created several edits beyond 10 edits, probably around 14 edits in total. Edit 11, what an edit. I have come upon the revelation that I will regret something. One comes at an odd crossroads to realize one path will contain short term joy and happiness then long term pain and sorrow. The other path holds within some short term discomfort and some long term joy. The choice is obvious, but yet again the power of change within the heart, even realizing what is at stake and what the most probable causes are, is beginning to wilt and fade from love's touch. An intervention will be needed, a grand, undying intervention of such moving intervention will be needed. Indeed, I am the hideous monster with a pain embedded deep within the heart that I neglect to move. Only in its removal will true beauty blossom and the bittersweet joy of relief followed by the irreparable will occur. The idea is so obvious. Inspiration strikes once again. Yet still, the choices are simple and what is the path of happiness is apparent, yet, the mind strays from such a choice that the heart desires.
Edit 12: Removed the last sentence of edit 11.
Day 2
Edit 13: I have concluded life is not worth trying for. The road has come to an end.