On September 12 2015 01:21 krndandaman wrote: lol ranked games at this elo are so funny
games are basically decided by who has the tilted feedlord
as soon as this fucker is on the other team i finally win with ease.
but ofc he was on my team the previous 2 times so we lose those. Qt never tilts, cmon
Why does it always seem like there are 1/2 people in a team who don't seem to grasp the game at all? When you kill 3 enemies on the enemy team in a bad position, you should not go for an objective, no, you should just farm your own jungle and stay as passive as possible. Because 3v5 is unfair right? Oh, jungler, you want to do baron? Maybe we should wait until we have an edge over the opponents before trying that. But ok, let's follow that plan. And 30 seconds later we're all dead. Ashe, please farm. I know it's hard, and the opponent adc looks nice and squishy, but remember you are too. When you go in too far, there's only so much i can do, no matter how much you rage. And you know what, a team actually benefits more from a farmed up 0/0/0 ashe than a 1/4/2 ashe with about half the farm at 10 minutes.
And I don't mind people being bad. I'm véry bad. At least I don't do random shit or try to get caught facechecking a bush like 5 times in a row.
In real league of legends there's 3 decent players and 7 retards.
Every time I'm annoyed by my teammates I'm afraid I'm the retard; I just don't know it yet. Just like that paul simon song: "When something goes wrong, I'm the first to admit it. I'm the first to admit it, but the last one to know." *sigh
Whenever I get into that mindset I make sure to pay attention to whether any enemies are particularly bad. If they are then I blame myself, if not then I blame matchmaking luck.
Always blaming myself would probably be better but thinking you're good feels too good.
8 losts in a row. from gold 5 promotions to gold iv to 0 points. If I lose another one I am silver. Featuring: 'I'm a good teemo' 1/8 top, 'morgana flash into bush and give kalista first blood', and the thresh 'let's engage kalista with runaan and botrk when adc dont even have ie'
I seriously cant understand why some days I win easily, like I feel I belong 3-4 divisions up, while others I feel totally worthless.
I got promoted then lost like 5 in a row then stopped playing ranked. That was a few weeks ago.
So a string of losses on anything but Shyvana has basically killed my spirit to play any ranked. The teams I've had weren't the best, but a part of it is that I could have done so much to get the win. Whatever, I'll just chill until Kindred comes out.
I am getting this feeling that platinum games are way more random than gold games. I am not saying that platinum players are worse, just that the skill gap among them is way higher than in gold, thus the games are always one sided, boring and you can't believe your eyes how much better are some players or better say how bad some players look in comparison with others.
On September 17 2015 17:36 M2 wrote: I am getting this feeling that platinum games are way more random than gold games. I am not saying that platinum players are worse, just that the skill gap among them is way higher than in gold, thus the games are always one sided, boring and you can't believe your eyes how much better are some players or better say how bad some players look in comparison with others.
My reasoning is that people in Plat begin to realize that the game is not only about farming, but also team fighting. Thus they always go looking for a fight, even when seriously behind. Or they're the exact opposite, and never look for a fight, thus leaving the team one man down the entire game.
Also, so many invades, it's really rolling dice in Plat bc no one uses brain.
On September 17 2015 17:36 M2 wrote: I am getting this feeling that platinum games are way more random than gold games. I am not saying that platinum players are worse, just that the skill gap among them is way higher than in gold, thus the games are always one sided, boring and you can't believe your eyes how much better are some players or better say how bad some players look in comparison with others.
I agree. Very rarely do I get close games, majority are stomps.
Just did most damage to champs on our team (2nd most in game) as Mundo, didn't matter because we had Karma Draven duo bot feed the shit out of Ezreal Lux ))))))))
I'm only getting +-12 LP a win/loss in D5, it's a ridiculous grind holy. And I'm positive the number of idiots is higher than Plat 1, literally people who can't understand that a ping followed by 'Elise is coming top' means Elise is going to kill you, not the time to dive a Jax.
Also, smurfs. They suck and flame when you get them, carry on the enemy team np.
On September 12 2015 01:38 Osmoses wrote:Show nested quote +On September 12 2015 01:21 krndandaman wrote: lol ranked games at this elo are so funny
games are basically decided by who has the tilted feedlord
as soon as this fucker is on the other team i finally win with ease.
but ofc he was on my team the previous 2 times so we lose those. Qt never tilts, cmon The secret is to always be tilted.
Lost a game where we won bot by 4-5 kills and 60 cs. Our leblanc mid had 94 farm at 40 minutes. Tell me, how am I supposed not to break this monitor?
On September 17 2015 17:36 M2 wrote: I am getting this feeling that platinum games are way more random than gold games. I am not saying that platinum players are worse, just that the skill gap among them is way higher than in gold, thus the games are always one sided, boring and you can't believe your eyes how much better are some players or better say how bad some players look in comparison with others.
Pretty much. Some games I get teams where everyone knows their job and executes it nearly perfectly, other games I get a team that loses every lane+jungle doing the dumbest crap possible. My favorite recent examples of the latter are:
1. An Ashe that flashed into a Braum/Lucian+fairly sizable minion wave (like 6-8) trying to last hit a Braum with like 200 health when they had heal up. This is at level 3. It's like what the balls are you doing, you get q'ed and die instantly. Once you have no minions blocking you you're screwed. She was at like 200 health herself too. You're Ashe, you have no burst at level 3. I'm not even mentioning how she missed like half the cs for no reason at all (afraid of Braum q's? but I was body blocking them. I have no idea).
2. A 5v4 that my team barely won. Vayne moaning I'm not doing anything as Braum. Favorite part is where she tumbled directly into a Blitz hook instead of out of it, then whined I missed my q over the wall when it was a no vision area and she shouldn't have even been there in the first place. And the Blitz was directly in the way blocking for Cait. I threw it preemptively so she could walk away from the Blitz, and she tumbles directly back into his pull because she wanted to 2v2 (I think?). Good stuff.
On September 20 2015 21:38 SoSexy wrote: Lost a game where we won bot by 4-5 kills and 60 cs. Our leblanc mid had 94 farm at 40 minutes. Tell me, how am I supposed not to break this monitor?
That's just as good as my split push Garen who had the lowest CS of all lanes by the time we lost.
Silver 5 to Silver 1 in a week riding the Annie freelo train with 80% winrate. Get demoted to Silver 2 five games later with mid, top and jungle losing hard each time. I know I'm a terrible player, but holy damn these guys are even worse than me.
Man, sometimes my ping is higher than my my team's average IQ.
To be fair, Comcast sets the bar pretty fucking high.