Holy fuck it's been a while since i used this thread... but when i queued for ranked today i said out loud 'i feel like i have bad karma right now'
then i end up in a game with 4 people feeding or raging... end the game with the higest kill participation, tied for most assists and lowest deaths by half the amount of the 2nd best on my team... and everyone is raging at me that i'm never with the team. . .
and then i check my teammates profiles after the game... ALL FOUR OF THEM ARE FUCKING VAYNE MAINS!!!
so as for me having bad karma... I hate always being right
On that note I seem to be getting stuck in walls alot lately. Sneakfix breakage?
Are vayne mains as bad as yasuo mains?
most of the time, if you have either vayne, riven or yasuo in your top 3 mastery scores, you have vayne riven and yasuo as your top 3 mastery scores lol
On September 23 2015 00:57 Osmoses wrote: On that note I seem to be getting stuck in walls alot lately. Sneakfix breakage?
I got stuck between inner tower and my afk ADC while walking to lane as Blitz. Spent 5 seconds laughing as the model spazzed out trying to find a path through.That ADC also had tank runes and support masteries though, which cut my good mood. Somehow still won despite it.
On September 23 2015 02:05 Ophiophilius wrote: most of the time, if you have either vayne, riven or yasuo in your top 3 mastery scores, you have vayne riven and yasuo as your top 3 mastery scores lol You are also likely to be chat restricted if any of the above is true.
I got stuck between 2 creeps at level 2 and lost 3/4th of my hp. FeelsBadMan
Two games in a row where I win early, but then having a troll or two (players refusing to group in first game, clarity/clairvoyance teemo in second) catches up with us.
Played an hour and 20 minute game as support Annie. We won bot lane hard, (like 5-1 in kills and 20 CS). Our malphite DC'd, and their jungle Kha6 gets stupid fed. Game goes on till like 40 minutes at which point our jungle reconnects, he goes wtf lol still playing? takes him like 10 minutes to get caught up a bit and god bless malphite, press R to be relevant
Game goes longer and longer with a bunch of pretty even fights, both teams have all inhib turrets somehow and are max build, I think we've each taken at least 2 barons and 6 dragons. Enemy team is pretty heavy on MR because our Cass is Faker or something. I YOLO and sell all my shit except Zeke's and buy IE PD Bruta Greaves and a red pot. We get engaged on, get the sicknasty counter with Malph + Cass + Bear but we lose Jinx cuz she's immobile AF and Cass because Veigar has like 99 AP. I get like 10 straight crits, score a quadra, bash down 2 inhibs and 2 nexus turrets then outduel their Vayne (stun and range OP).
Next fight enemy team tunnels on our Ekko and we get the wombo combo Malph Cass Annie Jinx dream ace and win.
QQ cuz I really had to pee and couldn't leave, this game is hard sometimes
On September 25 2015 00:13 ticklishmusic wrote: Played an hour and 20 minute game as support Annie. We won bot lane hard, (like 5-1 in kills and 20 CS). Our malphite DC'd, and their jungle Kha6 gets stupid fed. Game goes on till like 40 minutes at which point our jungle reconnects, he goes wtf lol still playing? takes him like 10 minutes to get caught up a bit and god bless malphite, press R to be relevant
Game goes longer and longer with a bunch of pretty even fights, both teams have all inhib turrets somehow and are max build, I think we've each taken at least 2 barons and 6 dragons. Enemy team is pretty heavy on MR because our Cass is Faker or something. I YOLO and sell all my shit except Zeke's and buy IE PD Bruta Greaves and a red pot. We get engaged on, get the sicknasty counter with Malph + Cass + Bear but we lose Jinx cuz she's immobile AF and Cass because Veigar has like 99 AP. I get like 10 straight crits, score a quadra, bash down 2 inhibs and 2 nexus turrets then outduel their Vayne (stun and range OP).
Next fight enemy team tunnels on our Ekko and we get the wombo combo Malph Cass Annie Jinx dream ace and win.
QQ cuz I really had to pee and couldn't leave, this game is hard sometimes
TIL Crit Annie is op :^)
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
It's probably been over a year since I last used this thread. Lost 6 in a row now, and I should probably never queue past 2am. Fucking retards and sitters and trolls everywhere. 0/12 ez, 0/11 thresh, Annie Fucking adc, mid into ridiculous feed X2 etc.
Back to the grind in the morning, hopefully I get teammates who aren't total ahitters.
6 in a row? I've gone like 3-16 now. In Gold V o_O And none of the players, even opponents, have even been good apart from a few smurfs here and there.
I have no idea how to win games anymore. It's really bizarre. I've not lost a game where my team has someone with a score like 11-4 or 21-7 but my teams seem to manage to lose those all the time. How does this even happen? How do you win games?
The key to winning is throwing less than your opponents.
My personal record is still 16 wins in a row to get to diamond 5, followed by the implementation of Masters and me suddenly going on a 19 loss streak. That was some next level derp.
Man normals are so toxic lol, ppl getting really mad about feeding. Surprise, Gold 3 laning against Diamond 3 loses his lane quite hard. In ranked you get ppl flaming too, but bc it's normals, you get ppl legitimately afking, feeding, and trolling bc they don't care.
Nvm, got into ranked, and our Fizz threatens to afk everytime he dies bc "I can't be bothered to play anymore, I'm tilted'. Goes afk for 3 minutes to pretend it too, everyone begs him to stay. We're winning the game so hard, I literally set Shen so far behind he couldn't even fulfill his role as a tank, our Vaybe whipped Morde, our Eve has 200cs by the 30 minute mark and can 1vs1 anyone EZ. But no, our Fizz has to threaten us, trolls us, can't play his champion properly (can't hop over the wall lol), tries to tilt the whole team, and then at the end of the game goes 'gg plz honor me' in all chat. I hope everyone in that game reported him, bc I'm pretty sure my whole team did.
Pentakill with vayne not enough to carry team. From gold 5 to silver 2 14 points. I hate this
I'm a fed Ezreal, game seems pretty even, we lose two fights and my team surrenders at 24 minute mark. Literally 1 second of the screen being up, I didn't even have time to react. In lobby whole enemy team laughing and asking us why we surrender, 'you guys didn't even let Ez finish Muramana, he could've carried' 'wtf that game wasn't even close to over' 'Akali was fed, but she wasn't unkillable lol'. That cost me 22 LP.
And then I help a guy though his D4 promos while I'm getting +17/-22 LP per games. Wtf Rito, almost everyone I'm playing with is D5 50LP, why am I in the negative when I'm below 50 LP?
another series loss 10/1/10 on skarner lose final fight beause our support morgana wants to be a spilt pusher 45 mins into the game. cant wait for riot to change the stupied fucking promo shit. absurd how many series losses I have this season. I have lost my gold 2 and gold 1 promo atleast 15 times.